American persimmon - an exotic exhibit in the northern latitudes
The most suitable variety for growing in the middle lane is American persimmon. Its foliage is dark green in color. However, with the onset of autumn, it becomes burgundy. The culture blooms in June in the form of stars, which are yellow and champagne. However, it is worth noting that the tree bears not very large fruits, although they are unusually sweet.
The wood of the culture is brown with a grayish tint. It is used in furniture, golf clubs, and musical instruments.
Read also: the benefits of persimmon!
American persimmon and its whims
Breeders have bred such an unusual variety with the aim of becoming both frost-resistant and tasty at the same time. These exotic specimens are able to withstand temperatures down to -30 ° C. That is why they are so popular in the northern regions.
The woody plant reaches 15 m in height. Thus, a large space is needed for its root system. But it is she who is the vulnerable point of culture, because:
- has a black tint, which scares many gardeners who think that the roots are rotten;
- most often dies if the root collar is not on the same level with the ground;
- does not take root well in a new place, because it is not fibrous enough.
In this regard, American persimmon must be planted in fertile soil, or create it yourself. A hole is dug out 3 times the size of an earthen coma. Several parts of the compost humus are introduced, but not mineral fertilizers. Then water intensively. But at the end of summer, the amount and frequency of liquid application is reduced. As a result, the bark will be able to fully mature and not freeze in winter.
In August, top dressing is carried out in the form potash complexes... Chemical compounds will speed up the wood maturation process.
First year of life
During this period, it is necessary to pay special attention to the young seedling. If it was planted in the fall, then it can grow relatively slowly, and the cold begins to come faster and faster. Then experienced gardeners pinch off his "crown". It is enough to remove only the top two leaves. Nevertheless, a very dangerous period begins for American persimmons:
- dry cold winds;
- sunburn;
- severe frosts.
When picking fruits, you need to let them fully ripen on the tree, and not at home. It is the cold treatment that will help remove the tart taste of the fruit.
Therefore, autumn seedlings are covered for the winter. They are wrapped in several layers with agrofiber, which allows air to pass through. It is forbidden to use cellophane, because the canvas promotes the formation of condensation.