What is clover and what are its beneficial properties

clover blooms Clover is a plant that is popular not only in Russia, but also in North Africa, in the lands of Western and Central Asia. The herb belongs to the legume family. It is often called the stable, red clover, or gruel. It grows in forest glades, as well as along roads. Reviews about meadow clover, its medicinal properties and contraindications, which are available on the Internet, once again confirm its effectiveness.

Plant feature and species

clover in nature

The culture thrives on moderately moist soil. This herb has a well-developed taproot system. Its stem can grow up to 60 cm tall, and sometimes even higher. The upper part of the shoots is pubescent. The leaves are oval. They often consist of three parts, but there are varieties of four and five leaf clover. You can observe flowering until September. The uniqueness of the herb is the ability of deciduous plates to fold in the evening and unfold before sunrise. The first buds appear in early May. Red clover blooms in pink, white or red. The buds are small when loose. They have a round shape that resembles a fluffy head.

There are several types of clover in nature. All of them differ among themselves not only in appearance, color of buds, but also in properties.

Popular varieties of clover:

  1. Lugovoy or Red. It can be either biennial or long-term. The stem of the plant reaches 15-50 cm in height. Deciduous plates are trifoliate. Often their upper part is covered with whitish spots. Inflorescences are loose, spherical in shape. They can be red, snow-white and with a pink tint. On the territory of Russia, this species has been grown for 200 years. The most popular varieties are Vyatsky, Yaroslavsky, Pskov.Red clover
  2. White creeping clover. It grows up to 40 centimeters tall and belongs to the group of perennial crops. A distinctive feature is the stems rooting in internodes. Leaves are petiolate, trifoliate, elliptical in shape. Each plate is serrate along the edge with light spots at the base. The flowers are small. They can be white, greenish, pinkish. This type is durable and resistant to trampling. Creeping clover regenerates very quickly, which makes it possible to use it as a lawn crop. It is a good honey plant, which can be up to 10 years old. Breeders have created several varieties that differ in the shape and color of the leaves.white clover creeping
  3. The clover is pink. This species grows in Europe and the near part of Asia. Stems are straight or ascending. Basically, its height reaches 60 centimeters, but there are crops 80 cm in size. The leaves are trifoliate. This clover blooms in a white-pink shade. It is often used as a forage plant. This type of leaves differs. They are very firmly attached to the petioles, thus making the blanks softer. When the stem is dried, the leafy plates do not fall off, which gives the hay a bitter taste. Because of this, dry clover is poorly eaten by animals, so it is often mixed with cereals.clover pink

There are also several varieties of four-leaf clover. These are fairly new plants in which deciduous plates can acquire both green and burgundy hues.

For the first time, the culture was noticed in the XIV century on the lands of northern Italy. Then the plant was brought to Holland and Germany. Since 1633, red clover has been cultivated in England. It appeared on the territory of Russia in the 18th century.

Useful properties of the plant

clover is rich in vitamins and mineralsClover is rich in various vitamins and minerals. The leaves and heads of plants contain a large amount of carotene, mineral components, salicylic acid. The herb also contains flavonoids that promote better fat metabolism in the treatment of atherosclerosis. This plant is popularly used to lower cholesterol levels and to increase immunity. In the heads of the culture, there are analogues of female sex hormones called phytoestrogens. Red clover has good medicinal properties, but it has contraindications. Knowing all his abilities, you can get rid of a number of diseases in a short time.

healing properties of clover flowersMedicinal properties of meadow clover:

  • relieves the inflammatory process;
  • lowers body temperature;lowers body temperature
  • relieves fungus;
  • stops bleeding;
  • relieves eye fatigue.relieves eye fatigue

Deciduous plates have a diuretic, diaphoretic, bactericidal effect. The plant is great for coughing.

Infusion from this culture has analgesic and choleretic properties. According to research results, it has been proven that clover leaves and flowers are able to tone up the body, as well as remove toxins and harmful components.

For the healing of fresh and purulent wounds, crushed clover leaves are used. It is important that they are only ripped off. This will allow you to get a lot of juice, which will contain the maximum amount of useful components.

Since ancient times, it has often been used to create healing baths.healing bath with clover

The essence of the flowering herb has found its purpose in homeopathy. The eyes were washed with fresh plant juice in case of allergies.

Contraindications to the use of the plant

clover medicineThe healing properties of red clover have been known for many years. But, despite all the advantages, culture has its contraindications. For most people, the herb is not dangerous, especially if it is not used internally, but only as a lotion.

Clover is not recommended for use:

  1. Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. Stems and other parts of the culture act like estrogen. This can cause hormonal imbalance. This prohibition also applies to the external use of the compounds.
  2. Clover is contraindicated for people who have blood diseases. This is due to the fact that infusions, ointments can cause bleeding. Since the stable is a good blood thinner, it is not recommended to use it at least 2 weeks before the operation. The same amount of time must be waited after the procedure.
  3. Clover can be dangerous for patients with indigestion.
  4. You should not take medications based on this culture for heart patients and people who have had a stroke.
  5. It is forbidden to drink infusions of flowers and leaves with neoplasms. Such a liquid can lead to a deterioration in the condition.
  6. Clover can also harm people who suffer from thrombophlebitis. The plant is capable of causing blood clots in the event of S.

