Is it possible to keep hoya wax ivy at home?
Well-known home flowers have long been attributed to mythical properties. Hoya wax ivy, is it possible to keep it at home, what the signs say about it. Hoya does not belong to ivy, does not inhibit the growth of surrounding vegetation. An unpretentious plant quickly develops at home. The waxy plant is named for its amazingly beautiful and fragrant flowers, collected in a ball and leaves with a glossy surface.
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Hoya description, reality and myths
When the hoya blooms, it cannot be rearranged or turned over. The unapproachable beauty will drop the buds and there will be no flowering this summer.
In addition to beautiful leaves, hoya forms ivy flowers at home. Fragrant single stars are collected in balls baskets. Hoya blooms for a long time even at home. The rapidly growing, unpretentious liana has become a favorite decoration of official institutions. However, there is still no clear answer whether it is possible to keep hoya wax ivy at home.
Many plants have long been attributed to mystical properties. Superstition is associated with old friends, beautiful plants - chinese rose, cacti, ampelous plants. Among them there is indoor ivy, which can twine around other plants and deprive them of light. But in this case, the blame for the immoderately overgrown vines lies with the florist. Indoor flowers create coziness, absorb harmful substances. Many of the poisonous plants on the windowsill have medicinal properties.
Hoya wax ivy is considered to be unfortunate. The main one is that the flower drives out husbands and sons from the house according to one version. The family can suffer misfortune and financial well-being. Another says the flower pacifies envy, the plant of family happiness. Is it possible to keep a hoya flower wax ivy at home is learned from our own experience. The only obstacle may be a family member's allergy to pollen.
If the flower is regularly sprayed and wiped with a damp cloth Hoya will not be colonized by insect pests. The leaves will look fresh. Dust on a glossy surface settles quickly, clogging pores.
In fact, this beautiful ampelous culture is absolutely harmless. It does not inhibit the growth of other flowers. But if you give free rein and do not follow the plant, the vine will penetrate any crack. Therefore, the vines need to be guided along special stands. The photo shows whether it is possible to keep wax ivy at home in a given format, and how to create guides for the vine.
How to properly care for a hoya
There are few plants in home gardening that can tolerate a lack of light. Hoya in the shade does not lose the attractiveness of foliage, but blooms only in the light. At home, she is not afraid of airing. Home care for wax ivy includes the requirements:
- to the quality of the soil and correct planting;
- temperature and lighting;
- watering and feeding;
- ensuring the flowering regime and winter maintenance;
- the formation of creepers.
In nature, hoya grows in the shade of trees and rests on powerful trunks and branches. Therefore, at home, the most favorable place will be lighting from the east and west windows. In winter, a southern window is preferable, there is enough light. Elsewhere in the apartment you will need supplementary lighting... If the plant doesn't get enough light in the spring, it will refuse to bloom in the summer. And wax ivy blooms with fragrant baskets, as in the photo.
In summer, the vine can live outdoors; ivy should be shaded from the direct rays of the sun. Otherwise, the leaves may turn yellow and lose their decorative effect. In winter, rest will be comfortable at a temperature of 15-17 degrees.
Moisture requirements are not limited to watering. Watering is moderate in summer and scarce in winter. But twice a year, the hoya needs to be bathed with immersion. The bath is filled with warm water and the plant is completely transferred to the immersion container. After 40 minutes, the vines are raised and drained, and the roots continue to bathe for an hour and a half. Without such bathing, abundant flowering in the summer can not be expected. In addition, the leaves are periodically sprayed in the summer from a spray bottle.
From March to September, once every three weeks, the hoya needs mineral dressings... The mixture can be calculated and compiled independently, based on the percentage:
- nitrogen - 10%;
- phosphorus - 11%;
- potassium - 18%;
- magnesium - 2%.
For transplanting Hoya, soil can be bought for flowering succulents, or made up of two parts of fertile soil, and one piece of expanded clay, perlite, peat. The plant is transplanted by transferring it into a large container, when the roots begin to emerge from the drainage, growth stops and the leaves droop. Hoya transplanting using the transshipment method will help the root system quickly recover. If the pot is taken much larger, then flowering will be delayed. When transplanting, wax ivy is not buried.
The formation of the crown of the ivy flower is required. The support can be made in the form of a heart, a ring or an arch. You can create a bush-like composition, often pinching the growing shoots. This technique stimulates flowering. Grow a small bush and check for yourself whether the old signs work and which ones. Take a look clivia in the photo!
I was recently given a hoya, it is still small, I can not decide on its appearance. Her leaves are green at the edges, and white-yellow in the middle, looks healthy outwardly, stands on a sunny window on the edge, the balcony is glazed, so there are no large rays, t at the window is +18.
Good day, please tell me, but after bathing, together with the roots, change the earth? Then it turns out, replacing the land twice a year? And if you don't change it, then it means bathing without a pot. Please clarify, I did not quite understand)))
If it is possible to easily remove the bush along with the earthen lump without the risk of damaging the root system during such a procedure, then you can remove the plant and bathe without a pot. But it would be better to just wrap the flowerpot around the bush with a kind of cover made of fabric that allows water to pass through. So the hoya will not fall out along with the soil, and moisture can freely penetrate inside. The main thing is, after bathing, do not forget to put the flower on the pallet so that the glass is all unnecessary.
