Strawberry Crown
Perhaps there is not a single person who does not love strawberries. Strawberry Corona has a lot of advantages - amazingly exquisite taste, amazing aroma, healing properties for health and, what is important, affordability. It can be grown at any time of the year. Some believe that this berry is too whimsical. This is not the case, on the contrary, it can be grown on a windowsill, in a garage, on a plot, in a greenhouse, even in winter. Modern breeding methods make it possible to obtain large fruits from bushes in large quantities. The Korona strawberry variety gives its lovers delicious giant fruits with a delicate aroma. How to achieve a good harvest and care for a unique variety, advice from experienced gardeners will suggest.
The main characteristics of the strawberry variety Korona
How to grow strawberries Corona
Strawberry Crown is more suitable for cultivation in greenhouses than outdoors. There is a great risk that a crop that is not adapted to growing in a summer cottage will be susceptible to diseases and pests. If the gardener stubbornly struggles with difficulties, then a successful harvest will be ensured. You just need to try a little, and the strawberries will not remain in debt.
So what needs to be done:
- Choose a garden plot according to the rules.
- Submit fertilizers.
- Plant as recommended.
- Carefully look after.
- Collect
- Process the soil.
Choosing a garden plot
The soil on which it is planned to plant strawberries of the Korona variety must be nutritious, "not tired". It's not bad if beans, peas, chickpeas, wheat, rye, barley, etc. have grown on the ground before. Such crops are good baking powder, and legumes feed the earth with trace elements. It is undesirable to plant seedlings in the beds where nightshade crops grew before.
You cannot plant strawberries on "virgin soil", that is, land on which for a long time nothing but weeds has grown.
As a last resort, you need to plow the area well, apply fertilizers, Strawberry Crown, reviews for which gardeners leave only grateful, should receive a lot of light and not be blown by strong winds. In winter, the open area will receive enough moisture from the snow, while the snow-covered strawberry bushes will be protected from severe frosts.
Each garden bed should receive a maximum of nutrients and trace elements, so it should be carefully fertilized with humus. Mineral components are part of potash, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers. They are brought into the soil in spring, autumn, strawberries after such care will bring a good harvest, the fruits will be large, fleshy. The culture grows best of all on black soil, and if you sprinkle it with wood ash before digging, then the soil will receive a large amount of trace elements.
How to plant strawberries Corona
Strawberries of the Korona variety do not differ in the planting method from other varieties.Pay attention to seedlingsbought from a specialist store.
The root system of strawberries, stems and leaves must be strong, without mold or breakage.
The culture is planted on beds 1 meter wide in holes at a distance of 50 cm.Thus, the bushes will not be too dense. Planting time is early spring, late summer, first phase of autumn. Wells should be watered and fertilized abundantly.
How to care
During the growth and ripening of the Crown strawberry, the gardener will have to fight weeds, remove dry leaves. To make your work a little easier, you should sprinkle sawdust around the bushes, cover with cardboard, straw, film, pine needles. Strawberries love watering, but not plentiful. Excessive moisture will lead to rotting of the root system.
Be sure to trim the mustache, periodically apply fertilizer.
To prevent the strawberries from rotting, straw and sawdust should be poured under them. Strawberries are a favorite treat not only of people, but also of birds. They don't miss the chance to nibble on sweet berries. To scare them away, rustling packages are tied to sticks, a scarecrow is placed, which will scare away intruders.
Post-harvest work
After harvest, trim off the remaining whiskers, cover the bush with straw or sprinkle with wood ash. As soon as white spots appear on the leaves, you need to sound the alarm. The culture has fallen ill with gray mold. In specialized stores there are a lot of drugs that can easily overcome all strawberry ailments. To provide your loved ones with environmentally friendly berries, you need to use chemicals on strawberry beds only when necessary.