When to plant garlic - the optimal timing and basic rules for autumn planting

Tell me when to plant garlic in the fall? I decided to save time for spring work, since I haven't been at the dacha often lately. Allocated a plot for all crops that can be planted before winter, have already sown parsley and a few more spices. The weather is still warm, but at night it is already noticeably cool, after all, it’s mid-September. Wouldn't it be too early to plant the garlic?

when to plant garlic in autumn After harvesting, with the arrival of autumn, gardeners have not only the work of digging the beds. It's time for winter planting, including garlic. Despite the rather cold-resistant nature of the plant, it is important to know when to plant garlic in the fall. No matter how much you want to work in the garden in the still warm weather, you should not rush. Planting too early will lead to active growth of garlic, which should not be allowed, because frosts are ahead. Those who managed to grow the aboveground part of the plant will freeze out. Late planting will not give a harvest - in this case, the clove simply will not have time to take root and will also die in winter. How can you “guess” the optimal timing for autumn work in the garden?

When to plant garlic in fall?

planting garlic before winter

It is impossible to name the exact date for planting, because it all depends on the climate, and it is different on the territory of our vast homeland. You should focus on the following recommendations:

  • it should still be warm enough, not lower than 10 °;
  • before the onset of frost, you need to have at least 2 weeks in stock, and even better three.

Autumn warmth will give the garlic an opportunity to form roots and it will overwinter well. But its short period, on the contrary, will not give time to the teeth to germinate and gain green mass, which dies from frost.

In the south, garlic can be planted until November. In the middle lane, it is worth completing the planting maximum in early October. In the northern regions, a winter landing should be carried out no later than mid-September.

The timing of planting garlic, depending on the planting method

planting depth of garlicIn this case, the planting depth is meant. It can be different and the initial meaning is also the climate and the severity of winter:

  1. Shallow landing. It is practiced in the south and in the middle lane with warm winters. The depth of the groove is no more than 5 cm. In the southern regions, planting is carried out in the first decade of November. For the middle lane, the period when winter garlic can be planted is longer: the end of September - the first decade of October.
  2. Recessed fit. It is practiced in regions with colder climates and frosty winters. Garlic planted in this way tolerates low temperatures better and takes root well. In the middle lane, a deep podwinny planting of garlic can be carried out at the end of August. In the fall, you should have time to plant before mid-October.

What is the date to plant garlic according to the lunar calendar

when to plant garlic according to the lunar calendarMany gardeners plan all plantings, as well as other gardening work, based on the lunar cycle. This is especially important for planting plants, including garlic. Planting on a favorable day significantly increases the chances of a rich harvest. Garlic takes root well and takes root, winters better, and in spring it actively grows, forming large heads. For bulbous and root crops, planting should be carried out on the waning moon. When choosing the time to plant garlic for the winter, you need to focus on the specific phase of the moon.

In the current 2019, favorable days for the winter planting of garlic are:

  • 3 - 4, 8 - 9, 18 - 19 September;
  • 1 - 6, 15 - 16, 30 - 31 October;
  • November 1 - 3, 11, 24, 28 - 30.

At the same time, one should not forget about the other side of the coin and avoid landing on unfavorable days. They are considered to be the dates on which the full moon falls, as well as the first quarter of the formation of the new moon. Based on the lunar cycle in 2019, unfavorable days when garlic cannot be planted in autumn will be:

  • September 14, 27 - 29;
  • October 14, 27, 28, 29;
  • 12, 25 - 27 November.

Where to plant garlic - selection and soil preparation

where to plant garlicTo grow garlic, you must choose a well-lit area with fertile soil. It is definitely worth checking its acidity - it should be neutral or low.

The soil for the autumn planting should be prepared in advance, in late August or early September. For this:

  1. Apply fertilizers (per square meter of area) by scattering them on the ground:
  • humus - 10 kg;
  • ash - 2 tbsp.;
  • chalk - 1 tbsp.;
  • superphosphate - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • potassium sulfate - 2 tbsp. l.
  1. Dig the garden bed to a depth of at least 20 cm.

It is impossible to plant garlic right away, the soil must undergo shrinkage. Otherwise, the teeth will settle with the soil. This will affect the yield, and the shoots will take longer to germinate.

