What types of cypress can be planted in the garden
In landscape gardening of city parks and private areas, they are often used conifers thanks to their beautiful evergreen crown. One of the most beloved and popular crops is cypress. Tall and undersized cypress species are used in the landscape. It is easy to care for, and the dense crown is easy to form. This allows us to grow the most intricate shapes in the garden and more. Many species do well in our climate. Among them, there are varieties that can grow indoors.
Under natural conditions, some species grow up to 30 m in height, and live up to 300 years. For garden design, more "comfortable" varieties of cypress are used, in which the height of the tree does not exceed 2 m, or it is restrained artificially by cutting.
What is cypress: a general description of the culture
The cypress grows in the form of a tall slender tree or a lush dense bush. Skeletal branches in shrubs are coarser and thicker, but in both forms they are vertical and actively branching. While the cypress is young, many needles that resemble thuja or juniper grow on the branches. Upon reaching 3 years of age, the needle-like leaves change shape, turning into a kind of scales.
The cypress fruits are also covered with scales, while both male and female cones grow on the same tree. They are small, no more than 3.5 cm in diameter, gray-brown in color. The fruits ripen only in the second year and, as it were, reveal the scales, scattering seeds around the tree.
Cypress - popular varieties
When choosing a cypress for growing in the open field, it should be borne in mind that in natural conditions it prefers a warm climate. For our area, preference should be given to varieties with increased winter hardiness. They must be able to withstand at least an average frost threshold of 20 ° C, especially when planting in the central lane.
Among such plants, it is worth highlighting the following types of cypress cultivated in the garden:
- Pyramidal. A tall tree with a narrow columnar crown and small, dark emerald needles. Unpretentious, able to grow in poor soil. There is also a compact variety, Montrosa.
- Arizona. A fast-growing tree with bluish needles and dense, weighty branches. It easily tolerates drought and winters well even at -25 ° C frost.
- Evergreen. A tall cypress tree with short branches forming a conical crown of small dark green needles. It can grow in shady and rocky areas.
- Dwarf. Slow-growing shrub no more than 50 cm high with thin shiny branches and small dense needles. Its green color has a distinct blue tint.