Potato wizards with minced meat: different tastes of your favorite dish

potato wizards with minced meat Potato wizards with minced meat is one of the most delicious dishes of Belarusian cuisine. Initially, they consisted of meat-filled dough. Later, the sorcerers were transformed into stuffed potato pancakes. No flour or eggs were added to the potatoes. The necessary elasticity was given to the mass by natural starch, which settled at the bottom of the vessel after excess moisture was squeezed out of the potatoes. You can cook sorcerers not only with meat. The filling can be very diverse, depending on the personal preferences of the hostess.

Potato wizards with minced meat

delicious Belarusian dish

The test will require:

  • potatoes (1 kg);
  • medium onion;
  • a raw egg;
  • sour cream (1 tbsp. l.);
  • salt and ground pepper (pinch).

For the filling you need:

  • minced meat (300 g);
  • egg (1 pc.);
  • raw onion;
  • sour cream (0.5 tsp);
  • spice;
  • vegetable fat for frying;
  • small bread crumbs.

The process of cooking sorcerers from potatoes with minced meat:

  1. The meat must be washed, dried and cut into small pieces.cut the meat into small pieces
  2. Do the same with onions.chop the onion
  3. The ingredients are crushed with meat grinder. grind ingredients
  4. Egg and spices are added to the resulting minced meat.add egg and spices to the minced meat
  5. Now you need to pour in sour cream and gently mix the mass with your hands. This will give it a delicate texture. If there is no sour cream, it can be replaced with melted butter. It will also turn out delicious.mix the minced meat well
  6. The filling is left for a while so that all components are fully combined with each other.
  7. In the meantime, we need to do potatoes. It is cleaned, rinsed with cold running water and cut into cubes.prepare potatoes
  8. The raw vegetable needs to be turned into an almost uniform puree.chop potatoes
  9. Then they put a little sour cream in it so that the mass does not darken.
  10. The finished potatoes are transferred to a piece of gauze and the excess liquid is slightly squeezed out.squeeze potato juice
  11. After a while, grains of starch will settle at the bottom of the container with juice.
  12. They must be transferred to the potatoes and mixed.
  13. After that, add the egg and spices, everything is thoroughly mixed.add eggs to potatoes
  14. At the final stage, the potatoes are combined with meat.form a sorcerer
  15. As a result, you should get a small cake that looks like a cutlet.
  16. Sorcerers fry until golden brown. They can also be additionally baked in the oven.fry sorcerers
  17. The sorcerers are transferred to a saucepan, half filled with water.
  18. Spread greaves with onions or sour cream on top.
  19. The dish is placed in a cold oven, which is gradually heated to 220 degrees.
  20. Then the temperature is lowered to 180 degrees and cooked for about 40 minutes.

serve sorcerers from potatoes with minced meatSorcerers not only fry, but also boil like dumplings. For this, small pieces are formed, dipped in boiled water and cooked for about eight minutes. Ready-made take out with a slotted spoon. Boiled potato wizards with minced meat can be served with onions fried in lard or sour cream.

Any meat can be used for the filling. It will also turn out delicious if you combine several of its types. For example, pork and chicken.

Potato wizards with minced meat and cabbage

potato wizards with minced meat and cabbage

Required Ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg of potatoes will need ½ kg of prepared minced meat and fresh cabbage;
  • large onion;
  • incomplete glass of sour cream;
  • egg;
  • flour (2 tbsp. l.);
  • any greens (1 bunch);
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices and herbs.

Cooking process:

  1. The recipe for sorcerers from potatoes with minced meat and cabbage is very simple to prepare. First you need to peel the potatoes.
  2. Turn the prepared potatoes into a mushy mass using a grater with fine teeth.grate potatoes
  3. Now you need to be sure to remove excess liquid with a gauze bag.strain excess liquid
  4. Cut the onion in half.
  5. Chop one part with a knife, chop the other in the same way as potatoes.finely chop the onion
  6. The cabbage is cut into thin strips.chop the cabbage
  7. Next, fry the onion, combine it with cabbage and stew for about 10 minutes.fry onions with cabbage
  8. The stewed vegetables are mixed with minced meat and half of the sour cream, herbs and seasonings are added.
  9. Everything needs to be mixed well.mix cabbage with minced meat
  10. Now expressed starch + egg and a little flour are introduced into the potatoes. Mix all the ingredients again.mix potatoes with egg and flour
  11. Small flat cakes are made from potato dough, on which the filling is spread and oval cakes are formed.
  12. Then they are transferred to a sheet or in a deep frying pan, greased with fat.form sorcerers
  13. From above, each pie is glazed with sour cream and baked in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

Sorcerers with minced mushroom

sorcerers from potatoes and minced meat from mushrooms

You will need the following ingredients:

  • medium potato tubers (10 to 12 pcs.);
  • dried mushroomspreferably white (60 g);
  • wheat flour (5 tbsp. l.);
  • starch (about 1 tbsp. l.);
  • a pair of onion heads;
  • sunflower oil;
  • seasonings.

The process of cooking sorcerers from potatoes with minced mushrooms:

  1. Mushrooms are pre-soaked in water (no more than 4 hours) and cooked until tender.boil mushrooms
  2. The mushroom broth is passed through a sieve, and the mushrooms themselves are very finely chopped and fried with onions and spices.fry mushrooms with onions
  3. Boil the potatoes and turn them into a homogeneous puree.make mashed potatoes
  4. Pour flour with starch into it and mix.knead the dough
  5. Put the finished filling into potato cakes and carefully fasten the edges.shape pies
  6. Further, they are rolled in flour and fried until a pleasant golden crust appears.fry sorcerers in a pan

For minced meat, you can use both fresh and frozen mushrooms.

Potato wizards are very nutritious and delicious. They will be a great dinner for the whole family. Various sauces will help to reveal the deep taste of the dish, and the correctly selected spices will add spice notes to a variety of fillings.

Delicious Belarusian sorcerers - video


