Strengthening Your Health with Healthy Cranberries

cranberry Cranberry is a very common berry of northern latitudes, growing wild in swamps. Cranberries, whose useful properties and contraindications are widely known, are used in various industries. The people have heard a lot about the rich possibilities of cranberries: foresters plow swampy soils in search of medicinal berries. State-owned enterprises also use the positive qualities of this product, creating cranberry plantations: the harvest is carried out on an industrial scale.

Chemical composition

unique chemical composition of berries

Few berries can compete with cranberries, because its chemical composition includes a large amount of minerals:

  • K - potassium - stimulation of the heart
  • Ca - calcium - strengthening bones and enamel
  • P - phosphorus - accelerate metabolism
  • I - iodine - participation in lipid metabolism
  • Na - sodium - maintenance of blood pressure
  • Mg - magnesium - participation in cardiac activity
  • Ascorbic acid - strengthening the immune system

High vitamin content

cranberry jamVitamins and trace elements are of tremendous importance for the normal metabolism and vital activity of the body. With their lack, the body's resistance to various diseases decreases, there is a decline in strength and a decrease in immunity. Vitamin A provides antioxidant protection for the body and speeds up metabolism. The main function of vitamin D is to ensure the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food. Vitamin E prevents dry skin, improves the condition of hair and nails. Cranberries in excess contain fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D, the importance of which for humans can hardly be overestimated.

What else is cranberry useful for the human body? Like any other berry, it contains antioxidants. These substances prevent cell destruction and maintain the strength and beauty of the human body.

Traditional medicine reveres the healing properties of the miraculous berry. Fresh-frozen cranberries make excellent compresses for radiculitis. Cranberry ointment is good for burns and acne.

The healing effect of cranberries

cranberries to help healthThe beneficial properties of cranberries prevail over contraindications to its use. The range of application of cranberries is wide enough: it is used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. The positive qualities are a miracle - the berries cannot be counted, cranberries help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Diabetes care

cranberry juicePeople with diabetes are advised to pay attention to the berry and include it in their diet, because cranberry lowers blood sugar levels. Cranberries are good because they contain ursolic acid, which is actively involved in many processes of human life. Ursulic acid prevents decay and speeds up metabolism. It promotes lipid metabolism and weight loss, increases muscle mass and slows down the growth of adipose tissue. This berry is low in calories and contains many coarse fibers that improve digestion.

Treatment for cystitis

cranberry as medicineHow to take cranberries for cystitis? Doctors recommend the berry as a therapeutic food in the presence of this disease and for prevention, because cranberries are officially used in medicine as a uroseptic.It prevents E. coli and other bacteria from adhering to the lining of the bladder, reducing the risk of cystitis. Cranberries also fight other urinary tract infections. The fact that all other berries and juices are prohibited for cystitis increases the importance of the healing properties of cranberries in diseases of the genitourinary system.

Prevention of dental and heart diseases

ripe cranberriesAs a result of scientific experiments, the anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties of cranberries have been identified. It is statistically shown that people who eat this berry suffer less from caries. Cranberry eliminates bacterial inflammation of the teeth and kills pathogens in the mouth.

To a lesser extent, cranberry reduces the risk of developing cancer and prevents the onset of atherosclerosis, because it alters the oxidation of bad fats.

Atherosclerosis is a very dangerous disease, accompanied by blockage of blood vessels, which can lead to a heart attack. The substances contained in cranberries reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Pressure normalization

cranberries with honeyCranberries are prized for their wonderful ability to normalize blood pressure. The question is, which group of patients is it indicated as a therapeutic product - hypertensive or hypotensive? Does cranberry raise or lower blood pressure? You can answer this question by studying the chemical composition of the berry.

Potassium salts contained in cranberry juice contribute to the normalization of the cardiovascular system. A wide range of biologically active substances determines the use of cranberry decoctions for the treatment of many diseases, the symptom of which is high blood pressure.

Cranberry juice is a traditional remedy for relieving headaches in hypertension.

Overall healing effect

cranberry blossomsIt can take a long time to enumerate how cranberries are useful for the human body. This miracle berry is unique in its chemical composition and has a positive effect on most body systems. It stimulates intellectual and mental activity. Due to the high content of peptides, cranberry removes harmful substances and heavy metals from the body.

