Wet and dry salting of trout fillets and caviar

salted trout Salting fish under industrial conditions occurs quickly: with the help of injectors, the meat is pumped with a salt solution, preparations for a bright color and moisture retention. Since the taste and usefulness of such a product is doubtful, the question naturally arises of how to salt the trout on your own. Here are 8 recipes on how to cook tender, moderately salty delicacies at home - trout fillet and caviar.

On this topic:how to salt pink salmon caviar at home tasty and fast

How to cut up a salted trout

cutting trout for salting

It is difficult to get live trout, so in most cases you have to be content with frozen or chilled fish. The last option is better: it is easier to determine from such a carcass how fresh it is. The fish was stored for a long time if it has cloudy eyes, sticky scales, and dents remain on the fillet after pressing. Don't buy trout with bright red meat. The color of the carcass is light pink in fish grown in their natural environment without feeding with dyed compound feed.

The tricks of the sellers, seeking to increase the weight of the trout and give it a marketable appearance, is indicated by too shiny scales, the liquid flowing out when pressed. Fish without a pronounced odor is suitable for salting. She should have bright, clean gills, moist skin without damage and firm fillets with white veins.

Before salting trout, you need to cut it:

  1. Place the fish on a cutting board and, moving from tail to head, peel off the scales on both sides. This is most conveniently done with a large kitchen knife.
  2. Carefully, so as not to accidentally pierce the gallbladder with a knife, cut the belly. Use your fingers to remove the intestines. Together with them, remove blood clots and a film from the cavity - they give bitterness.
  3. If caviar is available, transfer it to a separate bowl. Rinse cleaned and gutted fish thoroughly with cold water.
  4. With a very sharp knife, cut off the head and tail, remove the fins.
  5. Walk along the chord with your knife. Grasping the skin at the head cut, pull it lightly towards the tail to remove. Do the same with the other side.
  6. Remove the fillets from the ridge. Remove the bones remaining in the carcass with tweezers.

To keep the meat firm, peel the trout lightly. If bile still spills, rinse the inner cavity with water as soon as possible, treat with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, and then rinse again.  

Recipe for wet salting of trout at home

Any fish can be salted dry or wet. In the first case, a salted mixture is used, in the second - brine. Thanks to the brine, the trout meat is juicy, tender, spicy. To prepare brine, for each liter of water, take 90 g of table salt, 25 g of sugar and 15 ml of vinegar. You can take a bay leaf from spices, coriander and allspice peas.

Step-by-step recipe on how to salt trout in brine:

  1. Boil water. Add salt, sugar, seasonings to it.prepare a brine for salting fish
  2. When the salt and sugar are dissolved, pour in the vinegar and turn off the stove.
  3. Leave the brine to cool for a couple of hours.
  4. Cut the fish into equal portions.cut the fish into portions
  5. Place the fillets in a saucepan or tray.
  6. Strain the cooled brine, and then pour it over the fish.pour the fish with brine
  7. Cover the tray and put it in the refrigerator. The fish will be ready in two days.

Salting trout at home is quickly done in the same way, but for each kilogram of fillet, take a liter of water and 4 tablespoons of salt and sugar. Fish covered with brine are not refrigerated.It should stand at room temperature for two hours before being eaten.

Express recipe for spicy trout

spicy salted troutTo salt a kilogram of fish, you will need 90 g of salt, 750 ml of water, 50 ml of vegetable oil, 15 ml of vinegar essence, 3 bay leaves, onion, 8 black peppercorns.

Cooking process:

  1. Salt is diluted in half a liter of cold water.
  2. The fillet, cut into small slices, is placed in a tray and covered with saline.chopped trout for salting
  3. The fish is left to stand on the table. After 2 hours, the solution is decanted.
  4. A glass of water with vinegar is added to the fish.
  5. After 5 minutes, the trout is discarded in a colander.
  6. Pepper, lavrushka, vegetable oil are added to the salted fish. All are mixed.
  7. After 15 minutes, the trout is ready to eat.

How to deliciously salt trout at home dry

dry salted troutBefore dry salting, you do not need to remove the skin from the fish and remove the bones. It is enough just to make an incision in the back along the ridge. Combine two parts salt and one part sugar, white pepper and a few chopped laurel leaves. Rub the fish inside and out with the resulting mixture. Be sure to season the "pocket" at the ridge. Wrap the sprinkled fish in a towel and tie it with a string. Wrap the paper over the bundle. Place the trout in the refrigerator. Flip the fish from side to side several times over the next three to four days. Change wet paper to dry paper as needed. When the fish is salted, remove the skin and bones, the remains of the mixture. Brush the fillet with sunflower oil.

Finnish-style recipe for salting trout at home

salt trout in FinnishCooking fish:

  1. Place pieces of prepared fish (1 kg) skin side down in the tray.
  2. Sprinkle the slices with a mixture of salt (60 g) and sugar (25 g) on ​​top.
  3. Shift the fish with the dill sprigs. Sprinkle the trout generously with brandy or vodka.
  4. Cover the tray with cling film and set aside on the table.
  5. After 3-4 hours, when the salt dissolves and the fish lets out juice, put the container in the refrigerator.

In a day, you will get excellent salted meat for sushi. Do you want saltier? Wait another day and the fish will be ready.

salted trout in KamchatkaIn Kamchatka, lightly salted dry-salted trout is prepared in a slightly different way. For a kilogram of fish, take 6 tablespoons of coarse salt and 3 tablespoons of sugar. Pieces of fillet with skin are abundantly sprinkled with the mixture, and then placed on a dry cotton (linen) cloth on top of each other. The skin should be on the outside. Then the fish is wrapped in cloth.

The package should be such that the fabric completely absorbs the liquid that will stand out from the fillet for 2-3 days. Wrap the fish tightly, but not tightly.

dry salted troutPlace the wrapped trout on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. On the second day, you can unfold it and taste it. If the meat is lightly salted, add a little more salt and sugar. On the third day, the tissue is removed. You can store dry salted trout for a long time, but only in the freezer, wrapped in paper.

How to salt trout caviar at home

trout caviarBefore the salting, the caviar is placed in a sieve and washed with cold water, the yastyk is removed. The eggs freed from the film are transferred to a container, where they are poured with a solution. The brine should be 2 times more than the salted product. To prepare brine, 60 g of sea salt and 30 g of sugar are taken for each liter of warm water. The caviar is in solution for 10–20 minutes. Then it is thrown into a colander, allowing the liquid to drain. Ready caviar is transferred to a glass jar, corked and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 75 days.

Recipe for salting trout caviar at home (dry method):

  1. Remove the ovaries, fold the caviar (1 kg) into a sieve. Rinse with cold salted water.remove the yasti
  2. Transfer the caviar to a bowl. Add 5 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar.spread the caviar and salt
  3. Stir gently so as not to damage the eggs.
  4. After 10-15 minutes, transfer the caviar to drain excess liquid into cheesecloth.put the caviar on a sieve
  5. Put the finished product in glass jars.
  6. In the closed form, send to the refrigerator. After 3-4 hours, you can eat caviar.

If caviar is too salty, immerse it in warm boiled water for 3-4 minutes. The ratio of liquid to product is 2 to 1. Then drain the water using gauze or sieve.

Below is a video on how to salt trout at home. Using the recipe of Mikhail Gaseneger, the head of the “The Same Taste” column, you can cook delicious lightly salted fish in just an hour.


