How to grow lobelia: the secrets of sowing seeds and caring for lush bushes

Tell us how to grow lobelia? I got a bag of seeds at the sale, I want to plant them in a flowerbed near the porch and in hanging pots. Is it necessary to first grow the seedlings or can you sow directly into the beds and into the pot?

how to grow lobelia Delicate lobelia bushes with branching thin twigs attract flower growers with their flowering. So what if their inflorescences cannot boast of large sizes, but on the contrary. Lobelia flowers are very small, no more than 20 mm in diameter, but they will please with their quantity. The compact rounded bushes are so densely covered with flowers that they turn into a fabulous flower ball. In addition, despite its delicate appearance, this culture is distinguished by a rather persistent and unpretentious character. How to grow lobelia? The most affordable way is to sow seeds. They sprout well and will soon delight with lush bushes.

Planting methods

lobelia seedlings

Most lobelia varieties are annuals, which reproduce by self-sowing in natural conditions. Seeds that have fallen to the ground winter well and sprout together in spring. At home, lobelia is most often planted in seedlings - it allows you to bring flowering closer. Sowing seeds for seedlings should be in the month of February. First, they are placed in shared containers. Since the seeds are small, sowing is carried out directly on the surface of the earth, without falling asleep from above.

Lobelia seedlings grow up in the light and warm, pouring into a tray, otherwise thin shoots can be damaged. At the age of about 3 weeks, it dives into separate pots, with several bushes at once. It is difficult to remove delicate plants separately, and it makes no sense. "In a bunch" the bush will turn out to be more lush. Flowers are planted on the flowerbed not earlier than the end of May, or even in June.

If lobelia is planted directly in open ground, in this case, the seeds can be sown in the flower bed no earlier than May. True, they will bloom a month later, or even more.

How to grow lobelia: care basics

lobelia in potsIn the garden, the flower feels great and develops well with minimal involvement of the grower. Lobelia is capable of growing in partial shade, but for abundant flowering, it is worth choosing a place with good diffused lighting.

Plant care is simple and includes:

  • abundant watering, especially in hot summer;
  • top dressing 2-3 times per season with potassium sulfate;
  • pruning after the first wave of flowering (around July) - it promotes more lush flowering in the second run.

To preserve valuable varieties, for the winter, lobelia can be transplanted into a pot or take the pots into the house. She hibernates in a bright but cool room, and in spring, by cuttings, you can get many new bushes.

Lobelia growing videos


