Pitted persimmon at home - growing on a windowsill

potted persimmon Ebony - long-liver, persimmon, has other names - date plum, wild date, heartfruit. Could stone persimmon be potted? At home, the cultivation of exotic is possible, but it is associated with the observance of a number of conditions. A tropical plant requires a special microclimate throughout the year. In winter, the plant sheds its leaves, requires rest and a low temperature. The fruits of the home tree are healthy. Self-pollinated varieties Khachia and Jiro - to help the gardener.

Read the article:persimmon health benefits and harm!

How can you get planting material

grafting of persimmon for fruiting

More often at home growing, persimmon is obtained from the stone. It is important to choose a fruit from a self-pollinated variety. The berry must be ripe without damage. It is impossible to take frozen fruit, the seeds are no longer viable. If there are moldy leaves next to the fruit, the seed should be discarded. To keep the persimmon warm, you can hold it near the heating battery.

The removed seeds must be kept for 2 days in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Only drowned bones are suitable for sowing. Then carry out seed treatment with a growth stimulant, stratification for 2 months at +50 C, after a week, hold it at the radiator. Before sowing the seeds, file the hard ribs with sandpaper.persimmon bones

In parallel, you can sow persimmon seeds simply:

  • eat the fruit and take out the seeds;
  • immediately plant to a depth of 1.5 cm in a pot with loose soil, cover, put in a warm place;
  • irrigate the surface from time to time, ventilate, the sprout should appear within two weeks.

You can buy a ready-made grown seedling in the nursery, it will not cost cheap. On your own seedling, you can vaccinate against fruiting domestic trees.

Requirements for sowing persimmons, caring for seedlings

seed persimmon sproutThe soil for sowing seeds should be light and skinny. A mixture of sand and peat in equal parts. At home, seed persimmons are germinated in a small container, covered from the top from evaporation. You cannot use a battery as a source of heat - the earth will dry out quickly. You need to build a mini-label. The sprouts are difficult to get rid of the halves of the seeds, you should help by moistening with a spray bottle and placing the pot in a polyethylene shell overnight. As soon as the seedlings give the first true leaves, they need to be planted, or left alone, the most powerful seedling. Transfer the plant to the prepared soil:

  • meadow humus;
  • peat;
  • river sand.

To give the composition of useful properties, you can add EM-1 Baikal to it, but only 2 weeks before planting.

persimmon on the windowsillAt home, growing persimmons from a stone without transplanting can take up to 3 months. The seedling grows quickly, filling a small container with roots. Each next pot should be 3-4 cm larger than the previous one. It is no longer possible - the free earth will turn sour. From the moment the side branches are formed, the tree should be pinched so that the branches bush, and the crown turns out to be spherical.

Growing persimmon from a stone as an ornamental plant is available from any fruit. But you can only get a crop from a grafted plant. Inoculate persimmon with a small cuttings from a fruiting self-fertile tree. Such a scion can be taken in a botanical garden, in a nursery or from good friends. It is important that the tree is healthy. If grafted onto an annual seedling, fruiting can be expected in 5 years.

Agrotechnics of homemade tomato tree - persimmons

gentle persimmon blossomGrowing persimmons at home is associated with the creation of "tropical" conditions for the plant. It means:

  1. A potted plant needs a lot of diffused light, in spring and autumn with additional lighting for 2-3 hours. Persimmon cannot stand direct sunlight; on a clear summer day, the window should be covered with gauze.
  2. In summer, the plant loves fresh air, but no wind, shaded.
  3. Water the tree in small portions, without creating stagnation and dirt in the box.
  4. Daily spraying on the leaves is required.
  5. During the rest period, the tree sheds leaves and can be stored at temperatures up to -150... Usually enough +5 -10 degrees in a dark underground, with periodic moistening of the earth clod.
  6. During the growing season, moderate feeding, replanting or renewal of the upper layer of the substrate are required.

persimmon transplantHome care for a persimmon from a stone to obtain a fruitful tree is associated with maintaining a balance of stressful conditions with favorable ones. This is how trees are forced to bear fruit in conditions unusual for them. Limited doses of fertilizers do not allow the vegetative mass to grow, otherwise the roots will not cope. But, artificial lighting and the absence of a draft is comfortable for persimmons. Regular crown formation inhibits the growth of the ground part and helps the roots.

How to water persimmon is a special science. If the tree stands in a bright room with a high temperature, the leaves dry out. Water the plant with warm water more often, but do not create dirt in which there is no air, the roots are suffocating. Moderation is needed in everything. Watering cannot replace daily spraying, creating fog in the crown. Spraying on the leaves is carried out several times a day in hot weather. To increase the humidity, place an aquarium, saucer or tray with pebbles and wet moss near.

