Features of growing clematis in Siberia: planting and care, photo varieties

flowering clematis in Siberia Cultivation of clematis in Siberia - planting and care, photos of varieties for the selection of the right type, pruning and sheltering plants for the winter and many other nuances. This flower takes root well even in cold climates, tolerates wintering in the open field, and pleases with abundant flowering in summer. Not every variety of clematis can grow in Siberia, but even for the inhabitants of this region there is a huge selection of plant varieties.

Clematis - species description

varieties of clematis for Siberia

The genus Clematis has more than 380 varieties of herbaceous or woody plants. They belong to the Buttercup family. Their main feature is flowers of different shades and diameters, which can decorate any garden. In nature, they grow in the temperate and subtropical climate of the Northern Hemisphere and thrive in long, cold winters.

For successful cultivation, it is worth choosing only frost-resistant varieties of clematis - caring for them is not difficult.

Clematis have several features:

  • some varieties consist of an underground part and a liana: the first remains in the ground for the winter, and the second dies off;
  • the bush form is also popular and does not require pruning for the winter;
  • several types of shoots can form on one bush; plants with new or last year's shoots are suitable for planting in Siberia;
  • flowers can be simple (up to 8 petals) or double (up to 70 small petals), single or form inflorescences;
  • wild varieties are not suitable for cultivation in Siberia.

Photos of clematis in Siberia, planting and caring for which are not difficult, are no different from plants grown in warm climates. The main thing is to choose the right frost-resistant variety and follow the rules of its protection for the winter.

Cultivation of clematis in Siberia and caring for them

peculiarities of growing in SiberiaCultivation of clematis in Siberia has its own characteristics. Under natural conditions, they do not grow here, but with proper care they easily adapt to the climate and can endure winter in the open field. To propagate these plants in the garden, it is worth choosing the right varieties of seedlings, which are best taken from special nurseries.

Flower propagation

seedlings of clematisThe seedlings that can be found on sale are young shoots. which have managed to take root and are suitable for planting in open ground. However, there are several ways how to breed this culture at home and get a bright dense array from one bush in several years:

  • layering - for this, vines are rooted near the mother bush;
  • by cuttings - young shoots are separated from the plant during the period of their intensive growth, rooted and planted in the ground the next year;
  • by dividing the bush - large, highly overgrown bushes from 4 years old and older can be divided, for this they are cut into several parts along with the rhizome and immediately planted back into the soil.

Under natural conditions, clematis also propagate by seeds, but this method is not suitable for growing at home. Plants germinated from seeds are less frost-resistant.

Choosing a variety for planting

frost-resistant variety of clematisIn Siberia, the main thing is to choose the right variety. Clematis must adapt well to the climate and survive the winter without damage. They have a huge number of varieties, so for convenience it is customary to classify them into 3 large groups:

  1. First group - varieties in which flowering occurs on the shoots of the last year. In Siberia, they are not grown, since the shoots must be cut off for the winter.
  2. Second group - These are plants in which flowers can appear on both last year's and young shoots. They are suitable for breeding in Siberia, but need periodic pruning.
  3. Third group - herbaceous varieties in which flowering occurs on young shoots. By winter, the green part dies off, and the rhizome remains in the ground. They can be grown in Siberia, but must be protected from frost.

growing heat-loving varieties in portable containersFrost-resistant varieties of clematis for Siberia in the photo do not differ from more thermophilic species. They bloom as long and profusely, form large inflorescences and attract attention.

Features of planting clematis

seedling for planting in open groundFor planting in open ground, seedlings that have already reached 2 years of age are suitable. They should be intact, with a strong root system. The plant is best purchased in the fall and stored all winter in a dry, dark room. In spring it can be planted in the soil. So it will have time to take root and be ready to withstand frost.

