Colloidal sulfur - a merciless economy class fungicide

colloidal sulfur In the fight against pests and all sorts of diseases, colloidal sulfur is the most powerful agent. The anti-inflammatory and disinfectant action of the drug is successfully used in the treatment of diseases caused by fungal and viral infections. Cumulus (another name) also protects plants from pathogenic microorganisms and dangerous insects.

Colloidal sulfur and its features

colloidal sulfur and its features

Fine powdery pesticide has a grayish yellow tint. At the same time, the product is produced in the form of water-dispersed granules. This preparation most often contains up to 80-95% of pure sulfur, the rest falls on impurities and auxiliary components (monopotassium phosphate and surfactants). Now it is not difficult to define what colloidal sulfur is.

The main properties of the chemical include:

  1. Normal passivity.
  2. Active interaction with proteins upon contact with the surface of the plant / insect.
  3. Allocation of hazardous vapors during the decomposition of the colloid.colloidal sulfur in crystals and powder

It is not recommended to buy crystalline sulfur. Grinding raw materials at home is a dangerous procedure that leads to body poisoning.

Due to its potent properties, the pesticide is used both as a fungicide and an insecticide. Sulfur compounds do not accumulate in soil and culture. Therefore, the suspension is treated with the land during the entire growing season. When spraying on some gooseberry varieties, the chemical damages the foliage, causing it to shed.

At the same time, the colloid is not compatible with:

  • organophosphate insecticides;
  • iron vitriol;
  • preparations that contain mineral oils.

It is prohibited to mix the sulfur composition with other powerful agents. The exception is Bordeaux liquid. However, in this case, follow the instructions.

bordeaux liquidWhen the air temperature rises, the activity of the active components increases. Under such conditions, the decomposition of molecules occurs, which leads to the formation of hydrogen sulfide. It is this chemical compound that leads to the destruction of fungi, viruses and ticks.

Indications for use

colloidal sulfur for grape diseasesIn most cases, a sulfur-containing pesticide is effective in treating disease. Yet the fungicide has a detrimental effect on pests.

In view of this, the chemical is successfully used in the fight against:

  • mites (especially spider mites);
  • powdery mildew (on black currant);
  • anthracosis;
  • black leg on tomatoes, cabbage and pepper;
  • cabbage keel;
  • oidium (on grapes);
  • ascochitosis of fruit and berry crops;
  • scab;
  • gray rot.

colloidal sulfur exposureDespite such a powerful effect, the sulfur composition cannot be applied on the site more than 5-6 times during the season. The number of colloidal sulfur treatments is increased only as a last resort. Such treatment is carried out under close supervision.

One of the properties of cumulus is to increase the acidity of the soil. For this reason, the substance is used in the cultivation of blueberries, adding an unusual fertilizer to the soil in the spring.

Preparation of working fluid

preparation of working fluidBefore starting such work, you must carefully read the instructions for the use of colloidal sulfur. As a standard, spraying is carried out at a temperature of + 18 ... + 28˚С. In such conditions, the death of the causative agents of keeli and powdery mildew occurs. For the complete extermination of pathogens from the site, processing is allowed at + 32 ... + 35˚С.Still, to be sure, a test procedure is carried out on one bush, so as not to harm the entire planting.

The working solution is prepared in several stages:

  • the required dosage of powder is poured into a container;
  • dissolved in a small amount of warm water (30-50 ml);
  • thoroughly grind, mix;
  • 500-1000 ml of liquid is injected;
  • the resulting mother suspension is poured into a bucket with 8-9 liters of water;
  • stir constantly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

dissolve in warm waterDuring operation, the spray apparatus is shaken every 15-20 minutes. Doing so will avoid sediment build-up on the bottom of the container.

Only freshly prepared solution is suitable for use. You cannot store it.

Drug dosage

drug dosageThe consumption rate for each crop is individual. For example, the solution is introduced into the hole when planting cabbage seedlings. For 100 m², take 40-45 g of fungicide and dilute in 10 liters of water.

Manufacturers offer different consumption rates for the above amount of liquid and area:

  • medicinal plants and flowers - 100 g;
  • potatoes and beets - 50 g;
  • cucumbers closed. soil, currants, melon and watermelon - 30-40 g;
  • open field cucumbers - 20 g;
  • grapes (60 m²), apple, pear and quince - 80 g.

For best results, plant leaves are wetted abundantly and evenly.

plant treatmentIf the recommended dose is exceeded, the amount of water is increased in accordance with the proportions. Processing is planned for the morning or evening hours. For this, they choose clear weather, which does not foresee strong winds (the permissible rate is 4-5 m / s) and rain.

