Cabbage Slava - growing and care

Cabbage Slava photo For the ancient Greeks, cabbage was a symbol of sobriety. And Pythagoras believed so much in its healing properties that he was engaged in its selection. Gradually, cabbage migrated from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic to the territory of Ancient Russia and, having spread throughout the Eurasian continent, became one of the most frequently used vegetable crops in European cuisine. For residents of Russia, the traditional variety is considered White cabbage, for the cultivation of which 30% of the sown area is allocated. And a special place among the types of white cabbage is occupied by the Slava cabbage. Why is it so fond of gardeners and how to grow it?

Description of the variety

Cabbage Slava belongs to a mid-season variety of white cabbage, since the head of cabbage is formed 110-125 days after germination. Being a moisture-loving plant, the Slava cabbage variety has a good tolerance for a lack of moisture.

According to the official characteristics, Slava cabbage gives a high yield up to 12.5 kg / sq. Gardeners fell in love with this variety of cabbage for its excellent taste and ability to resist major diseasesinfecting cabbage.

The shape of the heads of cabbage is round or round-flat. Heads' weight varies from 2.5 to 4.5 kg. Cabbage leaves are outwardly pale green in color, and white in section.

Slava cabbage is well transported, can be stored up to 3 months, does not crack. It has a good presentation, and therefore is successfully sold behind a trade counter.

The taste of fresh cabbage can be enjoyed until early January, but it is also good in sauerkraut.

Characteristics of cabbage: Slava 1305 and Slava Gribovskaya 231

There are two types of Slava cabbage: 1305 and Gribovskaya 231. Let's briefly review the characteristics of Slava cabbage:

  1. Slava Gribovskaya 231. Formation of a head of cabbage takes 100-110 days after planting seedlings into the ground. A ripe head of cabbage weighing 2-3 kg has a good density and has a round shape. According to the catalog of cabbage varieties description, Slava Gribovskaya gives a yield of 6.6 to 8.9 kg per 1 sq. M. The structure of the leaf is finely wrinkled, the edge is smooth, the color is dark green with a slight waxy coating. It is appreciated for its unpretentiousness to the soil and the best tolerance for lack of moisture.
    Cabbage Slava Gribovskaya 231
  2. Glory 1305. Ripens 14 days later than the previous species, but is characterized by a higher yield and resistance to cracking. Possesses better resistance to mucous bacteriosis. Heads of cabbage give larger (3-5 kg), but less dense. It is stored somewhat worse, because it deteriorates faster.
    Cabbage Slava 1305

Both are grown for fall consumption and fermentation.

Growing cabbage Glory

In order for the harvest to please the gardener, it is necessary to take into account the basic requirements for growing Slava cabbage:

  • Slava cabbage is grown by seedling and non-seedling methods.
  • Slava cabbage seeds for seedlings are planted in unheated greenhousescovered with film, or under a tunnel shelter in the beds in the first half of April.
  • The optimum temperature for planting seeds is 12-180FROM.
  • In order for the seedlings to grow well, one plant needs an area of ​​25 cm2.
  • Seedlings are ready for planting in the ground if 5-6 true leaves have formed on it, and they have reached a height of 15 cm. As a rule, this moment occurs in mid-May - early June.
  • Before transferring seedlings to open ground, they need to be hardened for 6-8 days.
  • For landing in the ground, choose a sunny site.
  • Disembarkation scheme: 60x60 cm.
  • 2-3 hours before transplanting seedlings into the ground, the garden bed is watered abundantly with water.

Transplanting a cabbage seedling Slava into open ground

Separately, it is necessary to stipulate the features of soil preparation for transplanting seedlings:

  • cabbage Slava loves slightly acidic fertile soil with a pH close to 6. If the pH value is too high, then liming of the soil should be carried out;
  • Slava cabbage will grow well if its predecessors were potatoes, legumes or perennial herbs;
  • from autumn they dig the soil well and make fresh manure (70-80 kg / m2) or humus (40-50 kg / m2);
  • before planting seeds, the soil is leveled with a rake.

Let's take a closer look at the process of planting Slava cabbage seeds under tunnel shelters:

  • the seeds are planted in pre-made grooves 1-1.5 cm deep, located at a distance of 7-8 cm from each other;
  • the planted seeds are watered and covered with mats, which are not removed until the first shoots appear;
  • after the appearance of the first leaf, the seedlings are thinned out so that 5 cm of free space remains between neighboring plants;
  • water the seedlings as the soil dries.

In order for the seedlings to grow strong, they need to be fed on time. Top dressing takes place in two stages:

  1. Stage 1. The first feeding is carried out when 2 true leaves have formed on the seedlings. To prepare a mixture of fertilizers, use superphosphate (6 g), ammonium nitrate (5 g) and potassium chloride (2 g) per 1 square meter of soil. The resulting mixture is scattered between the beds and watered well.
  2. Stage 2. The turn of the second feeding comes a week after the first. Seedlings for transplanting into the ground are ready in 30-35 days.

Cabbage care Slava

When seedlings are planted in open ground, caring for Slava cabbage involves abundant watering, pest control and timely feeding.

Watering and hilling cabbage

As a rule, Slava cabbage needs to be watered 7-8 times during the entire growing season. And after watering, it is recommended to spud the cabbage bush in order to stimulate the growth of new roots and, as a result, the formation of larger heads of cabbage. But watering should be stopped 2-3 weeks before the planned harvest.

To scare away pests, a bed of cabbage is planted with a strong-smelling plant, for example marigolds or petunia, the main thing is that these plants do not shade the cabbage.

Slava cabbage is fed in 3 stages:

  1. Stage 1. After 2 weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground, the first feeding of the plant with a fermented mullein solution is performed: 1 bucket per 10 liters is spent on 5-6 bushes.
  2. Stage 2. The second feeding takes place during the period of head formation. Mullein solution is already added wood ash (50 g per bucket).
  3. Stage 3. The third feeding is performed 3-4 weeks after the previous one using the same technology.

A good characteristic of Slava cabbage is worth giving it a place in your garden. The simple process of growing and caring for Slava cabbage will be rewarded with the excellent taste of such a popular and healthy vegetable.

Video about growing cabbage