To plant clematis in the ground, you need to follow several steps:

  • dig a hole (60 cm in depth and width), lay drainage on its bottom;
  • prepare a special soil mixture, which will consist of soil, dolomite flour and lime;
  • place the seedling in the planting hole, cover its rhizome with the mixture and cover with sand;put a seedling in a hole
  • organize support for young shoots.organize support for shoots

Clematis prefer to grow on light, nutritious soils with low groundwater levels. The site must be well lit and protected from the wind. It is best to plant plants from the southern part of the house - this way the wall will serve as a shelter.

Organic fertilizers and peat are not used to grow clematis - they are too heavy for these plants. If there is a need to feed them, it is better to purchase a ready-made mineral mixture.

Plant care

beautiful support for clematisClematis are perennials that can grow outdoors all year round. If you choose the right variety and find the right place for planting, they will feel comfortable. However, for abundant flowering and a neat appearance of the flower bed, you need to devote a little time to flowers. Comprehensive care for clematis includes several stages:

  • watering;watering
  • trimming;pruning clematis
  • support construction;support for clematis
  • introduction fertilizersfertilizer for clematis
  • shelter for the winter.preparing for winter frost protection

Different varieties of clematis need abundant watering. They need moisture to build up green mass and form flowers. On average, in the summer, one watering per week is enough for them, while you need to ensure that there is no stagnation of water on the site. Moisture should saturate deep soil layers and reach the rhizome.

The soil in the flower bed should be periodically loosened and cleaned of weeds. It is also useful to add ready-made mineral fertilizers... You can choose a complex mixture or use separately nitrogen, potash and phosphorus fertilizers. It is also useful to organize support for each flower according to the growth sulfur. So the vines will not be damaged by wind and their own weight.

place for clematis in the gardenThe main condition for growing clematis in Siberia is their shelter for the winter. Every year, shoots are trimmed after flowering, and during the year, dry damaged branches can be additionally removed. The shelter is formed with dry sand or peat. For this, the herbaceous shoots are disconnected from the support and laid out in a circle. They are covered with leaves from above and placed in a wooden box.

Clematis varieties for growing in Siberia

clematis elegyClematis Elegy - belongs to the third group of images. The plant forms long vines, from 3 to 3.5 m each. Abundant flowering, lasts throughout the summer. On one bush, a large number of simple blue-violet flowers are formed, each of which can reach up to 12-14 cm in diameter.

Clematis Luther BurbankClematis Luther Burbank - a description of this variety can be found in the assortment of different nurseries. It belongs to the third group of pruning, very hardy.An adult plant reaches 2-3 m in height, forms very large purple flowers (up to 25 cm in diameter). The flowering period lasts from June to September.

clematis Anastasia AnisimovaClematis Anastasia Anisimova Is a shrub-shaped plant. The flower reaches 1-1.5 m in height, practically does not need support. On one bush, up to 20 shoots are formed, and on them - light blue inflorescences up to 14 cm in diameter. The flowering period lasts throughout the summer.

clematis PresidentClematis President in the photo it looks bright and impressive. An adult plant reaches 2-2.5 m and is well attached to the support. This variety is popular for vertical landscaping of arches and arbors. Flowers appear on young and last year's shoots, bright blue, up to 15 cm in diameter.

clematis Multi BluePhoto and description of Clematis Multi Blue can be found in almost any catalog - the variety is very popular. Its peculiarity is double or semi-double flowers, which can be painted in different shades of blue and purple. They are large, can reach 18 cm in diameter, and are formed throughout the summer.

Clematis Miss BatemanClematis Miss Bateman Is a frost-resistant large-flowered variety. It is distinguished by snow-white single flowers up to 15 cm in diameter. Plants are resistant to frost, an adult shrub reaches 2.5 in height.

Clematis Mrs. CholmondeliClematis Mrs. Cholmondeli - This is a large plant, the shoots of which can reach 3 m. Flowers up to 18 cm in diameter are formed on them. They are blue, may have a lilac hue. Differences in petal color are possible within the same variety.

