Kalina buldenezh - the snow queen in the spring garden

viburnum buldenezh Snowball or white ball. It is in such a dress that Kalina Buldenezh appears before the gardener. In Russia, she was dubbed "snowfield" or terry beauty. Unlike its relatives, it does not bear fruit. Therefore, it is used exclusively for decorative purposes. With proper care, a 3-meter bush grows from an inconspicuous seedling.

The variety reproduces vegetatively: by dividing the bush, layering and cuttings. She does not need frequent feeding: 2-3 times per season. Complex mineral fertilizers are applied until September. The plant also needs regular and abundant watering.

Kalina Buldenezh: landing features

The culture is renowned for its resistance to frost. However, young seedlings in the first years of life are advised mulch, falling asleep with humus and dry grass. The buds bloom in May, and then decorate the bush for 3-4 weeks. The curly plant looks amazing:

  • in single and group landings;
  • near water;
  • next to fruit trees;
  • as hedges.

Moreover, viburnum buldenezh has voluminous snow-white blooms up to 15 cm in diameter. The life span of the shrub is about 50 years. Reproduction by layering or planting seedlings is carried out in early spring. Closer to summer, they manage to take root, adapting to new conditions. But dividing the bush is best done in the fall. A successful landing can be called if:

  • pit depth - 80 cm, and width - 60 cm;
  • at the bottom, drainage is made of expanded clay and crushed stone, and on top it is covered with sand (layer up to 15 cm);
  • the soil substrate consists of compost (over 30 kg), nitrophoska (0.2 kg) and wood ash (0.5 kg);
  • deepen the basal neck by almost 3 cm;
  • mulch the near-trunk space with dry sawdust and nutritious peat.

At the same time, shady places are chosen for culture. Otherwise, its foliage will suffer from burns. Still, we expect the result largely depends on the complex care of the plant.

Three stages of feeding

Before the onset of cold weather, Kalina Buldenezh must be watered regularly and abundantly. In no case should the soil dry out for a long time. To maintain abundant flowering, it is recommended to apply complex fertilizers according to the following scheme:

  • in the spring - phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen (per 1 m², 30, 20 and 40 grams of each component, respectively);
  • phosphorus-potassium mixture (1: 2) at the end of summer;
  • for fertile soils, compost is used (up to 2 buckets for one bush), with which the soil is fertilized every spring.

Of course, terry viburnum needs sanitary and shaping pruning. Gardeners remove dry, diseased, and broken branches. Among other things, the crop is treated with insecticides to combat ticks and aphids. And only with such competent care, the shrub will rightfully turn into a real snow queen of the garden.


