How to grow mango seeds: selection, germination and planting
Exotic plants have long ceased to be a curiosity and feel good at home. Take, for example, a mango - its large bone seems to be asking to be planted. If small seeds sprout, then what can we say about such a caliber? However, planting does not always give results - none of our garden fruits have such a hard shell. In addition, a tough shell can present problems with germination. To get a young tree from a bone, you need to know how to grow mango.
The whole process can be roughly divided into four stages:
- Choosing the right fruit.
- Seed preparation.
- Germination of the bone.
- Planting a seed.
Of course, it would be easier to buy a ready-made seedling in the nursery, reducing and making it easier to grow mangoes. But not everyone and not everywhere have such an opportunity.
Where can I get mango?
A more affordable (albeit a bit troublesome) option is growing mango from seed. The fruits are sold all year round in supermarkets, so there will be no problems with the purchase of the fruit. The main thing to pay attention to is that the mango must be ripe. You need to focus not on color, because there are red, yellow and green varieties.
You can determine the maturity of a mango by smell - it is a light shade of turpentine. You also need to press on it - the ripe fruit is no longer hard, but not yet soft. The skin remains harsh, and the flesh itself is springy under the fingers.
How to prepare a bone for planting?
After removing the bone, you need to carefully examine it and try to open it with a knife. Dense valves slow down germination, therefore, if possible, remove the nucleolus.
If this did not work out, then the bone must be put in a glass of water. Put the glass itself on a sunny warm windowsill. In a couple of weeks, the flaps will swell and open themselves slightly. Then you can get the seed.
It is desirable to process the "naked" nucleolus fungicide or at least potassium permanganate. This will help get rid of possible bacteria and prevent plant diseases.
How to germinate a seed correctly?
So, the nucleolus is free, but it is not worth planting it immediately in the ground. It is necessary for it to form a fetus. To do this, you need to place the seed in a cloth bag, previously abundantly moistened. Put the bag itself in a zip bag or in a tray and leave in a dark place. After about 2 weeks, the sprouts will hatch, which means that then the seed should be planted.
How to grow a mango: planting features
For mango, you need to choose a light nutritious substrate with neutral acidity (universal). Regarding the pot, it is better to immediately take a spacious container. The roots of the exotic grow in depth, in addition, he does not like frequent transplants. There must be drainage at the bottom of the flowerpot. The sprouted seed should be placed on its side, while the sprout should be at the bottom. It is impossible to completely cover it with earth - some must remain on top.
For the first time, cover the pot with a cap and put it where it is warm and light, but not under direct rays.When a seedling appears from the flowerpot, the cover can be removed. As you can see, making an exotic guest is not so difficult. Having picked up a window for him with good lighting, regularly watering and spraying the plant, you can get a young tree in a couple of years.