When to sow calendula in open ground - we determine the optimal timing of planting marigolds

Tell me when to sow calendula outdoors? A neighbor gathered seeds from her bushes and shared with me. Is it possible to sow them before winter or is it better to wait until spring? We live in the south, autumn is usually long and warm.

when to sow calendula in open ground An orange sea of ​​small flowers that look like sun daisies is a beautiful and healing calendula. Since it reproduces by seed, it is important for flower growers to know when to sow calendula outdoors. Of course, there is also a seedling method, and it is quite justified, because it allows you to bring flowering closer. However, not everyone has the opportunity to grow seedlings. Either there is not enough space on the windowsill, then it is banal time to care for the seedlings. However, this is completely useless, because the calendula rises perfectly when sown directly to the flower bed. Moreover, you can plant it in two ways.

When to sow calendula outdoors

terry calendula

The seeds of calendula are large enough, and they also have good germination. If at least one bush grew in the garden, you will surely notice many young plants around it in the spring. This is self-sowing: waking up to the ground in the fall, the seeds wonderfully winter in the soil and spring together in spring.

Based on these observations, the conclusion suggests itself that calendula can be sown in the garden in two ways:

  • in the spring;
  • before winter.

It is noteworthy that the "autumn" bushes that have grown as a result of winter sowing are usually stronger and more developed. In addition, they bloom a couple of weeks earlier.

Spring sowing dates depending on the growing region

flowering calendulaThere is a general rule that applies to almost all crops, including calendula. Frosts should pass, and the ground should thaw and warm up. Of course, the surface of the soil must also dry out a little so that you can walk and not drown in a swamp.

Given the size of our country and the uneven climate, each region has its own recommendations:

  • in the southern strip in early spring, sowing can be started at the end of March;
  • spring in the middle lane comes a little later, so sowing calendula before the second half, or even the end, is not worth April;
  • closer to the northern regions, sowing should be postponed altogether until early May.

Planting too early can cause delicate seedlings to freeze from return frost.

How to determine the timing of winter sowing

seedThere is no specific date for the autumn planting of calendula. In this case, it is necessary to focus exclusively on weather conditions. The main thing is that the warm days end, stable night frosts begin, but the soil has not yet had time to completely freeze. In the south, calendula is usually sown in October. In regions with early autumn, sowing can be done already in September.

As in the case of too early spring sowing, calendula planted ahead of time in the fall may have time to rise and freeze. If the weather throws up surprises, you can use a little trick. Make grooves in the flowerbed ahead of time and stock up on earth, keeping it indoors so that it does not freeze. And after the soil in the flowerbed is forged by frost, sow calendula in the beds, falling asleep with the harvested earth.

How and when to sow calendula in the ground in Siberia and the Far East - video


