When to plant roses
Several roses can be found in almost every garden plot. One has two or three copies, the other has a couple dozen, but a rose is always a win-win option for decorating a garden. The dream of any gardener is a rose garden. But not everyone has the ability and skill to raise this whimsical and luxurious queen. But it's worth a try. You just need to adhere to a few simple tips, and success will be assured!
The planting time of roses does not have a clear time frame. Roses can be planted both in spring and autumn, depending on the weather in a particular region.
The planting of roses in autumn begins in September-October. When roses are planted in autumn, the main thing is not to rush into planting. If the plant quickly takes root and young shoots start growing, then it will quickly weaken and will not tolerate frost well. If the planting is delayed, then the plant runs the risk of not taking root until winter. In the spring, this problem disappears, so planting roses during this period is the most optimal. Roses are planted in spring when the air temperature warms up to +10aboutFrom what usually happens in April.
Preparation of seedlings and soil
Pre-seedlings of roses are soaked in water for a day. When starting planting, choose a sunny area that is sufficiently protected from drafts. Next, dig a hole 50x50x50 cm in size and fill it with water.
It may seem that the fossa is too large, but it is not. Gardeners often make the mistake of digging a hole as large as the root of the plant. And then, after planting, the rose will feel cramped in space, the roots will have nowhere to grow.
And if you follow these recommendations, the roots will begin to form a mass of thin roots that absorb moisture, which will serve the development of a powerful bush. Having bothered once to prepare a place for her pet, she will repay a hundredfold with her abundant flowering in the future. So, after the water has been absorbed, 2-3 shovels of humus are placed in the hole and mixed with the ground. It is also recommended to add a handful of wood ash.
Now you need to carefully examine the seedlings. All damaged areas of the plant are cut out. The roots of the bush are shortened, leaving a length of no more than 30 cm. 3-4 of the most powerful stems are left on the bush, the rest are cut out. The remaining shoots are cut so that 3 formed buds remain on the stem. This action promotes the development of a powerful, healthy shrub.
Planting rose seedlings
The seedling is lowered into a previously prepared hole and the roots are laid. Unhurriedly, they cover the hole with earth, supporting the seedling and slightly pulling it up.
Then the ground around the seedling is tamped. You should pay attention to the place of budding, which is embedded in the soil to a depth of 3-5 centimeters. If the grafting site is excessively deepened, then the plant will not take root well and the seedling will have to be lifted. And vice versa, if the stock is not covered with earth, then wild growth will start growing. The shoots are cut out all at the base.
The soil around the seedling is poured with a bucket of water. This must be done, otherwise, after the first heavy rain, the bush can go deep into the soil.
Hilling rose
After planting a rose bush, they start hilling it.
This action stimulates the rooting of the seedling, and in autumn planting, to a large extent, protects it from frost. The plant remains okuchin until spring.
In the spring, too, there is no need to rush to open the plant, but this should be done in rainy or cloudy weather, or in the evening. If the plant was planted in the spring and spud, then after the regrowth of young shoots, it is necessary to uncook it so that the earth warms up well enough.
Step-by-step instructions for planting roses:
- the seedling is soaked in water for 24 hours;
- dig a hole 50x50x50;
- add compost or humus;
- mix humus with earth;
- add wood ash;
- cut off roots and extra stems;
- the seedling is held and covered with earth;
- tamp the earth around the bush;
- cut the stems;
- the soil around the seedling is poured with water;
- spud.
Good evening. I just wanted to ask. Can you describe in more detail how to save roses in winter. I wrapped my own with a soft cloth and covered them with pots. Still nothing helps. Everyone is cold. It's a pity. It’s a pity. Our winter is not particularly cold. severe frosts, but this is very rare. A very interesting article, but I would like to know even more. Winter is already on the nose. I will be very grateful to you
I dug one rose bush from a neighbor (she certainly did not allow me to dig it directly, but made it clear that she would not be against "theft". She has a lot of them). She split the spine in two and planted it. It was in the fall. For the winter, as expected, I covered them with sawdust. They took root and happily bloomed the next year. But then winter came, I again covered the roots with sawdust, frosts came, and there was no snow until the new year (. The roses froze. How can they be properly insulated?
Thanks for your article. I will try to plant roses for the first time this spring. I hope I will succeed the first time and they will take root.
I plant curb roses - they are completely unpretentious. The first time I planted them in the midst of summer, they did not even get sick, they immediately took root, and then they bloomed and bloomed, made everyone happy. For the winter, I just cut them off and that's it. In the spring, they grew back and began to bloom. So they bloom from year to year.