We grow delicious Albion strawberries in the country
Strawberry "Albion" is a young, but already popular strawberry variety, which was bred in 2006 in California. The berries of this strawberry are able to grow for a fairly long time, which is explained by the hybrid nature of this variety. She can give not one, but several crops at once per season. For example, growing in a warm environment, it can yield up to four full harvests in one season.
The first berries can ripen in June, and at the end of October it will be possible to harvest for the last time in a year. If you calculate separately the yield of each bush, then it can be noted that in a year it can bear an average of four hundred and fifty grams of fruit with a total weight of four hundred and fifty grams. The life cycle of this strawberry goes through all its stages over three years, starting from the moment the first ripe fruits are picked. This variety is unpretentious, so many novice gardeners opt for the cultivation of this particular strawberry.
Another important characteristic that this strawberry possesses - resistance to diseases and pests - helps to keep the fruit clean and safe.
The plant does not need to be sprayed with any chemicals or medicines, as its immunity is quite enough to cope with most of the problems that strawberry plantings are prone to.
Ripe berries can grow to a fairly large size, while they are very sweet and juicy. The structure of the fruit is usually firm, and the color is bright red even in the early stages of ripening. Not only the fruits differ in large size, but also the plant bush itself - its height can reach twenty centimeters, which makes it possible to call this variety a real record holder compared to the rest. Strawberry stems are slender and strong. Many gardeners note the wonderful aroma that is characteristic of this strawberry variety, and which invariably accompanies each stage of berry ripening. Even the latest harvest is in no way inferior in aroma to the first fruits harvested from the bush.
Seedling of strawberry "Albion"
A good gardener always pays great attention seedlings, because the future growth and fertility of the plant in the garden depends on how healthy and well-groomed it is.
There are a number of strictly defined rules regarding the seedlings of strawberries "Albion", observing which you can guarantee an excellent harvest in the future:
- The type of root system is fibrous.
- The size of the root collar should not exceed six millimeters.
- The time when it is best to dig out the shoots for seedlings is autumn. This is due to the fact that the shoots that survived the winter period are much more resistant to diseases, pests, as well as changes in the weather.
- The time for planting seedlings is spring or early autumn. It should be remembered that in the case of an autumn planting, the first ripe fruits will appear on the bushes only the next year.
- The conditions in which the seedlings should be kept a week before disembarkation are cool temperatures.
- Immediately before the planting itself, it is necessary to trim the roots. Their length should not exceed ten centimeters.Thanks to this procedure, young shoots will begin to appear as early as possible. You should also cut off the leaves and peduncles, leaving no more than three green leaves on the bush.
- The disembarkation process should take place in a darkened room.
The very planting of strawberries "Albion" also has a number of rules and features, the observance of which plays an important role in the further life of the plant.
It is important to remember that:
- The roots should be located in the ground strictly vertically.
- The root collar should be at soil level.
- The ground must be very wet. It is advisable to plant strawberries after a rainstorm or after abundant watering of the soil.
- For each bush, you need to dig a hole commensurate with the length of the roots, and place one tablespoon of natural fertilizers in it - wood ashand then add a small amount manure.
- Strawberry bushes should be planted at a distance of twenty-five to thirty centimeters from each other in a row. Between the rows should be left from sixty to seventy centimeters of free space.
Growing strawberries "Albion"
As we mentioned above, the Albion strawberry is unpretentious, and the process of growing it does not require any special skills from the gardener.
However, there are a number of useful tips that will help increase the yield of the berries, make the bushes stronger and healthier:
- In the first year of a plant's life, its peduncles should be plucked out so that all the power of the bush goes to its roots. This will not allow strawberries to bear fruit this year, but will significantly increase their yield in subsequent years.
- It is not necessary to carry out chemical treatment of the plant against diseases and pests, but it is advisable to treat the bushes with Fitosporin for prevention. Spraying with an iodine solution can save you from abundant spotting.
- This variety of strawberries reacts significantly to climatic changes. For example, when the temperature rises to thirty degrees or more, it may stop yielding, with severe drought, the bushes wither, and with too much watering, the fruits lose their firm structure and become watery. To avoid such troubles, it is recommended to grow albion strawberries in closed conditions, for example, greenhouses, where the gardener has the ability to independently regulate the humidity of the air and soil, as well as the temperature regime. Also, this strawberry variety can be grown at home, for example, on a balcony or windowsill.
Strawberries Alba and Albion grow - video