When to plant a tomato Bull heart and what is special about it

Tell me when to plant a beef heart tomato? I love it very much in salads, and just eat it. We don't sell such seedlings, so I decided to grow it myself. Since I have never done this before, there are many questions. I would like everything to sprout, and the seedlings turned out to be good, strong.

when to plant a tomato bovine heart Among lettuce tomatoes, the Bull Heart variety is valued by gardeners for its large and sweet fruits. To get a good harvest, it is important to know when to plant the Oxheart tomato. It belongs to the late maturing species, which is important when determining the timing of planting. If you are late, the plants can start to hurt, which will inevitably affect the yield. What is the difference between these tomatoes, and what sowing time is preferable for them?

Varietal features

The main benefits of the Ox Heart are not only the size of the fruits. This variety grows well and gives a stable yield, as in greenhouse, and in the open field. The plants themselves are tall and can reach a height of up to 2 m, while the leaves are medium in size.

As for the fruits, they are very large and fleshy. The weight of one tomato is on average 500 g, and greenhouse plants can produce tomatoes at 1 kg. Moreover, their diameter can exceed 15 cm.

Due to its size, the variety is not used for canning as a whole. But it makes a delicious juice, sauce or just a fresh salad.

The shape and color of the fruit can be different, depending on the variety, of which the Bull Heart has a lot. All have juicy, fleshy and sweetish pulp. Most often in the beds and in greenhouses you can find the following tomatoes:

  1. Honey Savior. Rounded tomatoes of the same size weigh 300-500 g and are colored orange.honey saved
  2. Budenovka. One of the smallest varieties - the weight of the fruit does not exceed 300 g. Tomatoes are of traditional red color, round, but with a slightly elongated tip ending with a sharp top.budenovka
  3. Morning dew. Of all the varieties of Bovine Heart, it is the earliest ripening. The fruit has an interesting shape, resembling a heart, but with a rounded bottom. Painted in dark pink.morning dew
  4. Lemon heart. Among related varieties, it is a giant with fruits around 800 g. Their shape is a bit like a triangle. At the semi-ripe stage, the tomatoes are yellow, but when fully ripe, they become pinkish.lemon heart
  5. The bull's heart is black. Differs in an unusual color: tomatoes are maroon, well-ripened even seem black. Their shape is similar to a round drop with a blunt end, and their weight can exceed 500 g.bull heart black

When to plant a tomato Bull heart

Since the variety is late maturing, it is grown mainly through seedlings. It is difficult to name the exact date of sowing seeds, it all depends on the growing region and weather conditions. But in general, it is not difficult: you need to be guided by the fact that about 2 months should pass from the moment of sowing to planting seedlings in the ground. So, if the weather allows you to transplant tomatoes into the ground at the end of May, then you need to sow seeds at the end of March.

Growing tomatoes Bovine heart - video


