When to collect St. John's wort and how to properly harvest
Nature has no unnecessary plants, and even weeds can be beneficial. Take at least St. John's wort - one of the many medicinal herbs famous for their rich composition and medicinal properties... However, in order to get a truly medicinal raw material, and not a bunch of stems, it is important to know when to harvest St. John's wort. Depending on the growing season, the amount of nutrients may vary. Experienced herbalists know that collection for medicinal purposes should be carried out at a time when the grass contains the maximum concentration of vitamins and trace elements. When does this time come and how can you tell if a plant is ready for harvest?
When to collect St. John's wort
According to popular beliefs, the plant has a peak of concentration of healing power on Midsummer Day, July 7. After this date, the content of nutrients gradually decreases.
According to the lunar calendar, it is necessary to harvest the potion on the new moon. This herb will be most beneficial. Moreover, this should be done on a clear sunny day, preferably in the afternoon. The bushes should dry out from the dew, because wet St. John's wort often rots during the drying process.
St. John's wort himself will tell you that the time has come for blanks. The plant should have both buds and blossoming flowers. In addition, rubbing the petals leaves a purple color on the fingers.
How to prepare medicinal herbs
First of all, collect St. John's wort only away from the highway, cities, factories. The plant has the ability to accumulate harmful emissions and, instead of benefit, can cause trouble, and even harm. The collection and preparation process itself is simple:
- Cut off the tops of the stems up to 30 cm long with pruning shears, depending on the total height of the bush. You cannot cut out at the root or pull out the bushes, otherwise there will be nothing to collect next year.
- Place the grass in a cloth bag for transport.
- Carefully sort out garbage at home.
- Spread out on paper in one layer or tie St. John's wort into bundles and leave to dry. Moreover, the process should not take place in the sun.
Only well-dried grass can be stored for storage. Her leaves should crumble, and the twigs should break with a crunch. You need to store dried St. John's wort in cloth bags or cardboard boxes in a dry place.