Opuntia cactus - beauty and benefits in one bottle
The prickly pear cactus (Latin Opuntia) belongs to the largest genus in the Cactaceae family. It grows on both the American continents and the islands located in the Caribbean. Some types of prickly pear over time have mastered most of the tropical and subtropical territories. Most of the species of this plant are in Mexico; prickly pears can be seen even on the country's coat of arms.
Acquaintance with the prickly pear cactus
Opuntia is a desert cactus and therefore is considered to be quite unpretentious and tenacious. Its leafy stems are flat, segmented and succulent, dark green in color. Cladodia (segments), approximately the size of the palm, are obovate or may be oblong and thick. They grow one from the other and look a little like leaves.
In areoles, axillary buds of cacti, small rudimentary leaves grow, but quickly fall off. They have spines and bunches of the finest glochidia with microscopic curved tips, which are loosely attached to pubescent areoles and immediately dig into the skin of an animal or human.
The prickly pear should not be placed in the nursery and in places where the cactus will be available to a small child or sphinxes (cats without hair). Glochidia are almost invisible on the skin, but they provoke irritation and swelling. They can only be removed with tweezers. Sometimes soap solution helps.
Under natural conditions, prickly pear grows to enormous size and becomes like a tree. A plant grown in an apartment does not exceed 60 cm, and it blooms very rarely. But if prickly pear grows in a greenhouse or a volumetric tub, which is taken out into the garden for the summer, then bright simple round-shaped flowers, bisexual, with short stamens may appear on the lateral segments.
Some species of this cactus have edible, very tasty and juicy fruits, the length of which can reach 10 cm, and the weight of 300 g. They contain many large seeds with a fossilized shell. The pulp is translucent and sweet. The sugar content is 13-14%. These are the famous "Indian figs". Sometimes new shoots develop from the fruits, and after a while flowers appear on them. In this case, there are no seeds in the fruits. This feature is called proliferation.
Types of prickly pear
Opuntia is able to impress with the variety of its species. It is one of the most common succulents on the planet. Such plants are able to exist for many months without water and feel great in poor and nutrient-poor soils. In many countries, farmers have been able to adapt different types of cacti to their habitat, growing them on plantations and spacious areas. Amateur gardeners are also not far behind - window sills and greenhouses have become the second home of prickly pears.
The Opuntia subfamily can grow up to 4 meters in height. There are different types of stems:
- spherical;
- oval;
- disc-shaped;
- articulated;
- cylindrical.
Plants themselves can grow in various ways: straight or creeping, depending on the specific species. The root system of such cacti develops not in depth, but in width, covering the maximum area for obtaining nutrients and moisture, from which some of the care features result. The most interesting and popular types of prickly pear.
Opuntia fig (Opuntia ficus-indica)
The succulent known by many different names, ranging from "prickly pear" to "mother-in-law".In nature, such a cactus is quite tall and can grow up to 4 m in height and up to 2 m in diameter. At home, he obviously cannot reach such a size. However, it will still be a fairly large plant.
It blooms twice a year. Flowers can delight any person: orange, red and yellow colors are very bright and merge into one beautiful palette. The fruits are red in color, sweet and juicy. You can eat not only raw, but also use it in cooking a variety of dishes.
Fig prickly pear fruits are saturated with vitamins and minerals, therefore it is often used in folk medicine, believing that their use will help a person's immunity not only become stronger, but also extinguish some diseases in the bud.
Cosmetology, too, did not pass by this type of cactus and actively uses the fruits for the production of cosmetics that help to look younger than their age.
Prickly pear cactus (Opuntia microdasys)
This cactus comes from the central part of Mexico (Hidalgo state). It is also found in the Galapagos. Its main area is 1000 meters above sea level. On average, it is about half a meter tall.
It is a shrub with fleshy and thickened stems that cover the axillary buds almost everywhere. Tiny glochidia are placed on them, which can unpleasantly dig into the skin. The flowers have a beautiful lemon yellow hue. At home, they bloom quite rarely, which is why the fruits of this species are found mainly only on "free breads". They are red and have a regular oblong shape.
Opuntia subulata (Opuntia subulata)
The appearance of these succulents is primarily distinguished by their appearance. As you can see in the picture, this prickly pear has thick and fleshy stems with elastic and whitish hairs. All stems are covered with sharp thorns and leaves, which the prickly pear periodically sheds. The stems stretch very strongly upward and grow, this also distinguishes this species from the rest.
At home, it practically does not bloom, it also requires a lot of sun. It is desirable to grow in a warm greenhouse, then this cactus will be able to please those around with its unusual appearance.