Spraying flowering crops is strictly prohibited. This will reduce the planting yield.

Colloidal sulfur in dry form

Colloidal sulfur in dry formOne of the options for using a fungicide is to pollinate plants with a powder composition. In its pure form, the use of colloidal sulfur is not permissible. This leads to burns or soil acidification. For this reason, the mass is mixed with ash or slaked lime. If possible, then with talc. All components are taken in equal amounts.

For grapes

colloidal sulfur for grapesThe most popular use of colloidal sulfur in viticulture. Cumulus is often effective in treating powdery mildew and in the fight against ticks. Usually, such treatments are planned for the 2nd half of the summer, if the planting damage is not very pronounced. Even hot weather (+ 35˚С) is perfect for the procedure.

The sulfur chemical has a protective period of 8-12 days. In this case, the impact on pests and pathogens of fungal diseases occurs within 3-4 hours.

dusting is necessaryVery often, farmers carry out dusting of the vine. To begin with, moisten it with water, and then crush the leaves and trunk with the resulting mixture (add talc or ash).

A similar event is carried out 3 times per season:

  • in early spring;
  • before flowering;
  • before the formation of fruit buds.

slurry treatmentGrapes are quite resistant to aggressive chemicals. In view of this, all parts of the culture are carefully treated with the prepared suspension, the preparation of which is indicated above. Leaves are liberally sprayed or crushed on both sides.

For currants

colloidal sulfur for currantsWhen the first signs of powdery mildew or mites appear, the bush and the soil around it are immediately processed (near the trunk circle). In accordance with the instructions, colloidal sulfur for currants is applied only 2-3 times per season.

Spraying is carried out:

  • after budding;
  • before flowering;
  • in the evening.

The air temperature during processing should be within + 25 ... + 30˚С. However, it must be remembered that the growing season of the crop begins earlier than that of other berry plants. Therefore, these recommendations are relative.

currant processingThe technology for preparing the working solution is given above. The dosage depends on the degree of damage to the bushes, as well as the type of diseases and pests. Typically, for the treatment of powdery mildew currants take 30-40 g of pesticide per 10 liters of liquid. Only 10 g of sulfur colloid will help to cope with the mite.

Colloidal sulfur for strawberries

colloidal sulfur for strawberriesIn most cases, strawberry colloidal sulfur is used when mites appear. Spraying is carried out during the growing season before flowering, since the chemical solution can harm the crop. Some farmers take preventive measures after the harvest.

Secondary treatment is planned after 14 days, but on condition that the pests have reappeared.

sprinkling strawberriesUsually, to prepare a working fluid, take 50 g of sulfur powder, and dilute it in 10 liters of warm liquid. In addition, they practice another option for using colloidal sulfur to treat plants from powdery mildew.

Features of the unusual "therapy":

  1. Suspension preparation. 50 g of sulfur and 10% karbofos are added to a bucket of water.
  2. Spraying is carried out after the appearance of peduncles.
  3. The frequency of the procedure is 6 days with an interval of 24 hours.

After each spraying, always check the "health" of the plants. If the leaves droop, change their shade or burns appear on them, then the treatment course is stopped.

gardeningSince the drug "Karbofos" is not recommended to be mixed with other chemical agents, the effect of the prepared solution is first checked on one bush. The combination of two powerful pesticides often leads to dire consequences. Therefore, foresight will not be superfluous here.

Basic Precautions

safety complianceColloidal sulfur is considered quite dangerous for humans. Failure to comply with safety precautions will lead to severe poisoning, even fatal.

In this regard, manufacturers advise to carry out work exclusively in protective:

  • gloves;
  • suit;
  • respirator (mask);
  • glasses.

It is forbidden to eat or smoke. After treatment, hands and face are thoroughly washed with soap. Used containers are disinfected, and disposable protective equipment is disposed of. In case of contact with the eyes or mucous membrane, the affected area is washed with plenty of water. wash out eyesIf complications arise, they consult a doctor.

Store the packaging with colloidal sulfur at a temperature of -15 ... + 30˚ away from food. The place must be protected from moisture and children. The shelf life is up to 3 years.

It is recommended to start gardening work after 4 days after spraying. Beekeepers should restrict bees' access to cultivated lands within a radius of 2-3 km.

The use of a colloidal pesticide in this way will help to quickly cope with annoying pests, as well as dangerous diseases. In addition, the low cost of the drug does not create a hole in the family budget.

Colloidal sulfur - preparation number 1 for the garden (video)


