Natural wonders - sausage tree, photo and description
Mother Nature has a rich imagination, whose miracles can sometimes mislead, but also into a stupor. A seemingly ordinary tree is growing for itself, it attracts the eyes with gorgeous flowers and non-standard fruits, but its aroma makes it quickly leave the cozy shadow of a dense crown. This is a sausage tree, a photo and description of which is better known in tropical latitudes. It is there that the birthplace of this thermophilic culture, known in botany as the feathery African kigelia, is located. She belongs to the numerous bignonium family. But it is the only species of its kind and prefers the hot climate of Africa.
Sausage tree - photo and description of tropical culture
Interestingly, leaf fall in Kigelia depends on weather conditions and begins during the drought period. So the tree saves moisture in order to survive, and with the return of rains, it grows young foliage.
During the flowering period, the tree transforms and becomes like a fabulous decor. Large flowers of bright crimson color amaze with their silky petals, gracefully curved at the edges. They are collected in long panicle inflorescences, and bloom only in the evening. For this reason, in natural conditions, bats and nocturnal birds become the only pollinators for the crop. And they find flowers by an unpleasant putrid smell.
The pollinated flowers yield unusual long fruits. Actually, it was they who gave the tree the name of sausage, because in shape they are similar to sausage, even the color is dark, brownish. The length of each "sausage" is at least 40 cm with a diameter of about 10 cm. And there are real giants weighing more than 10 kg, almost one meter, so it is dangerous to stand under a tree. Under the rough skin is a yellowish bitter pulp with seeds.
The fruits of the sausage tree are tasteless and even when fresh are poisonous to humans. But wild animals like them and pose no danger to them. African tribes also use kigelia, only after heat treatment (fried, stewed, boiled).
Where is the sausage tree used
The main area of use of kigelia is still not cooking, but traditional medicine. The sausage fruits contain many useful substances.
Various medicinal products are made of them, which:
- relieve inflammation;
- promote regeneration;
- dilate blood vessels;
- destroy fungi and bacteria;
- help in the fight against cancer.
Wood has also found its use. They make dishes, furniture from it, use it as firewood.
Considering its thermophilic nature and very low winter hardiness, Kigelia does not grow in our climate in the open field. But if desired, it can be grown as a tub plant, using seeds for planting.Seedlings grow quickly and the tree lends itself well to formation. By trimming, you can give it a curvy shape and limit the height to 2 meters. And also grow as bonsai.