Use of coffee pomace in gardening as fertilizer

coffee cake Coffee pomace as a fertilizer is a worthy method of using organic waste to feed your garden plants. Powdered brewed coffee can be added to soil, compost, and irrigation water. It contains no chemical impurities, its beneficial properties improve the structure of the soil, and its aroma repels garden pests. In addition, the beneficial substances of coffee grounds stimulate growth and improve plant nutrition.

Read about the coffee tree.

What is valuable in sleeping coffee?

coffee pomace for indoor plants

Ground coffee of any degree of roast has a high acidity. During brewing, it is removed into the drink. Therefore, coffee grounds have a neutral acidity level, approximately 7pH. This means that it can be safely added to the soil without fear of acidifying the soil.

The coffee grounds itself contains potassium, manganese, nitrogen, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus. The total amount of trace elements is about 3%. This indicator is quite enough for the use of coffee cake as fertilizers became a good feeding for flowers of different types. Thus, nitrogen favors plant growth by participating in the process of photosynthesis, while phosphorus and potassium affect the flowering period and fruit formation.

The probability of overdose and harm to plants is reduced to zero. The concentration of trace elements in sleeping coffee is optimal for both indoor flowers and garden plants.

Powdered brewed coffee can be used to grow mushrooms. Compost with coffee pomace as a fertilizer increases their yield by 2 times.

Methods of using coffee cake as fertilizer in the garden

coffee cake for the gardenCoffee grounds for plant nutrition are used in different ways:

  1. Liquid top dressing. The sediment from the drunk coffee, together with the liquid, is collected in a separate container, and then used to water the garden. This method is not suitable for nourishing indoor plants as the moist substance can cause mold.
  2. Dry dressing. Before using the coffee cake for fertilization in the garden, it is thoroughly dried. Then the dry matter is mixed with the earth. Fertilizer can be stored in glass jars or paper bags.

When using coffee grounds in the garden, it is convenient to dilute it with water to the usual state of watering.

First, it is better to water the plants with a coffee mixture, and then with plain water. This will allow the nutrients to slowly seep into the soil and nourish the plant roots.

How to use coffee cake in gardening

using coffee pomace in the bedsGardeners use several ways to use coffee grounds:

  • mixing seeds with dormant coffee before sowing (the method is good for root crops);
  • adding grounds to each hole, followed by abundant watering;
  • scattering dry cake on the soil surface around the seedling;
  • digging into the ground to a depth of 4 cm (mixed with the top layer of the soil, the cake will prevent the soil from drying out);
  • the use of coffee pomace in gardening as compost to increase the productivity of horticultural crops.

When feeding plants, do not take a lot of drunk coffee. A large amount of grounds will form a crust that prevents oxygen from reaching the root system. Also, do not add cake to the seedling soil. It will slow down germination.

Pest control

treatment of plants with a solution of coffee cakeIn addition to enriching plants with nutrients, coffee grounds are able to protect them from many pests.Gardeners use coffee cake as a deterrent against ants, slugs, snails, aphids... For the treatment of horticultural crops, a spraying method is used. And to get rid of the ants, it is enough to pour dry boiled coffee on the anthill.

How else to use drunk coffee?

The use of coffee pomace is very useful for changing the soil structure. Thick clay garden soil becomes light and loose.

Coffee grounds can attract earthworms. This feature is used for composting.

The coffee aroma scares cats away. This property will allow you to wean animals to relieve themselves in the garden.

Coffee cake from slugs and snails - video

  1. vladimir

    I don’t know about slugs and snails, but ants are not afraid of him. I sell coffee, I have a whole mountain of it, so they made an anthill in it.

  2. Zarina

    I add coffee cake as a top dressing for garden roses, little by little, I think the roses really like it.


