When to germinate dahlias: the timing of laying tubers, depending on the method of germination

Tell me when to germinate dahlias? Last year I got a very beautiful variety with large inflorescences. My tubers survived the winter perfectly in the basement. I had to give them a separate corner, but they managed to keep the planting material intact. Since we often have frosts in the spring, I don't want to plant on a flower bed. I decided to germinate first, but doubted the timing. Some say that this should be done two weeks before landing in the ground. Others argue that for a month. Help me to understand.

when to germinate dahlias Luxurious dahlias, although they look pretty representative, have a very gentle character. Their fleshy, juicy stems and lush foliage do not tolerate low temperatures. Even tubers cannot hibernate in the open field. So gardeners have to rush with them from the flower bed to the room every year and vice versa. What if this is the only option to keep the flowers. But with the onset of spring, it is time to return the dahlias back to the flower bed, and then you need to know how to do the right thing. You can wait for the warmth, and plant the rhizome immediately into the ground, or you can germinate the tubers first. The latter is the preferred option. It not only brings flowering closer, but also allows you to grow a more resistant bush. The new plant will not so sharply endure the spring cold snap, and it will hurt less often. When to germinate dahlias depends on how this procedure will be carried out.

You can germinate tubers using one of three methods for choosing florists (who likes which one is more suitable), namely:

  • a trench under a film in open ground;
  • cellophane bags in a dark, warm place;
  • boxes or other containers (indoors).

When planning to bookmark a dahlia on germinationthe local climatic conditions must also be taken into account. Sprouted tubers can be planted on a flower bed no earlier than return frosts.

On average, stable heat occurs at the end of May - this is what you need to focus on. Setting too early will stretch the shoots and weaken the plants, which will affect flowering.

When can you put tubers in the trench?

dahlias in a trench

This is one of the fastest and most convenient germination methods. The procedure itself does not take much time, and there is no need to look for a place in the house for bulky boxes. The tubers just need to be dug in a shallow trench and covered with plastic on top. It turns out a kind of greenhouse.

In such greenhouse conditions, sprouts appear quickly. Germination can be started a maximum of three weeks before the dahlia is planted in a permanent place, that is, in early May.

When to put dahlias in germination bags?

dahlias in packagesAnother quick way to germinate tubers if there is no time, free space and the ability to build a greenhouse trench. Dahlias just need to be packed in ordinary plastic bags. Then choose a warm and not bright place for them in the house. The humidity level and temperature in the bags are quite high. Often the first shoots appear within a week. For this reason, dahlias should be laid no earlier than two weeks before landing to the flower bed.

When to sprout dahlias in boxes in the house?

dahlias in a boxRoom conditions differ in microclimate and lighting from the greenhouse. Accordingly, the dahlia's awakening processes will be slower.If there is an opportunity and a place where you can put dahlias, the tubers are placed in containers with soil or sawdust.

This should be done already in the third decade of March, so that strong bushes will grow by the end of spring.

In conclusion, I would like to note: if you did not have time to sprout dahlias, do not be discouraged. They can be planted and so, just flowering will come later.

Video about sprouting dahlia tubers before planting in the ground


