How to grow a Syrian hibiscus in a summer cottage

syrian hibiscus Garden hibiscus is a very beautiful flower. In the twentieth century, more than 250 varieties of this garden plant were bred. Some bushes can grow up to 3 m in height, while others - as little as 1.5 m. Landscape designers use low-growing varieties of hibiscus to create an accent on the site, since these varieties bloom in large flowers. Tall varieties are used to create blooming hedges or dividing the site into zones. Tall varieties bloom with smaller flowers.

Reproduction and care of garden hibiscus

Garden hibiscus is propagated by dividing the mother bush or by growing seedlings from seeds. When dividing the bush, all the varietal characteristics of the garden hibiscus are preserved. When dividing the bush, part of the rhizome and several basal shoots are separated.

Garden hibiscus thrives on sandy and sandy loam soils. For landing, choose a sunny place, protected from northern winds. In order for the hibiscus to take root well, it is mulched with rotted cow dung.

In order for the hibiscus to form more buds, phosphate fertilizers, for example, nitroammofoska, are introduced into the soil at the beginning of spring. In spring, hibiscus is mulched with grass or garden perlite. The earth near the hibiscus is loosened, and watering is reduced, because due to excess moisture, the bush can shed its buds and not bloom. In the summer, nitrogen fertilizers are applied under the bush, for example, ammonium nitrate. During flowering, magnesium-containing and potash fertilizers.

When a garden hibiscus is propagated by seeds, the plant will bloom no earlier than three years later, but the bushes grown from the seed will be more resistant to local climatic conditions.

If you want to get flowers quickly, then you need to propagate garden hibiscus by dividing the rhizome.

Young plants cannot be propagated in this way. You can divide the rhizomes of five-year-old bushes.

In order for the seedling to take root well in the new planting site, it is transplanted into a cramped pot. In 15 days, garden hibiscus forms a developed root system, which braids the entire volume of the pot. A seedling with a closed root system will be easier to transfer. For such seedlings, you need to dig a planting hole 50 cm deep and wide. The root collar of the plant should be 10 cm above the soil level. If you plant the plant in open ground in July, then the garden hibiscus will bloom at the end of August.


