Appetizing flounder baked in the oven
Fans of low-calorie food try to prepare delicious meals to diversify their diet. Flounder baked in the oven, a simple recipe for which many cooks know, is truly a dietary delicacy. The gourmet dweller of the deep sea contains only 3% fat, making it ideal for a delicious dinner or snack. The fish is baked in foil, sleeve, with vegetables, mushrooms and spices. There are many options for making it, but we are researching the most popular.
When buying frozen flounder, you should pay attention to the thickness of the ice crust. The thinner it is, the fresher the fish.
Read also the article: baked vegetables in the oven - recipes with photos!
Deep beauty in sour cream
- several carcasses of flounder (3 or 4);
- four tablespoons of sour cream;
- hard cheese;
- tomatoes;
- lemon;
- greens dill;
- ground pepper;
- salt.
Cooking instructions:
- The fish is thoroughly washed under the tap. Viscera, tails and fins are removed. Wipe dry with paper towels.
- Sour cream, chopped dill and lemon zest are mixed in a bowl.
- Spread the flounder on a sheet of foil. Rub generously with cooked sour cream sauce.
- Tomatoes cut into circles are laid out on top of the fish carcass.
- Grate hard cheese and cover the piece.
- The product is wrapped in foil. They are sent to an oven heated to a maximum temperature of 180 degrees. Bake for 30 minutes.
Since the flounder has a distinct iodine aroma, it should be neutralized. To do this, the fish is soaked in milk for about 60 minutes.
Sea fish with soy sauce
Oven-baked flounder, a simple recipe for which we will consider, will appeal even to hardened gourmets. The fish is cooked in a sleeve with the addition of an exquisite sauce. Let's get acquainted with a simple set of ingredients:
- two pieces of flounder;
- soy sauce;
- lemon for juice;
- garlic (2 cloves);
- Bay leaf;
- salt;
- seasonings for every taste.
The method of cooking flounder baked in the oven, using a sleeve, consists of simple steps:
- First, the fish is cut up. Fins, head and tail are cut off. Remove soft insides.
- Thoroughly washed fish are poured with soy sauce, lemon juice and thinly chopped garlic are squeezed over the carcass. The workpiece is left for 15 minutes to soak.
- Next, the flounder is packed in a sleeve, along with the zest of the remaining lemon. Bake for a quarter of an hour at 200 ° C.
In order for hot air to circulate freely in the sleeve, it is advisable to make several small holes in it.
Harmony of taste - fish and vegetables
This popular recipe for oven-baked flounder is often used by chefs in prestigious restaurants. The product includes:
- fillet of frozen flounder;
- onion;
- garlic;
- fish seasoning;
- sour cream;
- potatoes;
- chilli";
- vegetable oil;
- salt.
Step-by-step technology for creating a dish:
- Flounder fillets are thoroughly washed in clean cold water.
- Onions are peeled, washed, chopped and poured over with boiling water to eliminate bitterness.
- Squeezed onion is mixed with sour cream to get a homogeneous mass.
- Put the fish on the greased form of the oven.Sprinkle it with salt and spices.
- Sour cream sauce and onions are poured over the flounder. Peeled potatoes are placed next to them, cut into circles.
Add chili and salt.
- The dish is placed in the oven for 40 minutes. Served with an evening meal for lovers of low-calorie food.
Consider another marvelous baked flounder recipe that fans of dietary dishes love. It provides a set of simple products:
- flounder carcass;
- lemon;
- tomatoes;
- spice;
- salt to taste.
First, the fish is cleaned, removing offal, gills, tail, fins. Then it is thoroughly washed in a bowl, changing the water frequently. Spread out on the table so that excess liquid goes away.
Rub each fish with salt, pepper and lemon juice. After placing it in a bowl, it is sent to a cold place for about 3 hours.
Tomatoes of small size are cut into cubes or circles. This does not affect the taste of the dish.
For those who do not like the skin of tomatoes, they can dip the vegetables in boiling water for a few minutes and remove it with ease.
Put the marinated fish on a greased baking sheet. Tomatoes are laid on top of it and baked in the oven for 35 minutes.
Flounder in batter
This simple fish dish can be prepared in just 40 minutes and served as a light dinner for your family.
Required Ingredients:
- fish (flounder);
- egg;
- Rye flour;
- sea salt with herbs;
- vegetable fat.
The peeled flounder is washed thoroughly and laid out on a paper towel. While it dries, prepare the batter: beat the egg and salt with a whisk, then add rye flour in small portions.
Next, the flounder is dipped in the egg mixture, spread on a baking sheet and poured again with the rest of the batter.
Place in the oven for a quarter of an hour at 180 ° C.
Served with mashed potatoes and vegetable salad. Read also:pork knuckle baked in the oven recipe with photo!