For the preparation of tinctures, it is recommended to use young stems, the height of which does not exceed 15 cm.

When taking clover-based medications, you should consider the possible side effects. Patients often complain of a rash, muscle pain, nausea, and headaches. With individual intolerance, vaginal bleeding may occur in some women. If you use white or red clover for medicinal purposes, it should be remembered that it is not recommended to take it with certain groups of medicines.

Overuse of clover can lead to liver damage.

Do not use clover with:

  1. Estrogens in capsules or tablets.
  2. Birth control pills that contain levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol.
  3. Medicines for the treatment of the liver. Clover is able to slow down their breakdown in the body and hinder their action.
  4. Medicines that slow down blood clotting. These include Aspirin, Naproxen, Heparin, Diclofenac and others.
  5. Means that are prescribed in the treatment and prevention of cancer. Infusions can reduce the effectiveness of such formulations.

It is also not recommended to take drugs that contain this substance for people with diabetes and children.

Effective recipes for cholesterol and other diseases based on porridge

Meadow clover for cholesterol is a unique remedy that is famous all over the world. With proper preparation of the drug in a fairly short period of time, you can forget about the problem without using expensive medicines.

Clover tincture

clover tinctureSince ancient times, this culture has been used for cleaning blood vessels. One of the most popular remedies is a clover infusion with vodka. For the preparation of such a drink, you can use both fresh and dry flowers of the culture.

preparation of tinctureRequired Ingredients:

  • 500 g of grass;
  • 500 ml of vodka.

Put clover flowers in a two-liter jar and fill them with liquid. The resulting mixture must be kept in a dark place for 2 weeks. At the end of the time, the liquid will need to be filtered, and then refrigerated. Everyone can drink such an infusion, but adhering to certain dosages. First of all, this applies to elderly people. It is necessary to drink alcoholic tincture once a day before meals. The course of treatment is 30 days. Then you should take a break for 10 days and resume therapy again.

Clover tincture with alcohol has a tonic and calming effect.

It is useful to take this remedy in the spring season. It is at this time that the human body needs vitamins.

Sweet cholesterol medicine

clover honeyTo prepare such a remedy, you need to purchase clover honey at the pharmacy. To do this, you need to take 30 g of a delicacy and 10 ml of fresh lemon juice... Mix the components thoroughly to get a homogeneous mass. Store the medicine in the refrigerator.

Clover honey can lower blood pressure.

You need to take the composition every day before lunch. The course of treatment is one month. Clover honey is a very beneficial remedy. It is a natural antioxidant that quickly lowers cholesterol levels and restores the health of the circulatory system.

Clover decoction

decoctionTo prepare the remedy, you must use the flowers and leaves of young plants. This is one of the most popular recipes used all over the world.

For cooking you need:

  • 5 grams of flowers;
  • 5 grams of leaves;
  • 200 mg of boiling water.

Mix all components. Infuse the composition for 60 minutes. Then discard the mixture in a colander or strain with gauze. Take the infusion 3 times a day, 20 mg at a time. It should be drunk exclusively before meals. The course of treatment should be 3 weeks.

To make the product as effective as possible, it is recommended to store the tincture for no more than 2 days in a cold place.

Infusion of clover for diseases of the genitourinary system

clover teaThis remedy perfectly copes with kidney pathologies, as well as with painful menstruation.

For the broth, you need to prepare:

  • two teaspoons of dried flowers;
  • 200 mg of water.

Boil the liquid and place the herb in it. Infuse the product for 35 minutes. Takes 20 mg of liquid 3 times a day. It is recommended to drink the infusion half an hour before meals.

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms with menopause, you will need to brew 3 tablespoons with a slide of flowers in 200 mg of water. Insist for an hour, after which you can start drinking. Drink 4 times a day, 0.5 cups before meals.

Clover for headaches

the use of infusion of cloverOften this symptom can be caused by the pathology of the endocrine system and malfunctioning of the vessels of the brain. To get rid of headaches and noises, you should brew oregano, linden flowers, clover, St. John's wort, currants, strawberries. Use all components in equal parts. Take in small amounts with jam or honey.

There is also another, no less effective recipe for headaches. To prepare it, you need to take a liter jar filled with clover, and pour vodka on top. Close the container tightly and keep in this state for two weeks. Take one tablespoon before bed. For such a tincture, you can use not only flowers, but also other parts of the plant. After 30 days, hearing will improve significantly, and noises will cease to disturb.

Meadow clover is a really effective and popular remedy. But, despite all its positive aspects, it is recommended to consult a doctor before preparing and using the infusions.

Video about the medicinal properties of clover


