When and how to separate children from Guzmania?
A feature of guzmania is that flowering for it is the final stage of development. After the peduncle dries up, the guzmania itself begins to dry out. However, for procreation, young baby bushes remain in the pot, which are formed during the flowering process.
Sometimes the mother bush does not dry out and continues to exist for some time, but it will no longer bloom, and after a certain period it will still die.
Some growers leave the children in the old pot, removing only the dried part of the old plant from it, especially if only one sprout has formed. In principle, this can also be done - new bushes usually develop well and even bloom. But it should be borne in mind that this will affect the decorative effect of the bush, because there will be emptiness in the place of the parent plant. Best to transplant children of Guzmania in a separate dish. Thus, you can get a compact beautiful bush and at the same time multiply the flower.
When to transplant?
Guzmania babies will not be ready for separation before they have formed their own root system. As soon as the peduncle on the mother plant begins to fade, it should be cut off so that the flower does not waste power in vain, but directs it to the active development of children.
At the same time, it is necessary to stop watering the guzmania into the outlet, otherwise the plant will rot.
Child transplant Guzmania must be done in the spring. If young shoots appeared in the autumn-winter period, it is better to postpone the procedure until March.
How to transplant?
When the children grow up good roots, it is necessary:
- remove them together with the old flower from the flowerpot;
- with a sharp knife, carefully cut off each baby, trying not to damage the young roots;
- let it dry a little;
- process the roots in a growth stimulator.
For planting children, you need to choose a pot no more than 12 cm high. In a deep flowerpot, the flowers will quickly disappear from excess moisture, since the earth will not have time to dry out. As for the soil, a special substrate for bromeliads is suitable, to which you need to add a little sand, bark and leafy earth.
Planted babies should be watered into an outlet, covered with a bag on top and placed in a shaded place until the end of rooting. Then the flowerpots are rearranged on a light window.