How to fix the covering material on the garden bed - several ways to fix the shelter to the soil
Modern gardeners often have the question of how to fix the covering material in the garden bed. It doesn't matter what exactly is used: whether it is a black film for mulching strawberries, lutrasil for a protective cover for plants for the winter, or an ordinary film. In order for the structure to be reliable, and the material is not carried away by the first wind, it must be securely fixed. And special attention should be paid to fastening precisely along the edge, because in such places the wind blows in and opens the bed.
Securing the material with improvised means

But you can press the bottom without bothering in one of the simple and budgetary ways:
- cover the edges of the material with a layer of earth;
- press with stones;
- lay out on top of the board;
- wrap the edges in long sticks;
- dig around the edges plastic bottles with water, apply the material and only then tighten the lid by pressing it.
And although such a fixation seems not very reliable to some, it has one significant plus. With careful handling, the material remains intact, and it can be used for more than one season.
How to fix the covering material on the garden bed using special tools
Together with the shelter, you can purchase special pegs with rings in the store, which are worn over the material. And you can make such clamps yourself, for example:
- Cut the thick wire into pieces at least 30 cm long. Bend the top in the form of an English letter U or our G (in this case, the angle should not be right, but about 10 ° less). Then stick the resulting staples into the ground, piercing the shelter and pressing it down. Such clamps can still be purchased ready-made.
- A similar option, only make a ring at the end of the letter G.
- Make long pins with a ring on top of the wire so that it is convenient to insert. Use self-tapping screws to attach the fastening clips to the couplings for connecting polypropylene pipes. Wrap a small piece of the tube 20 mm from the inside at the edge of the material, and from the outside put the resulting clamp on it. It remains only to push a pin through it and fix it in the ground.
In terms of strength, all three types of fastening fix the shelter in almost the same way. But to preserve the integrity of the material itself, methods 2 and 3 are more suitable. Such fasteners go deep only into the ground, while not making holes in the material, but only pressing it.