How to grow a persimmon from a stone - video in 3 parts

  1. Michael

    The fact that a seed from a frozen persimmon is not viable is sheer nonsense, as well as about long-term stratification (from this, the embryo can rot and die). Before planting, the seeds only need to be soaked in warm water for 1-2 days, and then they can be planted in a pot with a diameter of 10-12 cm and the same height, even a 0.5 liter plastic beer glass with holes in the bottom will do. Until the leaves come out of the shell, you need to keep in a warm and bright place, and with the appearance of real leaves, you can rearrange it on the windowsill, if it is not colder + 17 degrees there. And the most important thing is not to flood the plant, water it only with warm water. Humus and a little sod land should be added to the ground for persimmon, but peat should be no more than 30%. The first feeding should be done with an ash solution (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of boiling water, cool and add another 0.5 liters of water) 1.5-2 months after germination, and then with complex fertilizer or green infusion once a month until November. Depending on the soil in which the future tree grows, the frequency of replanting is also determined. The lighter the soil, the more often it is replanted (but only in a warm period)

    • Grisha

      stratification - some kind of nonsense! To make the persimmon fully ripe, you can put it in a transparent bag on the windowsill (for 2 persimmons, 1 apple) and tie it tightly (the gas that gives off the apple accelerates the ripening process). Then everything is simple: you dry the seeds, before planting, you deysenify the seeds in a peroxide solution (a tablespoon for 50 ml of water, leave for 15 minutes), washed, you can help the seed to open with a knife, dried it with a towel, planted it and wrapped it with a film. I put it under the battery, but every day I checked the ground, I needed to water the manger. With the appearance of the leaves, we put it on the windowsill, slowly remove the film (not at one time!). I have sprouted like this in about a week. Next, we devote a little time to the tree every 3 days and the kvass will work out. Good luck!

  2. Alexander

    The stone sprouted, 4 leaves appeared on the sprout over time, one was torn off by negligence. After a while, the second dried up and fell off (the leaves were large enough).Now on the sprout (about 10-12 cm) there is one leaf left. Maybe I'm doing wrong. Tell me how to fix the situation (if it is still possible). Thanks in advance

    • Olga

      Maybe the bush is hot or you flood it. Check the ground, adjust watering. Lighting should be diffused.

  3. Ludmila

    How long can the seeds be kept before planting. If planted 2 months after being extracted from the fruit, will they sprout in the ground?

    • Olga

      If they don't dry out at all, then you can. And you check by dropping it into the water. If they surface, there will be no sense, and the drowned can be planted.

  4. Irina

    I planted a seed in a pot next to another flower sprout, as soon as they ate the fruit. not deep. After some time (about 2-3 weeks), the seed swelled and a root appeared. deepened it a little more into the ground. a month later, a sprout appeared on the surface. helped to remove the shell and that's what I have now. Not transplanted. removed the shoots of another flower. I look forward to continued growth.

  5. Aishe

    In the fall, I threw persimmon seeds into a flower pot, and they all sprouted. In the spring I will transplant it to the garden, next year I will plant it. One grafted persimmon grows in the garden; last year it bore fruit for the first time. The fruits are not large, but sweet.

  6. Alyona

    I still can't understand: I'll plant it in the garden in the spring, but where in the fall?

    • Olga

      The article deals with the cultivation of persimmons at home. A plant grown from seed will not survive in the garden. For open ground, it is necessary to buy seedlings, best of all - virgin persimmon. She has good winter hardiness.

  7. Oksana

    Out of 5 sprouts, 4 of my 5 sprouts dropped their foliage for the winter, honestly, I thought they had dried up, but 1 with leaves remained, now it continued to grow, and 2 of the “dried” ones have buds. The one that remained with the leaves is now somewhere about 20 cm, the rest - somewhere around 10 cm. Is it worth pinching the big one, but it has no side branches?

    • Olga

      For a seedling, 20 cm is a decent enough height. I think you can pinch.

  8. Gennady

    Hello, teach how to plant persimmon, we have 3 sprouts 15 cm each with leaves. I'm afraid to do it wrong and harm! Thank.

    • Natali

      You have already grown small seedlings of persimmon seeds. Now they need to be allowed to grow stronger. Now you need to get the cuttings from the fruiting plant. There are two options for getting a fruiting plant. 1. Budding. Good in April when the juice starts to move. This gives a greater percentage of the guarantee of the eye engraftment. 2. Copulation. It can be carried out in different ways both in winter and in spring. There are 3 more ways to get a compact tree. Graft this sprout grown by you on a dwarf rootstock (Texas low-growing persimmon).

  9. Anastasia

    I bought a persimmon in the store, ate it, and stuck the seeds without rinsing and everything else in a pot of geraniums, which is on the windowsill, and forgot about them. After 2-3 weeks, 3 pieces entered, the fourth is on the way. Transplanted into a temporary container. Well, the root of the sprout is 10 centimeters in length! I will watch the growth further.

  10. Svetlana

    Well, I ate it, immediately planted a seed and sprouted)! No need to defend a thesis in my opinion!

  11. Olga

    I also sprouted from the bone. And also oranges and lemons. Another would be to plant them so that they bear fruit.

  12. Helena

    I dripped the bones as soon as I ate the persimmon, everything sprouted

  13. Alla

    The sprout is already about 20 cm, the leaves began to dry out, what to do


