Paradise grain - cardamom: useful properties and contraindications

cardamom useful properties and contraindications Several millennia ago, oriental culinary experts discovered the amazing spice of cardamom, the useful properties and contraindications of which are still of interest to scientists, doctors and creative chefs. Practice shows that the miracle spice affects not only the awakening of appetite before eating. It revives defenses and affects emotions, which is especially important in our difficult times.

Fragrant greetings from the Ancient East

flowers and fruits of cardamom

According to some sources, the ancient Babylonians discovered the beneficial properties and contraindications of cardamom.

It is believed that the spice was grown in the famous hanging gardens and was actively used:

  • in cooking;
  • for the treatment of various diseases;
  • during cosmetic procedures;
  • in aromatherapy.

growing cardamomAccording to another version, cardamom found its use in ancient India, where it grows in large quantities. In addition, Sri Lanka, Burma, Guatemala and southern China are considered his homeland. There it is found on steep slopes that rise more than 1200 m above sea level.

The plant belongs to the Ginger family. It is characterized by a large and fleshy rhizome in the form of tubers. Dense shoots emerge from it, which sometimes reach a height of about 3 m. At the base of the shoots, large lanceolate leaves, painted in bright green, grow. The main vein is visible on the front and back sides of the plate. Small veins diverge from it in different directions, creating original patterns.

cardamom after pollinationDuring the flowering period, paniculate or spike-shaped buds appear at the top of the stems. They resemble a curved tongue or a curved hood. The petals are pale lilac or white. Inside each of them there are blue or dark purple streaks. And the edges are framed with a light green border. After successful pollination, cardamom fruits are formed, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which were appreciated by attentive herbalists. Often they are in the form of boxes, filled with seeds of a round or triangular shape. The surface of the grain is wrinkled. Length approx. 4 mm. They give off a pleasant sweetish aroma.

Since the plant develops very slowly, the first crop is harvested in the 4th year after planting. But subsequently the spice bears an abundance of fruits.

Unique exotic oriental spice

fruit and cardamom oilThere are 2 types of seeds of "paradise grain". Green cardamom is a short plant cultivated in tropical countries. green cardamomThe fruits are harvested before the onset of full ripeness, after which they are laid out under a canopy and dried. The grains give off a resinous aroma and taste like lemon... The product is used to add spicy taste and aroma to desserts.

ripe cardamom fruitBlack cardamom fruits have a hairy surface. From the outside, they resemble miniature coconuts, consisting of three chambers. Each of them is filled with seeds, which are approximately 3 mm in size. Compared to green cardamom, black grains are much sweeter. At the same time, a sharp smoked taste is felt. The fruits are actively used in cooking, as well as for the manufacture of cardamom oil - a valuable medicinal drug.

To get white cardamom, boxes with ripe grain are treated with a special solution (sulfurous anhydride).This creates a spice with a sweetish taste, which is added to drinks, pastries and soups.

Exotic cardamom: useful properties and contraindications for use

exotic cardamom

The widespread use of the tropical spice over the centuries has shown its indescribable value. The "Paradise Grain" includes:

  • essential oils;
  • vitamins of group B and C;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • proteins;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • iron.

In addition, the beneficial properties of cardamom are due to the presence of fatty acids, proteins and carbohydrates in fruits. The seeds of this culture are considered an antioxidant. If you add them to coffee or tea, the level of caffeine decreases. This drink will appeal not only to adults, but also to teenagers. Let's try to figure out how cardamom is useful for improving human health.

"Eat, drink, have fun" no problem

cardamom fruit for problem solving

The use of "heavenly grain" stimulates the digestive tract and cleanses of toxins. Most often, tea is prepared for this purpose, which includes:

  • cardamom;
  • ginger;
  • cloves;
  • coriander.

A similar drink is used for diarrhea, but fennel or a little dill and calamus are added to it. The healing properties of cardamom are manifested in the fight against flatulence and constipation. For this, the seeds of the culture are placed in dishes prepared for lunch or chewed after a meal. This approach helps to eliminate not only flatulence, but also relieves the urge to vomit, nausea, hiccups and even dizziness.

