Broccoli - "warrior princess" in the fight against cancer


Properly cooked broccoli can become universal food product in the fight against serious diseases. She is included in a group of useful plants that are used as a prophylaxis, as well as treatment of oncological diseases. But to get the most out of her benefit, it should be properly prepared.

100 g of cabbage contains 30 kcal.

It is recommended to eat it in order to lose weight. Compounds such as methionine and choline are excellent at removing cholesterol from cells, preventing its accumulation.

Chemical composition of broccoli - "treasures of the Kafr kings"

Cabbage is rich in priceless fiber, proteins, fats, as well as macro- and microelements.

This arsenal of mineral components is a godsend for the body:

  1. Calcium is responsible for the proper growth of the nail plate and hair.
  2. Copper is involved in the processes of blood formation.
  3. Selenium promotes the elimination of heavy metals and synthetic compounds that remain after drug treatment.
  4. Potassium is involved in the breakdown of unnecessary salts.
  5. Zinc and manganese ensure the normal functioning of cells as well as tissue fibers.
  6. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on heart function.
  7. Sodium maintains water and electrolyte balance.

Vitamin U restores the acid-base balance in the stomach, therefore it promotes the healing of ulcers. In terms of the content of this useful component, the product can only compete with asparagus.

Vitamins (E, A, PP, K, U, C and group B) also have a special place in broccoli. The percentage of beta-carotene in it is the same as in carrots or pumpkin... Beautiful hair and perfect nails, an even complexion are the result of the action of this organic compound.

Useful properties of broccoli - a valuable health portal

Studies have shown that young stems / shoots contain sulforaphane. Sadly, there is relatively little of it in dense inflorescences. This valuable substance destroys the unusually hardy bacteria that cause stomach ulcers. Moreover, it prevents the development of malignant cells.

For this reason, broccoli is an excellent nutritional supplement for cancer:

  • breasts;
  • prostate;
  • skin;
  • ovaries;
  • Bladder.

Heat treatment, especially in the microwave, destroys all the beneficial properties. High temperature (over high heat) leads to the destruction of vitamins and minerals. Inflorescences should not be fried in a large amount of fat, because then harmful carcinogens are formed. Broccoli broth also contains hazardous substances.

The synerin in cabbage prevents malignant cells from dividing, but on the contrary, destroys them. In addition, it strengthens the overall immune system. For such therapy to be effective, the vegetable is eaten up to 2-3 times a day. This carries a certain danger for patients suffering from high acidity. Nevertheless, knowing the composition and beneficial properties of this cabbage, you can significantly improve your health.

The benefits and contraindications of the use of broccoli - video


