How to grow ginger in the garden

How to grow ginger in the garden? Gingerbread cookies, tea, ale - all this is not only very healthy, but also delicious. Ginger is a tropical perennial plant with a tall stem, beautiful inflorescence and branched roots. The latter are used in cooking as a spicy seasoning for various dishes, drinks and pastries. The homeland of the spice is South Asia. But if you know how to grow ginger in your garden, you can enjoy a tropical island at home.

Ginger is very popular in medicine for salvation from various ailments. It neutralizes free radicals, soothes, protects the body from parasites and improves immunity. Also, this plant improves digestion and blood circulation, heals the liver, strengthens memory, enhances sexual potency.

How to prepare for growing ginger in your garden

Under favorable conditions and proper care, ginger can be grown in the garden. This plant is not sown with seeds, since it does not produce seeds when cultivated. But ginger is easily propagated by dividing the rhizome.

You can buy it in almost any major store. A spine with a glossy and smooth surface is best for planting.

It shouldn't be:

  • very dry;
  • without shoot buds ("eye");
  • frostbitten.

Before planting, put the root in warm water for 1-2 hours. This will stimulate the kidney to grow. If the root is incompletely buried, dry the cut off part that will be "on the street" and sprinkle with crushed activated carbon or ash.

When living in temperate climates, it is better to grow ginger in greenhouses, because this Asian plant needs abundant moisture and high air temperatures. The soil should be fertilized and loose, with a little sand added. A drainage layer (gravel, sand, crushed stone) must be mandatory, otherwise the root will rot!

And now spring has come. March to April is the ideal time to plant ginger.

Step-by-step description:

  1. Take the prepared root and divide it into 3 cm pieces with buds;
  2. Bury the root 2-3 cm into the ground, buds up;
  3. Water the garden bed.

If everything is done correctly, then in a couple of weeks the first shoots will appear.

Tips or how to grow ginger in your garden to get a good harvest


  • Use a sunny place for planting the root, but without direct "burning" rays;
  • Protect the ginger from the wind;
  • Spray and water the plant a little and often;
  • Constantly loosen the soil 1 cm deep;
  • Fertilize ginger with a mullein, and after July, alternate organic fertilizers and potash;
  • At the end of September, watering should be practically stopped;
  • Harvest immediately after the leaves dry and begin to fall. Clean the dug rhizomes from the ground and dry them for several days in the sun;
  • Store roots in the refrigerator or basement.

Since the climate is colder than necessary, the roots may be slightly smaller than the store ones. But don't be upset about it. The main plant has grown in your garden!

The experience of growing ginger in the video

  1. Tatiana Olegovna

    Interesting article. Ginger root is really very healthy. As described in the article, it helps to fight many ailments, has a tonic property, burns fats (which is especially popular when losing weight). I really love ginger tea. Finely chop the root and fill it with boiling water, add sugar. You can add ginger to black tea. I buy ginger at the supermarket.I didn't think that it could be grown in the garden. Who tried to grow ginger, please write whether it worked or not. Should I do this?

    • Rinat

      I grate ginger + lemon through a blender + sugar to taste, all this by eye to taste, and add all this to tea. It helps a lot with colds.

  2. Inna

    I want to try to grow ginger in my country house. I think that the information in the article will come in handy

  3. Svetlana

    The question to the experts is July, but I really want to plant ginger right now. Odessa. Will increase?

    • Natali

      You can grow ginger in a pot indoors. Now you can put the pot on the street, and with the onset of cold weather, bring it outside. To get a harvest, follow the growing rules, apply additional fertilizing and water in a timely manner. We do not recommend doing late planting in open ground this year.

  4. Svetlana


  5. Vladimir Belyatsky

    Grow more courageously: care is not difficult and unpretentious, and by the fall you will get the result.