In addition to fertilizing, you can carry out preventive treatment by spraying the soil with copper sulfate (1 tbsp per bucket of water). It is enough to process 2 sq. m. landing area. This will save the spicy culture from diseases.

The good and bad precursors of garlic

precursors of garlicEven if the garden is very small, you cannot plant a crop in the same place earlier than 5 years later. Not suitable for planting and beds where spices, potatoes, onions, radishes and carrots grew. In this case, there is a risk of losing part of the crop as a result of disease or damage by pests.

But all legumes are good precursors for garlic. You can also plant it after melons and cucumbers. The area where the cabbage grew is also suitable, but only the early one, as well as almost everything sideratesexcept for barley and oats.

What garlic should be planted in the fall - selection and preparation of material

what garlic to plant in autumn

Both in the markets and in stores in the summer, exactly that kind of spicy crop is sold, which is planted for the winter - winter garlic. It has a more stable character, it tolerates frost well and a sharp change in temperature in spring. It also gives an earlier and larger harvest. Summer (spring) garlic is only planted in spring and ripens by autumn. Winter varieties in the spring are already green in the garden and are ready for harvesting in the middle of summer.

The only drawback of winter garlic is that it cannot be stored until next season. In principle, this is not necessary, because the heads are disassembled into cloves and planted again when the autumn time for planting garlic comes.

You can also distinguish winter and summer garlic by their appearance:

  1. The cloves of winter varieties are large, with a hard shell. They are arranged in a circle around the thick rod.
  2. The head of spring garlic consists of small cloves arranged in several tiers. It does not have a central core, and the husk is softer.

The preparation of planting material should be carried out immediately before planting itself. Select the largest heads with 5 - 6 large teeth and disassemble them. You should not take small garlic - then the future harvest will not please with its size.

Reconsider the lobules, reject all affected by disease or having mechanical damage. Then disinfect the planting material for preventive purposes. A solution of potassium permanganate or any fungicide, for example, Fitosporin, is suitable for this. It is enough to withstand the cloves for 20 minutes and you can start planting.

How to plant garlic correctly

how to plant garlic for the winterA spicy culture is usually planted in beds in grooves, which are broken with a hoe or glanders. The row spacing depends on which layout is used:

  1. Private.Leave at least 20 cm between each groove.
  2. Double row. The grooves are split in two pieces with a distance of 20 cm.There must be a distance of at least 50 cm between each pair.

As for the distance directly between the planting material itself in the groove, it depends on its type. Most often, garlic is planted with cloves, leaving about 15 cm between them.When planting with seeds (bulbs), they can be spread thicker, every 10 cm.At the same time, a narrowing of row spacings up to 15 cm is also allowed.

Both cloves and seeds should not be deeply buried by pressing into the ground. In this case, they will "sit" for a long time and the formation of roots will slow down.

Not the least role in how to plant garlic for the winter is played by the shelter of the beds. Many gardeners are interested in whether winter garlic needs it. Again, this depends on the growing region and the "nature" of the winter. No shelter is needed for the south as the winters are warm there. It is not necessary if a lot of snow falls in winter - it itself serves as an excellent protection against frost. But the closer to the north and the less precipitation in winter, the more there is a need to protect subwinter plantings. This can be mulching with leaves, sawdust, spruce branches, or a full-fledged cover with a film over mulch.

With a film shelter, it is important to observe the terms of its organization and removal. The film must be laid only after the first frost, and removed in early spring, otherwise the garlic will simply soper.

So, how to grow a good harvest of garlic does not depend only on good weather conditions. First of all, a properly chosen planting site, prepared and fertilized soil, improves the chances of tying large heads. And, of course, a lot depends on the planting material. By choosing varieties resistant to diseases and shooting, you will receive not only a bountiful, but also a high-quality harvest.

When and how to plant garlic for the winter - video

  1. Elena Alexandrovna

    Thank you so much for the article! It is very interesting, it seemed like we plant it every year in our country house, but I learned so many subtleties of how to plant garlic in order to grow a really good harvest! We will try to change the landing site, we will be more responsible in the selection of material!