Opuntia vulgaris (Opuntia Vulgaris)
The species comes from the South American subtropics. Researchers consider this particular succulent to be the progenitor of the rest of the prickly pears. Differs in rapid growth and unusual bush shapes. The stems grow in the form of cakes, there are few thorns on them, there are also thick segments on which small leaves grow, which eventually fall off.
In the wild, this prickly pear blooms with yellow flowers, but at home this happens quite rarely. The fruiting period of this species is mainly in the middle and late summer.
Almost all the elements of the plant can be used in one way or another. The fruits are eaten, the stems are liked by pets, the flowers are suitable for making tea. The seeds are an excellent source of oil, which is used in traditional medicine. Glue, dyes - the plant is able to give them when properly processed. As you can see, prickly pear is able to provide a lot of people.
Brazilian prickly pear cactus (Brasiliopuntia)
This tree-like plant easily reaches 20 meters in height. Found near tropical forests. Because of this, those who want to try to grow such prickly pear at home will need to take good care of a high-quality irrigation system. You will also need to create the desired moisture level. The trunk is prickly, the casting of a cactus is 15 cm, and the needles can reach one and a half centimeters.
Flowers grow up to 6 cm, their color is beige or yellowish. In the garden or greenhouse, it practically does not bloom, which is why it is unlikely to enjoy their appearance even under ideal conditions.
The fruits of the plant are 3-4 cm in size, have a pleasant sweetish taste. Ripened, they differ in color, can be either yellow or purple. The palette is varied here.
Garden prickly pear cactus
This type of prickly pear is perfect for home cultivation. Suitable for window sills and windows. This succulent survives frost and snow calmly. It is popular among landscape designers, because it can be used to create scenic areas. In summer, the plant grows buds, they subsequently open when the sun appears, after which the prickly pear begins to bloom.
Naturally, to get beautiful flowers and harvest, you will need to select a good planting site, fertilizers and the correct watering regime. Top dressing is also important for this type of prickly pear.
The cactus can be used as a medicine. It has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, acts against hangovers and heals headaches.
The juice contains substances that help wounds to heal faster, and it also has a disinfecting effect.
Opuntia Monacanta
This species surprises with its oval stems. Covered with thorns and glorchidia. The flowers are yellow, reaching a size of 5-8 cm. Fruits can grow up to 5-6 cm, red and fleshy. The plant is unpretentious, so it is often recommended by experienced gardeners for those who want to try to get prickly pear.
Berger's prickly pear (Opuntia bergeriana)
This shrub cactus is widespread. It grows high enough - up to 4-5 meters. Stems reach 40 cm, covered with long thorns. It differs from other species in the early flowering period. The flowers are bright red.
At home, this species grows about a meter in height, and the length of the processes does not exceed 25 cm. With proper care, the owner can provide the cactus with stable flowering, then this prickly pear will be able to amaze others with its appearance.
Beneficial features
All parts of the plant are used by humans. And not only in cooking or for the preparation of medicinal products. The fruits and seeds of prickly pear contain vitamins, including E and fatty acids, which slow down the aging of the skin. Therefore, the oil of this flat cactus is included in many expensive cosmetics. To improve problem hair and skin, it is used both in pure form and diluted.
If you apply prickly pear oil with added to it avocado oil, you can improve skin tone and remove fine wrinkles.
Opuntia extract can be used to reduce intoxication after drinking alcohol. The drug, obtained from the cactus, reduces all the manifestations of the hangover syndrome - nausea, loss of appetite, dry mouth.
The healing properties of individual parts of the plant are used not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional:
- Shoots. Fastening agent, helps in the treatment of dysentery, relieves abdominal pain.
- Flowers and stems. They are used in the complex treatment of hypertension, gastritis, some liver diseases, diabetes mellitus.
- Leaves. Due to the high content of calcium and potassium, they have a positive effect on the production of insulin in the body.
- Roots. The broth is used as a diuretic.
Men over 50 years old, with dysfunction of the prostate gland, are also advised to pay attention to preparations from prickly pear.
Medicinal raw materials are harvested from young plants, the age of which is not older than two years. Only thorns and hairs are removed. The fleshy leaves are not dried; they are used fresh to prepare various tinctures. The healing solution from flowers is used to treat heart disease.
Opuntia cactus: a natural remedy for obesity
The systematic use of prickly pears enhances the breakdown of fats in the body and promotes their excretion, which causes weight loss in humans during the complex therapy of obesity.
The plant contains elements on which the possibility of weight loss depends. The fullness of the stomach, created by fiber, as well as the suppression of the production of the hormone of hunger ghrelin, helps to reduce appetite and reduce overeating.
