What flowers to plant in the country: beautiful, simple and not troublesome

Help me decide what flowers to plant in the country, given that we do not live there often. We spend most of the time on the site in the spring, when the planting process is in progress. From the second half of summer it is often impossible to come, so plants are needed that could survive on their own. There is a place for a flower bed, even for tall crops.

what flowers to plant in the country Today, for most summer residents, a dacha is a place that allows them to provide their family with vegetables and fruits. But there are those who just come there to take a break from the bustle of the city and be alone with nature. However, both categories of summer residents are trying to ensure their possession not only with maximum amenities and comfort. Flowers are also an indispensable attribute of a country house. What could be more pleasant when the entire site from spring to autumn is buried in multi-colored buds, and delicate aromas hover over the house? What flowers to plant in the country, everyone decides for himself, but unpretentious and hardy cultures remain favorites. It's good if they can bloom all season and don't require annual planting and painstaking care. Perennials are especially popular, however, there are many beautiful flowers among annuals. Some of them are even capable of self-seeding, which makes them easier to grow. We bring to your attention a small selection of perennial and annual flowers for summer cottages.

Annuals with charming flowering

Most annuals need to be planted every year, but their luxurious blooms are well worth the effort. In addition, such crops give free rein to imagination, allowing you to create unique flower beds. Among annual flowers for a summer residence, it is worth highlighting the following crops:

  1. Marigold. Flowers, without which it is difficult to imagine an autumn summer cottage. They will delight you with fragrant buds, which have an additional bonus - they scare away pests from the beds.marigold
  2. Kosmeya. Delicate multi-colored daisies, simple or terry, adorn the flower bed from mid-summer to autumn.cosmeya
  3. Eschsholzia. Low bushes from the first days of summer bloom with yellow-orange, red or white buds, similar to poppies. Differs in long (until mid-autumn) and abundant flowering, especially in the sun.escholzia
  4. Turkish carnation. Small but adorable, carnations bloom all summer long and are suitable for a sunny flower bed.turkish carnation
  5. Mattiola is two-horned. The highly branching bush blooms with small pink-lilac flowers all summer. But the main advantage of matthiola is the strong aroma that appears in the evening.mattiola two-horned
  6. Nasturtium. The light-loving flower is a godsend for growing in pots. Flowering lasts from early summer until the first frost. The color is dominated by yellow and red colors.nasturtium
  7. Viola. Low-growing bushes will delight with flowers from April to the very frost. They can grow in partial shade.viola

The first four types of flowers reproduce well by self-seeding.

What flowers to plant in the country of perennials?

The main advantage of perennial flowers is that after planting they will decorate the site for many years, while most of them bloom all summer. Most often, the following crops are planted in the country:

  1. Sage (salvia). Lilac small flowers are not only beautiful, but also useful.sage
  2. Astilba... It blooms from early summer to early autumn, grows in partial shade. The height of the bushes depends on the variety and can be either 20 or 120 cm. The color of the flowers is varied, from delicate white and pink to rich cherry tones.astilba
  3. Periwinkle.A short groundcover with a dense carpet of rich green leaves, ideal for shady areas. From April to the end of May, it blooms with delicate blue inflorescences.periwinkle
  4. Cypress spurge. Round fluffy bushes with soft needles are very decorative and even bloom in May.cypress spurge
  5. Phlox. They have no soil requirements, are able to grow in partial shade, and bloom luxuriously with all the colors of the rainbow.phloxes
  6. Perennial asters. Lush bushes with an abundance of small, but bright, inflorescences begin to bloom from late summer.perennial aster

Video about unpretentious plants for the garden and cottages


