When to plant peonies: timing of autumn and spring planting
Blooming peonies is a gorgeous sight. This is the final point, indicating that spring has finally come into its own. However, it happens that herbaceous perennials after planting make you wait a long time for the first buds. One of the reasons for this phenomenon may be the planting time. Like all perennial crops, peonies take root best in autumn. But in the spring, planting of young bushes is also allowed. It is the spring planting that leaves an imprint on further development and, accordingly, the timing of flowering. Knowing when to plant peonies can help you grow strong, healthy shrubs and speed up bud formation.
Benefits of planting peonies in autumn
TO planting peonies it is necessary to start no earlier than the end of August, but no later than mid-September. An earlier planting may not give results - the bush simply will not take root in the heat. Peonies planted too late will also not have time to take root and will die.
Why do experienced gardeners recommend breeding and rooting peonies in the fall, and not in the spring? Autumn planting of plants allows:
- successfully rooted delenki during the winter;
- build up a good root system for the next season;
- get stronger and more hardy bushes;
- bring flowering closer (possibly already next spring).
With the arrival of spring, peonies planted in autumn begin to grow more actively and faster than their "comrades" who have just settled in the flowerbed... Accordingly, the plants are more developed, which means that they are quite ready to bloom.
When to plant peonies in spring?
Sometimes it is possible to acquire the desired variety of flowers only in the spring. However, this should not stop, because even then the peonies are quite capable of taking root. The only thing to consider is that it is necessary to plant the cuttings as early as possible, while it is still cool outside. Optimally, if it will be the month of April, but not later than the beginning of May. Until the hot days come, peonies have a chance to root safely. In addition, they will be able to evenly build up both the aerial part and the root system.
One of the disadvantages of spring planting is flowering delay. Such bushes will be able to show their buds only next year, or even later.
It happens that the purchased bush turned out to be old enough and in a hurry to throw out the inflorescences. In this case, it is still better to prevent him. The bud should be cut off so that it does not take away the strength it needs to root.