How to grow onions on a windowsill: step by step instructions

Tell us how to grow onions on a windowsill. Everybody loves fresh greens in our family, but in winter prices for them "bite". I remembered that as a child, my mother had glasses with onions on the window. They will grow feathers, my mother cuts them off, and puts new bulbs in a glass. I decided to try it myself, but I just forgot how to do it.

how to grow onions on a windowsill Today, vegetables and herbs can be bought on supermarket shelves even in winter. However, out of season, green onion feathers cost as much as several kilograms of heads in summer. However, why spend money if you can harvest directly in your own apartment or house? This is not a troublesome business, it is much simpler and easier than planting onions in the garden. Knowing how to grow onions on a windowsill can save a lot and provide seven vitamins. All that is needed for this is a small pot, loose earth, the bulbs themselves and a bright, warm place. Let's dwell on each point in more detail.

Where and when to plant?

where to plant onions

You can grow greenery all year round. Of course, in the spring it is planted in the beds, and it makes no sense. But in late autumn and winter the time comes for the "window-sill" onion. You can plant it in anything, any container will do, be it flowerpots or cut plastic bottles. The latter option is used more frequently. It allows you to grow a small onion plantation even on a small window.

Particular attention should be paid to the soil - it should be light and fertile. A universal substrate for vegetable seedlings is also suitable.

Which variety should you use?

which onion to plantIn principle, all types of onions are suitable for "apartment" cultivation. Most often for forcing a feather plant onions or shallots. To get a lot of greenery, it is worth using varieties that have several rudiments in one bulb. Among them:

  • Rostov;
  • Chernihiv;
  • Spassky;
  • Union.

For a thick, beautiful feather, it is better to take large bulbs. From small and greens will be thin, but more tender.

How to grow onions on a windowsill?


It is recommended to soak the bulbs before planting. Some even steam them with hot water. You can plant densely without observing any distances.

It is not necessary to completely "bury" the bulbs in the ground. It is enough for the lower part to be in the soil, from where the roots grow. To speed up the appearance of the feather, the tops are cut or notched in the form of a cross.

For the first 10 days, the container with the planted bulbs must be kept cool. This contributes to the formation of good roots. In the future, the plants should be placed on the lightest and warmest windowsill. Onion care is minimal: only watering every other day. The first crop of green feathers will be three weeks old. You need to cut off the extreme feathers. As they become depleted, the bulbs are simply replaced with new ones.

Video on how to grow onions without land


