What flowers are primroses: choosing plants for a spring garden

Tell us which flowers are primroses? I have a lot of plants in my garden, but most of them are summer or autumn. I have prepared a separate flower bed and I want to plant crops there that bloom in early spring. What do you advise?

what flowers are primroses Spring flowers have a special charm, because they wake up at a time when other plants are still in deep dormancy. Agree that against the background of a flower bed still covered with snow or just an empty black garden, delicate greenery and bright inflorescences of primroses look unsurpassed. Many of them are perennials, so once you plant them in your garden, you will admire early flowering every spring. When choosing plants for yourself, do not forget that the question of which flowers belong to primroses, you can get different answers.

From a botanical point of view, primroses are a separate genus of plants that bloom in early spring. But gardeners usually call primroses all plants that wake up and bloom from March to May.

It is possible to list primroses for a very long time, most of them are perennials. But today I would like to present to your attention the most popular flowers, combining them into two groups depending on the structure of the root system: bulbous and rhizome plants.

What flowers are bulbous primroses

Among the plants that have a root system in the form of bulbs and bloom in early spring, the most famous and popular are:

  1. Proleski or Scylla. Small bushes with long, wide leaves and reddish peduncles, on which blue stars bloom. Bloom in March.forest streams
  2. Galanthuses or snowdrops. The leaves are long, narrow, white small flowers bloom on high peduncles one at a time in early March.snowdrops
  3. Hyacinth. The leaves are quite wide, elongated, on a thick peduncle in late March - early April, a lush rocking chair blooms. The color can be very different, but mainly it is white, yellow, pink and purple colors and their shades.hyacinth
  4. Spring crocuses. The leaves are narrow, appear together with the peduncle. They bloom in early spring, right out of the snow, with large flowers in the form of a glass.crocuses

Snowdrops and snowdrops are endangered and listed in the Red Book, so they are prohibited from collecting. But it is quite possible to grow these flowers in the garden for personal "admiration".

Most bulbous plants are recommended to be planted in the fall so that they can bloom as early as next spring. Many of them can be used to distillation at home.

Rhizome primroses

Among the plants that feed on the rhizome, there are also many early flowering crops, and even perennial ones. For example, you can plant in the garden:

  1. Primrose. The leaves are elongated, wrinkled, with a slight downy, collected in a socket. In April, it releases a long peduncle, on which large flowers open, most often several pieces on each. They can be of different colors, but all have a yellow core.primrose
  2. Medunitsa or Ivan da Marya. On thick stems, elongated pubescent leaves, and a flower cap crowns the top. One plant can have several colors, and opposite, for example, pink and blue. Blooms in March-April.lungwort
  3. Backache or sleep-grass.The leaves are carved, with a dense fluff, the flowers are large, bell-shaped, in most species appear before the leaves. Early varieties bloom in April.lumbago
  4. Anemone or anemone. It blooms in early April as single flowers on thin raised peduncles. There are species that bloom much later, as well as varieties with corms.anemone
  5. Hellebore or helleborus. Quite a tall herbaceous perennial growing from 20 to 50 cm. Feathery leaves grow on succulent long petioles, forming a dense curtain. It blooms as soon as the snow melts, in the month of March, with white, pink, yellow or dark purple flowers.hellebore

Of these rhizome plants, under the protection of the Red Data Book, there is a lumbago.

Which plants are among the first to bloom in early spring - video

  1. Tatiana Petrovna

    Please tell me: where can I buy a Bruner of the Blau Cuppel variety - a blooming hat of bright blue "forget-me-nots". I can't find her anywhere; she was in the old garden.

    • Natali

      we do not sell seeds and plants. Look in nursery gardens, online stores.


