Collard greens - types, varieties, cultivation
Modern kale varieties have been bred from wild species. Some types of this cabbage are extremely healthy and very popular.
Among them are the following types of kale:
- Calais is red;
- Reflex f1;
- Calais is green;
- F1 redbor and others.
Collard greens can be grown in a variety of climates. It tolerates very well even severe frosts, down to -15 ° C. There are kale varieties that can handle hot weather very well. Therefore, in regions with different climatic conditions, different varieties of kale are popular.
But despite the unpretentiousness to climatic conditions, there is one necessary requirement that collard greens make to the place of growth. This requirement is fertile and well-drained soil with an average nitrogen content.
Collard greens are not picky about the method of planting - you can use seedlings, but can be sown with seeds. Plus, if planted in early spring, the crop can be harvested in summer. If you need to harvest in autumn or closer to winter, then it is better to plant cabbage in late spring.
Collard greens have different heights, depending on the variety. Low ones grow no more than 30-40cm. Tall varieties reach an impressive 90cm in height. Also, different varieties differ in the type of leaves: flat, curly or with double edges. Read:stewed cabbage with potatoes and meat recipe with photo!
Features of kale red kale
- Vitamins K, C and A;
- Antioxidants
- Calcium;
- Trace elements of magnesium.
Kale red kale has a medium ripening period. With its help, restaurant chefs decorate their dishes. Has a height of 60-80cm. Withstands frosts down to -15 ° С.
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Methods for growing red feces
This cabbage variety is usually grown by seedling, but the non-seedling method is also common. Seeds are sown into the soil in early spring, weather permitting. When using the seedling method, planting should be done in late April or early May. Choice beds and its preparation should begin in the fall. To do this, you need to choose a plot of land with fertile soil well lit by the sun. Before planting, you need to additionally fertilize this area with humus and complex fertilizers. Plants should be planted 45cm apart with 45-55cm between rows. Moreover, cruciferous plants should not have grown on this site.
Kale seeds germinate well at temperatures between + 4 ° C and + 6 ° C. To improve the growth of this variety of cabbage, you can cover its holes with glass or other transparent material. After about 5 days, the first shoots appear. After that, the covering material must be removed and weak plants removed.
To increase yields, you should regularly remove weeds, feed the soil and water the seedlings in a timely manner. Leaves can be cut throughout the summer. If you keep planting in winter, then in early spring you can get a new harvest of cabbage. By the way, after the transferred frost, the cabbage leaves acquire a rich purple color. Taste also improves after frost - cabbage becomes juicier and sweeter.
Features of kale green kale
For kale, green kale is the same as for its red cousin.
The only difference is the color of the leaves - it always remains green, even after the endured winter.
Features of growing redborough collard f1
Redbor f1 kale is a hybrid variety and belongs to the curly ornamental cabbage varieties. Like many ornamental types of cabbage, it is a biennial plant. Therefore, it begins to bear fruit only in the second year. In most Russian summer cottages, they play an exclusively decorative role. But this is a waste of territory because this type of cabbage contains much more raw protein, sugar, vitamin C and carotene than other types of cabbage. This cabbage is very tasty and does not require a lot of fat to cook.
This hybrid has a very beautiful appearance. It reaches a height of 70-150cm. The leaves are colored maroon and shaped like a palm tree. The height of this plant depends on the season of planting. If you need to get a tall plant, then the seeds should be sown at the end of March. Then, after 30-40 days, cabbage bushes must be transplanted to a permanent place of growth. This type of cabbage is not afraid of frost and feels great even if it is covered with snow. Having transferred the first frosts, the leaves of this plant become softer and juicier.
The appearance of the f1 Redborough kale depends on the amount of sunlight the plant is exposed to. Soil moisture is of great importance. This is especially true for the hot season. Before planting this cabbage variety, it is necessary to fertilize well the plot of land on which it is planned to plant Redbor f1 collard greens.
Leaf cabbage reflex f1
Among professional gardeners, cabbage leaf reflex f1 is very popular. This unusual plant can be used as a decorative garden decoration, but most of all this cabbage variety is valued for its beneficial dietary properties.
You don't have to cut off the entire head at once. To prepare a healthy salad, it is enough to pluck a few leaves from the center of the outlet. Reflex f1 leafy cabbage has excellent taste. It does not taste bitter and is an excellent addition to meat and fish dishes. With regular use of this variety of cabbage for food, you can enrich your body with the following beneficial substances:
- Calcium;
- Nitrogenous compounds;
- Sulfur salts;
- Phosphorus;
- Potassium;
- Vitamins of group B, as well as C, A P, K, U;
- Carbohydrates;
- Fiber:
- Phytoncides.
Leafy cabbage reflex f1 is an indispensable food component in the diet of every healthy food lover and people who want to lose a couple of kilograms. Its calorie content is only 24 kcal per 100 grams.
This kale is a medium late hybrid of dark green color. The plant is resistant to low temperatures. The minimum limit is -18 degrees. The socket is semi-vertical. The leaves are strongly corrugated. The plant can reach a height of 80 cm. The mass of cabbage leaf reflex f1 300 - 1400 grams. When planting, it is necessary to observe the optimal scheme of 60 * 70 cm. In no case do experts recommend cutting off the lower leaves of this wonderful plant, otherwise it will simply die.
Where to buy seeds of kale or any other leafy cabbage I can't find anywhere. I live in Izhevsk. Maybe someone can tell
Seeds can be bought on Aliexpress and are very inexpensive. This year I sowed it myself; perfectly rose and grows in the suburbs.