How to grow a unique celusion in a summer cottage

how to grow celosia The flower is often called the incomparable queen of the flower bed for its bright coloring and bizarre shape. To get such beauty on our site, we will analyze in detail how to grow cellosia in a competent way. It turns out that there are two approaches to the matter. The plant is sown directly on the garden bed or in pots for seedlings. Each of them has its own nuances, on which "life" and the development of culture depend. First, let's get acquainted with the spectacular queen of the flower "ball". Then we will learn how experienced gardeners grow celosia.

Irresistible splendor of a flower

varieties of cellosis for growing in the country

The plant belongs to the exquisite Amaranth family. Translated from Greek, its name means "flaming" or "burning". Indeed, during flowering, celosia resembles bright tongues of flame. The homeland of culture is the territory of Africa, Asia, as well as North and South America. Today there are about 60 varieties of flowers.

As a garden crop, one or perennial cellosis of the following varieties is grown:

  • Comb (Cockscomb);comb celosia
  • Feathery (silvery);pinnate celosia
  • Spikelet (Hatton).spikelet cellosis

The plant has erect, ribbed stems of a deep green color. Several branches emerge from them, dotted with regular ovoid foliage. Celosia grows up to a maximum of 1.5 m.Although there are also dwarf species, up to 30 cm high.

During the flowering period, small buds are formed on the bushes. They are gracefully collected in paniculate, comb or spike-shaped inflorescences and are of the following tones:

  • pink;
  • deep red;
  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • golden;
  • scarlet.

long bloom of cellosiaCelosia begins to bloom in early or mid-June. And the last buds appear at the end of September. Thanks to this, the culture does not take off its royal outfit for almost the entire warm season. Over time, instead of an exquisite "crown" on the peduncles, fruits appear in the form of a volumetric box. It stores planting material for culture propagation. Biologists say that there are about 700 miniature seeds in one such box.

The flower is used to decorate garden beds, ridges, balconies and borders.

How to grow celosia from seeds: step by step instructions

how to grow celosia from seedsThere are a number of guidelines and rules for performing any work. They are especially needed by beginners who are taking their first steps in gardening. Applying in practice the wise advice of experts, the summer cottage will turn into a bright oasis of pleasure. Let's consider all the procedures in stages.

Appropriate place

comfortable place for growing cellosiFor growing celosia in a flower bed, choose a site where there is an abundance of sunlight. It is desirable that it be protected from drafts. Otherwise gusty winds can damage the graceful buds of the plant.

If the culture is planned to be planted in pots, then they are installed under the protection of fences, shrubs or residential buildings. In an apartment, the flower is grown on a sunny windowsill or balcony.

The soil

preparation of nutrient soilThe plant grows wonderfully in fertile land. In addition, it should have a mild acidity and a loose character. Drainage material is added if necessary.

When planting a flower in a container, the substrate is prepared independently from the components:

  • land from the garden;
  • sod soil;
  • humus;
  • river sand;
  • perlite.

how to grow cellosis in potsCitizens who grow crops to decorate an apartment or balcony buy ready-made substrate in the store.A month before planting, the prepared soil is warmed up in the oven. Then they are impregnated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or biofungicide. Thanks to this, harmful microorganisms and fungi die.

It is advisable to add 2 handfuls of wood ash to the purchased substrate to prevent fungal infections.

Optimal timing

timing of planting seedlingsMany gardeners try to decorate their plot with flowers as early as possible. Therefore, they use the generally accepted terms of growing plants in their practice. Consider when celosia is planted on seedlings, so that in May you can already admire the flower.

As a rule, the terms depend on the climatic conditions of the territory where the gardener lives:

  • the middle band - in the 30s of March;
  • Siberia or the Urals - the first decade of April;
  • southern regions - mid-March.

If you wish, you can use the lunar calendar and choose the appropriate dates. However, the main success factor is weather conditions, diligence and application of expert advice.


containers for growing seedlingsIt was noticed that the plant painfully tolerates the diving process. Therefore, sowing of cellosis for seedlings is carried out in separate containers.

