How to grow basil seedlings at home?

I have long dreamed of growing basil from homemade seeds, but somehow I could not collect them. And so a neighbor shared her last year's seeds. Tell me, are there any peculiarities of growing basil seedlings at home?

Basil is one of the aromatic representatives of spicy plants loved by gardeners. Since it is an annual crop, it should be planted annually. For the reason that, what basil practically does not tolerate low temperatures, it is mainly grown in seedlings. This method allows you not only to get early greens, but also to collect your own seeds for the next season.

basil seedlings

At home, growing basil seedlings is similar to other garden crops, taking into account the individual characteristics of this spicy plant. The main activities carried out in order to obtain strong, healthy seedlings include:

  • selection and preparation of nutrient substrate;
  • pre-sowing seed treatment;
  • correct sowing;
  • proper care of the seedlings.

Soil preparation

the soil

Basil loves loose and nutritious soil, which you can prepare yourself by mixing:

  • 4 parts of peat;
  • 2 parts of humus;
  • 1 part sand (washed).

All components must be mixed well and must be steamed in order to disinfect. The nutrient substrate is available from your specialist store. In this case, it will be enough to spill it with a solution of potassium permanganate or treat it with Fitosporin.

Seed treatment

In order for the seeds to sprout faster and more amicably, experienced gardeners recommend soaking them in a solution based on a growth stimulant prepared according to the instructions. For this purpose, fit Zircon or Albit. Leave the processed seeds to dry out a little.

Sowing seeds

sowing seeds

Seeds for seedlings can be sown at the end of March. In a container of medium depth (about 7 cm), pour a layer of prepared soil, slightly compacting it. Basil does not react well to stagnant water, therefore, a drainage layer (pieces of foam, expanded clay) must be laid on the bottom of the planting boxes before laying the soil.

Lay out the seeds in rows on the soil surface and cover them with a layer of earth about 1 cm thick on top. Spray the plantings liberally with a spray bottle, cover the box with foil and place on the southern windowsill.

So that the seedlings do not fight for a place in the sun, it is better to spread the seeds right away, keeping the distance between them at 5 cm, and in the row spacing - 10 cm.

If you do not plan to collect seeds, basil can be sown directly in open ground in early June. Fresh greens will ripen in July.

Further care of seedlings


In the room where the container with seeds is located, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least 20 degrees Celsius. After the emergence of seedlings, remove the film and reduce the temperature to 17 degrees so that the seedlings do not stretch out. Watering should be done with warm water as the topsoil dries out. If necessary, you can install additional lighting.

At the phase of the appearance of 2 true leaves, dive the seedlings into separate cups, during transplanting, stirring ash into the soil and mineral fertilizers... As soon as 5 leaves are formed on the seedlings, pinch the top to stimulate the formation of side shoots.

10-14 days before transplanting seedlings into open ground or a greenhouse, you need to start hardening the plants.You can transplant basil to the beds at the end of May.

Basil: sowing seeds for seedlings, picking - video


