How to get an elderberry out of the garden - popular and effective ways
Elderberry is a useful and medicinal plant. Medicinal tinctures are made from its inflorescences for the treatment of many diseases. Sweet berries have found their way into the kitchen. They make compotes and liqueurs and even bake pies. However, those who do not buy raw materials, but prefer to grow crops, know that it has one big drawback. For all its usefulness, the elderberry itself has "super-survivability." Having once planted it on the site, it will be very difficult to get rid of the plant in the future. A powerful root system reliably extends far to the sides, annually spreading young growth throughout the site. It is not surprising that the question of how to get an elderberry out of the garden is of interest to many. It is there that this culture causes irreparable damage, drowning out the vegetable beds.
Elderberry roots every year conquer more and more underground space, leaving no chance for garden plants. And the overgrown bushes take away the sun from them, leading to death. Therefore, it is better to plant elderberry in a separate area, where it will not interfere with anyone. If it so happens that the weed (although useful, but harmful) has chosen your garden as its place of residence, you should start fighting it immediately.
How to get an elderberry out of the garden while it is young?
The torn elderberry must be dried and burned.
Proven Ways to Get Rid of Old Elderberries (Bushes and Trees)
If a whole tree grows on your site, you can't just pull it out. Firstly, the dimensions are not the same, and you will need to use brute force paired with an ax, or even more serious equipment. And secondly, the root system of an elderberry bush or tree occupies a large perimeter. It is difficult to uproot everything, and the remaining fragments of the roots will again give rise to growth.
You can remove the old elderberry from the site by carrying out complex measures. First of all, it is necessary to cut down adult bushes to hemp and, as far as possible, dig up young growth. Then use "chemical weapons", but wisely, so as not to harm cultivated plants.
Elderberry processing herbicides it is necessary to carry out only by spraying on the leaf, not allowing the drug to get into the soil.
Glyphosate-based preparations will help to destroy elderberry, namely:
- Roundup;
- Octopus Extra.
You need to spray young shoots, which will appear, if not all the elderberry is uprooted. If hemp remains, they must be greased with undiluted herbicide. You can drill holes in the hemp and pour the herbicide or diluted urea there, and wrap it with black film on top. "Chemistry" will spread to the roots and kill them.