Riboflavin, thiamine and vitamin B6 contained in cactus accelerate metabolism and stimulate fat burning. To lose weight, you need to eat 100 g of chopped leaves daily, use vinegar prepared from this plant and its extract.
However, the fat-burning effect is not limited to the leaves. Women who regularly eat prickly pear fruits get rid of the manifestations of cellulite.
You should not use preparations with prickly pear or eat a plant without first consulting a doctor. Individual intolerance to individual components is possible. The condition may also worsen with chronic cystitis or acute hemorrhoids.
When taking medications, there is a possibility of side effects such as nausea, vomiting, red spots on the body, and headache. In this case, treatment is stopped immediately.
The prickly pear cactus spines are very dangerous. If they are accidentally swallowed, erosion of the stomach or intestines will occur, and surgery will be required to remove them.
Growing prickly pear
The cactus does not require any special care; it can grow in various conditions. However, despite its good adaptability, prickly pear is not a popular plant for the home. And all because of the smallest spiky bristles, which, with the most careful touch, instantly pierce the skin.
This type of cactus grows very quickly, becomes enormous and unattractive. But in green office or indoor compositions that show part of a landscape, prickly pears have no equal in creating a suitable entourage.
This useful plant is propagated by seeds or cuttings.
In May or early June, one segment with no flowers and no signs of any diseases is separated from the bush, and then:
- the cut is immediately sprinkled with activated carbon;
- air dry for about 4 days;
- after the place of the cut is covered with a thin film, they are planted in a box with river sand, carefully disinfected and slightly moistened beforehand, the cuttings are not deeply buried;
- the box with cuttings is covered with a film, placed in a lighted place, but without direct sunlight.
At a constant temperature of about +20 ° C, cactus cuttings will have roots in 15–20 days. After that, they can be planted in separate pots or on a garden bed in a greenhouse, greenhouse.
The dense shell of the seed makes it difficult for prickly pear to reproduce in this simplest way. They start sowing in March.
In order for the seeds to hatch faster, they are rubbed with sandpaper or a file, and then:
- placed in a weak solution of manganese for 30 minutes;
- sown in a container filled with a calcined mixture of sand, sheet earth and activated carbon;
- the seeds are immersed in the soil by 2 cm, covered with a film and placed in a warm and bright place;
- ventilate daily and spray the soil with water at room temperature.
In a month, the seedlings will grow. But at home they need to be kept for at least two years.
What care does a prickly pear cactus need
Caring for prickly pears does not require much time and effort. The plant is not capricious. He likes bright rooms, but standing in direct sunlight is harmful for a cactus. But he does not tolerate the lack of lighting at all. Plant growth can slow down greatly, and then, if conditions are not changed, it will certainly die. Most suitable for a cactus are windows facing east or west.
Opuntia grows well at normal room temperature. And in winter, you already need a temperature no higher than 8-12 ° C. Since for this period the plant should be transferred to a dormant state.
Normal air humidity is fine with prickly pear cactus. Sometimes prickly pears need a warm shower to wash away any accumulated dust.
Watering should be moderate - weekly in spring and summer, and half as often since autumn. There is a lot of moisture in the fleshy stem, and the plant will definitely not suffer from a short-term drought.
During the growth period, prickly pear is fed once a month. Special mineral fertilizer is diluted in water and the soil is watered. Young plants are transplanted no more than once a year. Less often after three years. Adult plants growing in large tubs do not need to be replanted. You just need to renew the topsoil.
The container in which the cactus is planted must be stable and wide. Drainage needs to be poured at the bottom.
Regular soil taken from the garden is not suitable for growing this overseas guest. You will have to make the soil mixture yourself.
Would need:
- 4 parts of leafy soil;
- 1 piece of turf;
- 2 parts clay;
- 1 part river sand.
Experienced gardeners recommend adding a teaspoon of crushed chalk and the same amount of superphosphate to this composition.
The transplant should be done carefully. It is advisable to use thick leather gloves for this purpose, since the puncture sites from the thorns will be painful for a long time.
Major diseases and pests
If the prickly pear is watered incorrectly, exceed the required rate, or create unsuitable conditions for the cactus characterized by high air humidity, then there will be a possibility of rot. In this case, the soft and darkened areas are cut off, and the cut sites are treated with a fungicide. So that the plant does not hurt further, it must be transferred to another, more suitable place.
Sometimes various pests settle on prickly pears: spider mites, aphids, mealybugs. Effective action must be taken immediately. Otherwise, they will spread to the entire plant, damage it, move to neighboring succulents and it will be difficult to remove them. To eliminate them, you need to use the appropriate insecticidal preparations. The processing rules and regularity specified in the instructions should be followed as closely as possible. If you do not violate the rules of cultivation, prickly pear will delight its owners with bright flowers.
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