When to plant lavatera seedlings - we grow a wild rose

Tell me when to plant lavatera seedlings? I have already tried to grow these flowers twice. The first time I sowed it directly into the ground, so little rose. And last year I decided to try seedlings. But she probably planted too early. While it got warmer in our street, my lush bushes managed to turn into thin, wobbly plants. I think I either threw the seeds early, or it was necessary to light it up.

when to plant lavater on seedlings The closest relative of mallow, lavatera, is widely used in landscape design, both in city parks and in private front gardens. If you don't already have such a plant, be sure to buy seeds and check out when to plant lavatory seedlings. It is this method that allows you to bring flowering closer and extend it for at least a couple of weeks. Delicate multi-colored bells of the lavater are in many ways inferior to the proud beauty of the queen - the rose. However, they have a special charm: delicate color, smooth rounded shapes and a rich abundance of buds on the bush ... Perhaps, it is for this that the lavater is affectionately called “wild rose”.

The unpretentious nature of the culture allows it to be sown in open ground. But if you want the wild rose to bloom earlier, it is better to grow seedlings.

When to plant lavatera seedlings

Lavater seeds

On average, it takes about 2 months from the moment of sowing seeds to planting them on a flower bed. For this period, you need to be guided when planning to plant seedlings. In addition, climate and weather conditions should also be considered. The air and soil should have time to warm up, while it is not advisable to overexpose the seedlings indoors. A longer stay at home will lead to overgrowth and elongation of the bushes. When such flowers are planted, they take root worse, they can get sick, or even die altogether.

Approximate dates for sowing seeds:

  1. Warm southern edges. In order to have bushes already formed and ready for transplanting to the street by the end of April, you need to sow at the end of February.
  2. Middle lane. It is not worth sowing seeds earlier than mid-March, because they can be transplanted into the flowerbed no earlier than mid-May.

Early sowing must be accompanied by supplementary lighting seedlings.

How to plant

seedlings of lavaterThe process of growing lavatera seedlings is no different from planting seeds of other flower crops. Moreover, the wild rose has no special requirements for either soil or care. For planting, an ordinary universal substrate and plastic cups are suitable. Planting immediately in separate containers will avoid picking.

The seeds should germinate under the film, so they will sprout more evenly and faster. Seedlings appear within two weeks after sowing. Before the right time for planting in the flower bed, seedlings need to be watered regularly. To prevent the bushes from growing one-sided, it does not hurt to turn them to the sun from time to time. And several fertilizing with a mineral complex will help to make the seedlings stronger and more developed.

Sowing Lavatera seedlings - video