For tincture, take ½ teaspoon of ground grain. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for about 10 minutes. The filtered liquid is drunk as problems arise.

Healthy skin and "female happiness"

tea with cardamomIn some cases, the use and contraindications of cardamom cause distrust of the product. However, practice shows that the spice has antiseptic properties.

Therefore, it is used to prepare various tinctures used to treat skin diseases:

  • all kinds of fungi;
  • lichen;
  • scabies;
  • skin regeneration.

In addition, the use of cardamom in cosmetology holds a special place. Regular use of tinctures or decoctions helps to rejuvenate the skin of the face and its elasticity. Some of them are taken internally, others for external wiping. This improves skin tone and smoothes mimic wrinkles.

It is especially impressive why cardamom is useful for women who are faced with gynecological problems. Under the supervision of a doctor, with the help of a spice, ladies treat candidiasis. For some, it helps to eliminate menstrual irregularities that occur due to stressful situations.

To avoid unforeseen situations, it is better not to take the spice to pregnant women.

The easy way to a slim figure

slimming drinkTo shed those extra pounds, curvy people often make great sacrifices. Some are heavily involved in sports, others exhaust themselves with hunger or diets. However, the use of cardamom for weight loss has helped many to gain a slim figure.

For this, special teas are prepared:

  1. A teaspoon of grains is poured with a glass of boiling water. Insist 10 minutes. Take 14 days 30 minutes before the start of the meal, and then take a break for 2 weeks.
  2. In regular green tea, add ½ teaspoon of ground spice. It is better to insist the drink in a thermos for 12 hours. Take before meals, diluted with clean water.
  3. Pour hot water over chopped ginger and cardamom. Add mint, hibiscus or green tea. Insist in a thermos for about 14 hours. Take as a brew for a slimming drink.

As you can see, the instructions for using cardamom for weight loss are pretty simple. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the recommendations for preparing the product and consult with your doctor so as not to harm your health.

Culinary masterpieces and "heavenly grain"

cardamom seeds in cookingFor hundreds of years, the spice has been used to prepare various dishes. Indian cooks put it in delicious sweet rice and Lassi soft drink.They are added to all kinds of oriental delicacies. Often combined with hazelnuts or fruits.

On the territory of Europe, the active use of cardamom in cooking has revealed its amazing taste and aroma. Spice is often used:

  • for decorating fruit salads, ice cream, curd casserole;
  • when flavoring pies, cakes, pastries and cookies;
  • as a flavor-enhancing ingredient in vegetable stews, soups, sauces;
  • as a savory addition to drinks.

dessert with cardamomThere are various ways you can use cardamom to make a great meal. It is interesting that not only whole fruits are used, but also ground seeds, buds, fresh leaves, rhizomes. Especially impressive is the amazing drink made from 2 ingredients. Fresh milk is brought to a boil and a few grains of spice are added to it. The finished drink is consumed after a slight cooling. The seeds can be removed from the drink and eaten separately with a delicious cocktail.milk soup with cardamom

The amazing health benefits of cardamom with milk are shown in the following relationships:

  • strengthening the body's defenses;
  • stimulation of mental abilities;
  • help to cope with sadness and depression;
  • normalize the menstrual cycle in women;
  • eliminate chronic fatigue.

milk with cardamomAn equally useful product obtained from the culture is cardamom honey. It is used as a separate treat or as an additive to drinks. cardamom honeyDuring the cold season, it is especially useful in treating sore throats, flu or the common cold. Regular consumption of honey helps to keep yourself in shape and successfully survive the epidemic.

In-depth studies of the spice have shown that it has practically no contraindications. However, you should listen to your body if you do not know what cardamom is and what it is eaten with. You should always remember about the individuality of each person and take into account the advice of specialists. Then good health will be an integral part of the personality.

Healing cardamom tea - video