Clematis Madame de CultreClematis Madame le Cultre Is a large-flowered variety. Throughout the summer, the plant forms bright white simple flowers with a yellow core, up to 18 cm in diameter. The bushes reach 3 m in height, in the fall they need partial pruning for the winter.

clematis Varshavska NikeClematis Warshavska Nike (Warsaw Night) - spectacular flowers that are suitable for landscaping flower beds, arches and gazebos. This is a Polish variety, but it is highly winter-hardy and can grow in the cold climate of Siberia. The flowers are large, rich wine shade with a contrasting light core.

Clematis Dr. ReppelClematis Dr. Ruppel - one of the most unpretentious varieties. It grows quickly, while its vines are well attached to any support. He can also climb the walls of buildings. Its flowers are very large, up to 20 cm in diameter, the petals are painted in a bright pink shade with light edges.

clematis nelly moserPhoto of clematis Nelly Moser similar to the previous variety. They are also painted in shades of white and pink, adhere well to the support, and can be used to create living fences and hedges. Vines are fixed with special tendrils.

clematis ZhakmanaClematis Jacques Is a profusely flowering variety with bright blue-violet petals. It grows quickly and can cling to different types of support with antennae. Flowering occurs on young shoots, so by winter it needs partial pruning and shelter.

Clematis Rouge CardinalDescription of Clematis Rouge Cardinal be sure to focus on its large bright colors of a rich wine or burgundy hue. The petals are velvety, and the inflorescences can reach up to 15 cm in diameter. In the center there is a contrasting light core. The plant belongs to the third pruning group and needs shelter for the winter.

clematis huldinClematis Huldin - one of the largest varieties. The length of vine shoots reaches up to 5 m, while they are weak and need support. The flowers are non-double, single, their petals are bright white. Inflorescences are small, up to 10 cm in diameter.

Clematis Hegley HybridClematis Hegley Hybrid it is distinguished by flowers of an unusual shape, painted in a light purple hue. It does not grow very quickly, but blooms profusely throughout the summer. If you plant it near a support, the vines will cling to their antennae and climb along it.

clematis John Paul 2Clematis John Paul 2 Is a fast growing variety that can reach 4 m in height. Lianas need support and can be used for vertical landscaping of objects. The flowers are large, white with a pink stripe in the center of each petal.The streak becomes more pronounced at the end of flowering.

Clematis Ernest MarkhamClematis Ernest Markham - one of the most spectacular varieties. It grows slowly, blooms late (in July) but is very abundant. Its vines can be attached to natural and artificial supports, decorating arbors or arches. Before winter, the plant needs a lot of pruning.

Clematis Purpurea Plena EleganceClematis Purpurea Plena Elegance - This is a variety with small double flowers of pink or crimson shades. It is most often used to close the walls of buildings, since it is easily attached to any support. Flowering is long and plentiful, continuing throughout the summer.

clematis MinisterClematis Minister was bred by Estonian breeders. Its flowers are large, and the bushes reach 2-2.5 m in height. The petals are blue with a pink stripe in the center, with jagged edges. The plant is well attached to supports with leafy petioles, can climb the walls of buildings.

clematis Cosmic melodyClematis Space Melody - a spectacular and unpretentious variety. The bushes reach 3-4 m in height, flowering continues throughout the summer. The main feature of the variety is its bright flowers, painted in a rich purple hue. They are small (10-14 cm in diameter), but appear in large numbers and stay on the shoots for a long time.

Photos of clematis in Siberia, planting and caring for which are possible even in a long harsh winter, differ in a variety of colors and shades. They adapt to different climates, but for this they need constant care and shelter for the winter. If you follow all the rules, clematis grows quickly and bloom profusely throughout the summer.

Video review of clematis varieties for Siberia

  1. Lada

    A very good article about varieties for Siberia, very useful to me. Just sitting there, choosing what to buy, what will not die and will be accepted in Novosibirsk.
    And the photo of the varieties can be seen immediately.
    Success to the author in further articles.


