Charming chrysanthemums - planting and care in the fall, pruning
They can rightfully be called the queens of the autumn garden, and many other flowers can envy the riot of chrysanthemum colors. Most often they are planted in the spring, but you can do this before winter. If everything is done on time, then chrysanthemums take root well, planting and care in the fall, pruning will only help them take root faster. As a result, the bushes have time to get stronger and tolerate their first wintering well. And next season they will delight you with rapid flowering.
Chrysanthemums - planting and care in the fall, pruning
Heat-loving Indian chrysanthemums are planted only in spring. Moreover, it is better to dig them out for the winter.
When and where to plant
The deadline for planting seedlings is early October. But it is still better to land in the month of September. Then the bushes will have time to take root and grow new roots, which is important for a successful wintering.
It is necessary to plant chrysanthemums in a well-lit place. The most important condition is that moisture should not stagnate there, otherwise the plants will begin to rot and disappear. The flower loves soil of neutral acidity and fertile. The soil, poor in nutrients, needs fertilization. Before boarding, you must make humus and superphosphate.
If it so happens that chrysanthemums were purchased at the end of October or even later, they cannot be planted in the ground. In this case, the bushes must either be dug in the greenhouse or planted in pots. And send to the cellar for the winter.
How to care for a planted chrysanthemum and whether you need to prune
When planting seedlings in rows, it is necessary to maintain a distance between the bushes of at least 30 cm. Planted chrysanthemums in autumn do not require special care, because winter is coming soon. It will be enough:
- mulch the tree trunk circle with compost or peat;
- if there is no rain, water the plants several times;
- in a prolonged warm autumn, especially if the sun is shining brightly, it does not hurt to cover with agrofibre;
- before freezing, be sure to cover the bushes with spruce branches or non-woven material.
As for pruning chrysanthemums after planting, experienced gardeners advise doing it right away. Although many regret the bushes, especially if the seedlings are already in bloom, and give them the opportunity to fully complete this period. However, it should be borne in mind that uncircumcised chrysanthemums spend useful substances on buds and weaken themselves. And they will need them for wintering, so that the plants will survive it successfully. Therefore, whether to cut or not is up to you.But it is better not to regret and immediately shorten the stems, leaving hemp up to 15 cm high.Then your chrysanthemums will definitely go to rest strengthened.