For the procedure use:

  • plastic cups;
  • peat tablets;
  • special cassettes for seedlings;
  • small pots.

The minimum height of the containers is 8 cm. The diameter is chosen in the range of 10-15 cm. Having sowed the seed in this way, it is much more convenient to plant it directly on the flower bed. The root system remains intact and the flower takes root faster in the new environment.

A hole in the bottom of the container protects the crop from root rot and souring of the substrate.

cellosis seed bagsWhen purchasing seeds in a store, experienced gardeners pay attention to the variety and color of the plant. So that they rise in about one period, they are soaked in growth stimulants "Zircon" or "Epin". Then lightly dry by sprinkling on paper. The finished material is sown into containers.

Landing technology

containers for growing cellosisThe first step is to check the containers to see if they have holes at the bottom. If they are absent, do it with a sharp metal object (nail or knitting needle). Then the drainage of perlite and expanded clay is poured, approximately 1 cm high. The rest of the container is filled with a substrate and slightly compacted.

It is advisable to make a gap of at least 1.5 cm from the edge of the container to the top layer of the earth.

moistening the soil before sowing seedsImmediately before planting, the soil is moistened with a spray bottle in all cups at the same time. Then moisten a toothpick and carefully transfer the celosia seeds to the pots. When landing in a spacious container, grooves are first made. And then, spread the grains with an interval of 3 cm. The crops are lightly sprinkled with earth and sprayed with a spray bottle.

Seedling care

care for seedlings of celosiTo get strong seedlings, the containers are covered with glass or plastic wrap. The result is a greenhouse effect. To accelerate the growth of cellosis, the seedlings are ventilated every day for 30 minutes. When the greens rise, the film or glass is removed. During this period, immature sprouts are carried away from direct sunlight.

With prolonged cloudy weather, the seedlings are increased daylight hours to 15 hours using phytolamps.

fertilizer for seedlings celosiIn the room where the flowers are grown, a stable temperature of about + 22 ° C is maintained. In addition, windows are opened daily for fresh air, avoiding drafts. Water the celosia sparingly so that the still fragile root system does not suffer. The seedlings are fed with complex fertilizers of this type: "Krepysh", "Aquarin", "Zdraven Aqua". Nitroamofosku is diluted with water at the rate of: 1 tablespoon of the substance is given per 10 liters.

How to grow celosia in a flower bed

lush blooming celosia in the flowerbedThe finished seedlings are carefully transferred to the prepared area. The soil in the containers is moistened abundantly, after which the plant is removed along with an earthen clod. However, there is another way to grow a crop.transplanting

It is sown directly into open ground, following this pattern:

  • the bed is prepared 10 days before planting (dug up and leveled with a rake);
  • make grooves, 5 cm deep, at a distance of 30 cm from each other;
  • the seeds are thoroughly mixed with sand and sown;
  • the rows are covered with the back of the rake.

sowing cellosis in open groundThanks to the competent planting of cellosia in the open field and caring for it, over time, a gorgeous flower bed will appear on the site. The flowers are moderately moisturized using a liquid spray. Then they make sure that a dense earthen crust does not form. The emerging seedlings are thinned out, leaving only strong specimens. To stimulate growth, the culture is periodically fed with mineral fertilizers.

flower bed formation

Do you need to pinch the cellosis to get a lush bush? Experienced growers use this procedure when at least 2 leaves are formed on the seedlings. As a result, crops of various types are obtained. This approach helps to create chic flower beds on the territory of a country house.

We have carefully researched how to grow cellosia from seeds in the open field and for seedlings. For business, you will need small containers, a loose substrate and high-quality drainage. When sowing seeds, one should take into account the climatic conditions of the region. Celosium is sown in open ground according to the scheme indicated by specialists. Let the glowing queen of flowers shine on the site.

How to grow cellosis from seeds through seedlings - video


