Elwoodi cypress needs careful care
Among conifers, a separate niche is occupied by the Elwoodi cypress, a distinctive feature of which is its fluffy sprawling needles. This species is most in demand among flower growers due to its frost resistance, decorative properties and compactness. The best option for growing at home.
General characteristics of the plant
The crown is conical, covered with needle-like leaves and closed shoots, located vertically. The diameter of the crown varies between 100-120 cm. You can buy Elwoodi d9 cypress in a pot in a nursery or a specialized store.
Cypress Elwoodi: rules of home care
Plant care for self-cultivation is available even for novice gardeners, the main thing is to follow some rules:
- Location. Cypress does not like direct sunlight, so it is better to place it in partial shade. During the summer heat, the crown needs regular spraying, while avoiding soil overflow.
- Shine. The open sun can cause burns on the tree leaves. Elwoodi cypress at home feels good on the north windows, or a glazed balcony. Lack of light negatively affects the color of the needles.
- Temperature and humidity. A lower temperature is preferable for the plant, therefore in the summer it is necessary to cool the air using an air conditioner, a humidifier, or by covering the pot with ice; in winter, the cypress pot must be kept away from heating appliances. The optimum temperature is +15 degrees and a high level of humidity in the room.
- Soil composition. Cypress should be planted in drained, loose soil from peat, sand, turf in 1 part and 2 parts of leaf land. To avoid the death of the plant, during planting, the root system should not be greatly deepened.
- Pruning. The removal of old, dried branches, as well as the formation of a conical crown, is performed in the first month of spring, one year after planting. During one pruning, no more than 30% of foliage and branches can be removed;
- Watering. The tree does not tolerate drought well, therefore, it is impossible to allow the earthen coma to dry out, especially in the spring and summer. With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to water the plant less often - after the topsoil has dried. Excess moisture can also have a detrimental effect and lead to decay of the root system;
- Top dressing. Planting and caring for Elwoodi cypress includes regular application fertilizers every two weeks, except in the winter months.
For the favorable development of the plant, the dose of feeding should be 50% of the indicated volumes on the package.
Reproduction methods
Cypress multiplies in two ways, each of which is carried out using a specific technology.
Seed propagation
For propagation of cypress with seeds, planting material is taken from wild trees, the germination of which lasts for more than 10 years. Planting is carried out in the winter season in stages:
- To shorten the germination time, seeds must be stratified.To do this, you need to place the seeds in a container with loose earth, take them outside, covered with a layer of snow and leave until spring;
- In the spring, bring the container to a warm room and wait for the seeds to germinate. Young shoots must be regularly watered and thinned;
- With the onset of warmth, the seedling pots can be taken outside to a place protected from drafts.
This method is quite laborious and the likelihood of growing cypress in this way is small.
Propagation by cuttings is the best way to get a healthy plant:
- at the beginning of spring, it is necessary to separate the cuttings (at least 15 cm) from the side shoots;
- clean the bottom of the foliage;
- place the cutting in the soil of coniferous bark, sand and perlite:
- cover with a film or a plastic bottle, creating greenhouse conditions, for 2 months before rooting.
After the tree gives roots, the cypress Elwoodi d9 in the country can be transplanted into open ground.
Transplant technology
For the favorable development of the plant, it is necessary to transplant it correctly, since the cypress is difficult to tolerate this procedure. The transplant should be performed only when the tree becomes too cramped, moving it into a container several centimeters larger, acting carefully.
In order for the Elwoodi cypress to be minimally damaged during transplantation, it must be moved to a new container along with an earthen lump. The plant should not be deepened too much. After the procedure, the pot must be placed in a shaded place and not watered for 10 days.
Outdoor transplant
Caring for Elwoodi cypress in a pot allows it to be moved outdoors. Repotting is carried out in April, when the soil is completely warmed up. It is worth preparing for the event in the fall by preparing a pit 90 cm deep and 25 cm wide. Transplant technology:
- In autumn, at the bottom of the recess, create a pillow of sand and expanded clay 20 cm thick, cover with soil on top (a mixture of turf, humus, sand and peat).
- Before planting, water the hole and the earthen lump of the plant with a solution for the development of the root system.
- Place the tree in the recess, fill it with soil in stages, adding 250 gr. nitroammophos.
- After placing the seedling, the soil will shrink, so the root should be 15 cm below the soil level.
- Water the plant and add soil to the level of the root collar.
- Mulch the soil around the tree, and fix the cypress with a support.
- For wintering, the crown must be covered with a non-woven material.
After transplanting to an open area, care for the cypress is carried out in the same way as when transplanting into another container.
If you follow all the rules of care, Lawson's cypress can be easily grown in a summer cottage or in an apartment, the main thing is to be patient, since the tree grows very slowly.