Urea is a double-acting drug

double action of urea What is the best drug to use to protect the plant from pests / diseases and at the same time stimulate its growth? Of course, urea or urea. It cannot be said that the tool is universal, since it has a specific purpose. However, by treating their garden with such a solution three times a year, the owners of summer cottages solve several problems overnight.

Such procedures are very necessary for plants that have suffered from the invasion of harmful insects and microorganisms last year.

Early spring is the time to spray

The procedure is recommended to be carried out before the first buds appear. In this case, the air temperature should be stably kept at around + 5 ° С. If it is higher, then weevils / apple flower beetles will begin to wake up, and therapy will become irrelevant. So, the solution is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • 1 liter of warm water is poured into two buckets;
  • in one dissolve 500 g of urea, and in the second - 50 g of copper sulfate;
  • stir the liquid until the drugs are completely dissolved;
  • add 4 liters of cold water to each container;
  • connect the contents of the tanks.

As a result, 10 liters of valuable substance is obtained, which should be filtered through cheesecloth. Filtration is necessary so that the device nozzle does not clog. Then generously spray all parts of the trees. Cracks are treated especially carefully. They are home to many harmful spores and microorganisms. The resulting solution is recommended to be used only on the day of preparation. Many gardeners point to a number of unique benefits of this therapy:

  • urea serves nitrogen fertilizerby stimulating growth;
  • delays vegetation by 1.5-2 weeks, therefore, the risk of freezing of inflorescences is reduced;
  • protects against pests.

Before starting preventive procedures, it is necessary to prepare woody plants, as well as shrubs. Dry branches, lichens and frozen bark are removed from them.

Two other sessions

When the garden has faded, the farmers proceed to the second spraying using urea... This time, a less concentrated solution is prepared: only 50 g of urea need to be taken for 10 liters. Otherwise, the substance will damage the greens of the plants.

In the fall, when the leaves begin to fall, and half of the crown is no longer on the tree, the last session of preventive therapy is carried out. In this case, the concentration of the drug should be more than 50 g, but less than 500 g. The calculation is made for a 10-liter bucket of water. Because if the remedy turns out to be too strong, then the leaves will crumble ahead of time, and the culture will be left without nutrients. And these compounds help the plant to survive the winter successfully.