"The family can be comprehended by misfortune and financial well-being" ...
it would be nice if we were financially well: \
All these stupid signs are just complete nonsense, how convenient it is to blame someone or something for your everyday failures and problems. When we have already got rid of these superstitions! No money the flower is to blame, the husband left his wife again the flower is to blame. If you believe all the signs, you can just go crazy! Any omen associated with any flower and often not a good one, so do not have flowers? But they are so beautiful!
Natalia ! Totally agree with you. Hoya is a wonderful flower.And the man will break the wood and then blame everyone in a row, but not himself. My hoya bloomed only once a few years ago. I want to get it to bloom again and endow me with its unique evening aroma. I have a lot of flowers in my mini greenhouse. And hoya takes a certain place in her and in my pleasant memories. I will send you a picture when my beautiful hoya bloom.
My beautiful hoya has been growing for more than 5 years without a transplant - it blooms very abundantly only in spring. I am very afraid to transplant, I think I can damage her and she will not forgive me for this. Give advice on how to do this without damage!
Dear Lyudmila! I envy in a kind way that your hoya blooms regularly. And my hoya has not bloomed for the last five years and I am making every effort to make it bloom again. I'm not a bad advisor, but I can tell you something. First, place 2-3 hoya cuttings in the water. When they release roots after 3-4 weeks, transplant them one at a time into temporary small pots and let them take root. The process is generally long - a month and a half. See for yourself. Ie there are offspring of your flower! When they take root, start with the main flower. Everything will be OK. Do not be afraid and do not worry. Gently, with a strong wooden spatula, loosen a lump of earth with roots and a flower from the side of the pot and transfer it temporarily to another container. Replace the soil, pour expanded clay on the bottom of the pot and place your favorite flower there. He loves you, since it blooms regularly and will not take offense at you for such procedures. Well, I personally have multiplied and multiplied, but I have not touched the mother's flower yet, since it blooms and smells great.
And I have 2 hoyi - grown from cuttings (it is easily propagated by cuttings). True, it never bloomed - apparently, we have little light, western windows and obscures the high house in front of us. And so one of the most favorite plants. I heard about bad omens, but I also heard good ones - that this is a flower-bride, and that this is a child's flower - it is good to have it where there are children. Very easy to care for, never transplanted, occasionally fertilize. Great flower! )
Inna! Hoya is beautiful when in bloom with its delicate amazing scent. But she will bloom if she realizes that you love her. It also requires proper care. She is unfortunately moody. There are many tips for hoya to bloom. And I am closely engaged in this, but I have not succeeded yet.
Oh, I didn't bloom for a very long time. I agreed to the leaves. This spring I put her on the balcony and told her that I would take her to work in the fall, since it does not bloom. And lo and behold, at the end of August I found flowers on it. How many positive emotions she caused. I even shared this news at work. But I was also told about the signs that she is called a widow's flower ... I think that a living plant, in principle, should not bring misfortune. In our human world, our life depends on us.
A friend gave me the hoya, believing in the signs, she said that he was growing poorly, I took him in spite of the signs, he grows so well and everything is fine in our family so that the girls grow this flower for a feast for the eyes.
The hoya's soul did not want to part with Farida's dwelling! A beautiful, wonderful, intelligent flower that brings good luck and happiness in life to people who love it, even if it blooms very rarely.
Good day!
The bud on the hoyke has been in this position for a long time. Tell me, is it alive or there is no point in waiting
We need a closer photo. Feed your flower with fertilizer to stimulate flowering.
And if like this?
Sorry, I'm taking pictures with my phone, there is no sharpness.
Try using fertilizers, though.I think the plant will react. Kind of like a living kidney.
Huge, thank you for the information and advice.
Hoya blooms on my window every year. The window faces south. There is plenty of light. In the summer, you have to cover the bottom of the window (see 50) with tracing paper to avoid a large amount of direct sunlight. I water it in spring and summer after 3-4 days at night, in winter and 5 days in the morning. Once every 2 - 3 weeks, when watering only in spring and summer, I add a single feed, 1.5 - 2 liters of water with a bottle cap. More often the flower has pleasant and gentle words and it will delight you with its flowering.
I brought hoya from Alushta in 2010. I really liked this flower. For 7 years she somehow did not grow very well with me and did not bloom. And in the fall of 2016, when I became pregnant, my flower began to grow actively. When the long-awaited baby was born, the hoya released three rosettes of flowers. This year, my favorite makes me happy with flowers from March to this day, now 7 outlets are blooming at once. The beauty!!! Think "muzhegon" or vice versa ...
I got a flower from my mother-in-law when they moved. Well it grows and grows. There was no flowering for a year 3. Then came the long-awaited, but difficult pregnancy. My daughter and I were in the hospital for a long time, and after being discharged a couple of weeks later this beauty blossomed!
Flowers will appear on this bud.
The omen is correct !!!
This flower cannot be kept at home ...