Yellow thuja needles in spring. What fertilizers will help correct the situation?

Good day to all! This year I planted several thuja for beauty in a private house. But neighbors say that they can turn yellow quickly if they do not fertilize them properly in the spring. Therefore, the question arises - what fertilizer should be used for thuja in the spring against yellowing?

Good afternoon. Yes, as the neighbors rightly noted, thujas can really turn yellow in spring. And the lack of fertilizer is far from the only reason. It will be useful to know about everyone.

Lack of fertilizer

Very often, the needles on thuja begin to turn yellow due to lack of nutrients.

Thuja turns yellow due to lack of fertilizers

A small amount of phosphorus and iron in the soil is the main reason for this trouble. This problem is solved simply - in the spring, immediately after the snow melts, the soil under the thuja should be fertilized. On sale you can see special mixtures designed for conifers and specifically for thuja, containing all the necessary substances. Using such fertilizer for thuja in the spring from yellowing, you will no longer encounter similar problems.

Soil problems

Unfortunately, not all causes of yellowing of thuja are eliminated so easily. This is often due to unsuitable soil. This problem is much more difficult to solve. So, the following soils are not suitable for planting thuja:

  • Sandy soil - water very quickly leaves the upper layers, which is why the root system of a young thuja cannot reach it;
  • Peat soil - the water is too close to the surface, and the root system can rot, which will lead to yellowing of the needles, and then the death of the plant;
  • Clay soil - contains a small amount of nutrients and has a high density, which makes it impossible for the full development of the root system.

In the first case, the problem can be solved by regular watering. In the second and third, alas, the owners will have to abandon the thuja and plant on the site those plants that grow well on such soils.

Unsuccessful landing

If a newly planted thuja turns yellow on one side, moreover, it is sunny, then the problem is too intense lighting.

Thuja turns yellow due to excess sun

In the reserves, thujas are planted quite tightly, and block the sunlight from each other. With a single planting, a large amount of sunlight causes the needles to turn yellow. Over time, this will pass if you ensure good watering, as well as apply fertilizer to the soil, containing not only phosphorus and iron, but also nitrogen.

You can find out about the reasons for the yellowing of thuja by watching the video


