When to dig up tulip bulbs to maintain a beautiful bloom

when to dig the tulip bulbs A sophisticated tulip is one of the first harbingers of spring. The flower beds are covered with a luxurious scarlet canvas thanks to these floral plants. In order to get large blooms in their performance every year, you need to know when to dig up the bulbs. tulips, keep them correctly and plant them on time. Some argue that this is not necessary. However, the nature of the flower suggests otherwise.

Read also the article: when to dig tulips after flowering?

Tulip biology

The habitat of the Liliaceae family is mountainous regions. Under the influence of downpours, the soil is gradually washed away from the slopes. Due to this natural phenomenon, the plant begins to deepen, expelling huge massive arrows. This feature has been preserved in them at the genetic level. If they are not dug out in time, the bulb will penetrate into the soil so deeply that the crop will not be able to get enough nutrients.

Due to the fact that the underground part of the flower deepens, then it cannot be found in the garden. Digging up the plot, the gardener can chop up all the bulbs and nothing will sprout in the front garden.

The second reason is no less important. For the full maturation of the culture, a sufficiently high temperature is required: + 25 ° C. In the middle lane in early spring, this luxury is not observed. Because of this, blooms become wretched and dull.

When to dig up tulip bulbs

When is the best time to dig up tulips? It is impossible to say for sure. However, many gardeners claim that July is the right time. Nevertheless, Russia is a large country, and even with motley climatic conditions. The composition of the soil, temperature fluctuations, and the amount of precipitation are different in each region. Therefore, in this matter, the grower will need observation.

There are several signs that indicate an approaching harvest time:

  • leaves begin to turn yellow and dry;
  • the trunk is still dense, fleshy;
  • scales acquire a brown tint and flake off in parts.

It is important not to miss this moment. If you linger, the stem will simply fall off. Then it will be difficult to find fruit in the ground. To carefully select them from the garden, summer residents use a pitchfork. The digging is done 10 cm from the bush. In case of a miss, 1-2 copies are touched. But with a shovel, you can immediately chop up to 4-5 heads.

For the convenience of collecting bulbs, many people practice planting them in a flower bed in wooden boxes. Then they are easier to dig up and collect.

After that, the shoot with leaves is separated from the fruit. Shake off the ground and send it under the canopy to dry (without direct sunlight). After 15-20 days, the remnants of the roots are removed, if necessary, the specimens are sorted. Store future planting material in the attic, where it is warm and dry. When spring comes, tulip bulbs are planted in the ground.


