How to grow tomatoes in an apartment in winter - fresh vegetables all year round
Given that the season of fresh vegetables is quickly ending, many are interested in how to grow tomatoes in an apartment in winter. Why not, because this culture does well not only in greenhouses. When there is frost and blizzard outside, a window sill in a warm room is quite capable of replacing a greenhouse or garden bed. True, there is one nuance, short daylight hours, but modern supplementary lighting lamps will cope with it.
What varieties are suitable for window sill cultivation
Also suitable for growing in pots are the following varieties:
- Angelica;
- Hummingbird;
- Pearl;
- Glasha;
- Balcony miracle.
When to sow
In general, it is difficult to talk about specific planting dates. It all depends on whether you aim to get the harvest by a certain date or not. You can sow seeds in the fall, but if you want to eat fresh vegetables in winter, start planting tomatoes for seedlings no later than August.
For the first time, plastic cups are suitable for seedlings. In the future, prepare pots with a volume of at least 0.7 liters. As for the soil, it will be more convenient to purchase a universal substrate. If you do not trust a store-bought soil mixture, prepare it yourself by mixing equal parts of earth and humus. Remember to add 2 parts sand and 1 part peat to improve the structure of the soil.
How to grow tomatoes in an apartment in winter
After deciding on a planting date, soak the seeds for germination. Place the hatched seeds in cups or peat pots under a film until shoots appear. Here the seedlings will spend time before picking, which can be carried out after the formation of two pairs of leaves. During this period, she needs light and watering every 5 days.
Transplant the grown tomato seedlings into pots, preferably one seedling in each. Further caring for plants is almost the same as growing them in the beds or in greenhouses:
- Move the lightest window so that the bushes grow strong.
- Install additional lighting, especially in winter - tomatoes have a light-loving character.
- Maintain the optimum temperature at least 24 ° C with a mandatory difference between day and night of about 10 °.
- Water regularly, but do not water the bushes, otherwise they will be struck by a black leg.
- Remember to feed your plants at least once every 10 days. For the first time, add the mineral complex a week after transplanting the seedlings. For indoor tomatoes, such preparations as Solution and Aquarin have proven themselves well.