What type of honey is the most useful and how to choose it
Honey is not only a natural sweet treat, but also an extremely valuable product from a medicinal point of view. Why buy expensive drugs if you can strengthen your immune system by regularly consuming delicious honey? In addition, it can not only increase resistance to diseases, but also help get rid of many of them. So, honey has long been famous for its medicinal properties. It has been and is being used to heal wounds and relieve various inflammations, both internal and external. There are many types of honey, depending on the plants on which the bees collected nectar. Which type of honey is the most useful is almost impossible to answer, each of them is good in its own way. One is more beneficial for the stomach, the other for the heart. However, in general, beekeepers and are committed to traditional medicine distinguish several types, the most medicinal and popular in use.
What type of honey is the most useful - a list and features
The beneficial properties of honey largely depend on the nectar of which plants were collected by the bees.
On the basis of this, such types of it are distinguished, which have high medicinal properties:
- Linden honey is yellowish when freshly picked, whitens after sugaring. Has a slightly pungent taste and slightly stings the tongue. Most effective for the treatment of wounds, colds, heart and gastrointestinal diseases.
- Acacia honey is slightly yellow, fluid, does not crystallize for a long time, but becomes white with long-term storage. It has a pleasant floral aroma and delicate taste. Good for the nervous system, treats skin and stomach diseases. Has a beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys. However, the main advantage of such honey is that it does not cause allergies.
- Buckwheat honey is brown in color, with a tart taste, and quickly loses its transparency. Differs in high bactericidal properties. Helps with anemia and stomach problems.
- Sunflower honey is one of the rare varieties collected only in warm southern regions. A thick yellow mass crystallizes quickly. It is used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
- Melilot honey is fragrant, almost transparent, irreplaceable for cores.
- Chestnut honey - yellow-brown, slightly bitter, heals skin diseases and various inflammations.
The greatest value, including from the financial side, is May honey is the one that is pumped out for the first time. And if it is also monofloral (from one plant species), the cost and medicinal properties of such honey only increase.
How to choose the "right" honey
Unfortunately, unscrupulous sellers often strive to dilute honey and sell a fake under the guise of an expensive product. To buy a real beekeeping product, you should carefully choose it. The fact that you have real, high-quality honey in front of you will be confirmed by the following signs:
- thick honey, smoothly flows from the spoon, forming a slide;
- it does not foam.
To make sure nothing has been mixed into the honey, you can put some vinegar in a spoon. The natural product will remain unchanged. If chalk dust is added to it, the honey will hiss.