The berry can help preserve homemade foods. Due to its excellent antiseptic properties, cranberries disinfect pickles and marinades.

Vitamin C in cranberries boosts the body's immune system and relieves cold symptoms. Cranberries for colds are indicated as a medicinal product: warm berry juice relieves fever and eliminates cough. Vitamin C in cranberries boosts the body's immune system and relieves cold symptoms.

cranberry health drinkThe main healing properties of cranberries:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipyretic;
  • bactericidal;
  • diuretic;
  • tonic;
  • thirst-quenching;
  • healing.

Contraindications and application features

cranberry drinkThe fabulous benefits of cranberries can be harmful to the category of people who do not comply with contraindications for use. The risk group includes people with gastrointestinal diseases, allergy sufferers, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Doctors do not recommend using cranberries for people with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. It is also contraindicated for people with gastritis with high acidity.


During pregnancy, cranberries are not contraindicated for all women. Contraindications during pregnancy are mainly associated with individual intolerance to the product, which results in allergies. Cranberry significantly lowers blood pressure, which means that hypotensive patients should not use it. Expectant mothers suffering from high acidity of the stomach also need to refrain from such berry delicacies.

During the period of carrying a child, the body of the expectant mother needs an increased saturation with useful components.Cranberries, known for their healing properties, can replenish missing substances, strengthen immunity and have a calming effect on the nervous system. Cranberry helps to improve mood.

The body of a pregnant woman is in a state of change and requires a delicate attitude. The consumption of certain foods should be discussed with a specialist. The question of whether it is possible for a pregnant woman to have cranberries is worth asking a doctor who will give the necessary recommendations.


Women during breastfeeding are advised to exclude all allergens from the menu. Cranberries do not belong to the category of strong allergens, but all fruits and berries of an intense red color are still at risk. Therefore, it is worth refraining from eating this berry for the first time in order to avoid uncontrolled reactions.

It is worth adding cranberries to the diet in small quantities. It must be remembered that through the mother's milk, the baby assimilates all the mineral components, and the cranberry contains many organic substances that can irritate the mucous membrane of the baby's stomach. This can lead to a deterioration in his health and digestive problems.

It is impossible to say for sure if cranberries are contraindicated for breastfeeding. This factor depends on the individual development of the baby and the health of the woman. During lactation, the miracle berry can improve the quality of milk in a nursing woman The cranberry broth will help the mother to get toned and relieve stress.

Kidney disease

Cranberries increase the acidity of urine, which is unacceptable for people with diseases of the kidney system. Bacteria develop less well in an alkaline environment and can provoke the growth of phosphate stones in the kidney. Before including this berry in the diet, you should consult with a specialist. Vitamin C, which is part of the chemical composition of cranberries, adversely affects the course of the disease in the presence of kidney stones. In such cases, it is recommended to use the berry carefully under medical supervision.

The correct choice and methods of storing berries

choose a quality berryThe beneficial properties of cranberries are undeniable, and there are few contraindications for use. This magic berry has become a real leader in the ranking of healthy natural products. Those who like to enjoy a wonderful berry should know some rules for choosing and storing cranberries.

How to choose

The main criterion for choosing a berry is its appearance. Frozen cranberry should be evenly distributed in the package. Fresh berries are firm and the skin should be checked for damage.

How to store

frozen cranberriesHaving studied the medicinal properties of cranberries and contraindications for use, a person asks about the correct storage of this product. There is a special method for storing fresh cranberries - keeping the berries in water in a cool place.

Frozen cranberries are otherwise called "frozen benefits", because at a maintained subzero temperature, the berry retains its medicinal properties, and the quality of the product is not lost.

How to eat

fresh cranberries and jamAny fruits and berries are recommended to be eaten raw, because during heat treatment, most of the vitamins contained in the product are lost. Cranberries are great for filling culinary products and are actively used in sweet and sour sauce for meat. Especially popular among the people is a vitamin drink made from this berry - cranberry juice, as well as various healing decoctions and jelly from cranberries. The leaves of the plant can be used as tea leaves.

Video about the healing properties of cranberries


