Canning asparagus beans for the winter according to delicious recipes

canned asparagus beans Many grow asparagus beans in the beds, recipes for canning for the winter of which will help turn this useful plant into an excellent food. Such a preparation can be used as a side dish or as a component of a salad. Beans belong to the legume family, therefore they are very high in calories. In addition to the calorie content, it is tasty and unusual. Having a dish on the table with green beans will provide you with energy and healthy micronutrients for the whole day.

The benefits of asparagus beans and dishes from it

Green beans contain vitamins A, B, C, E, potassium, magnesium, zinc, folic acid, which have a beneficial effect on the human body. Intensively cleansing the body of toxins, this herbaceous plant still removes excess fluid from the organs, thereby facilitating the work of the heart. Once on the menu for diabetics, it lowers glucose levels, so it is strongly recommended to use it as often as possible for such people. It will not work all year round, because asparagus is a seasonal fruit. To preserve it for a long time, you can freeze or preserve it. Asparagus beans, the preparations for the winter of which are innumerable, allows you to feed on positive substances from them at any time of the year.

The easily digestible protein inside the beans in question reaches the meat level. If you are on a diet, then meat can be replaced with asparagus beans in any form. It is also very useful for people suffering from kidney and liver diseases, because it normalizes salt metabolism. Eating canned pods can prevent atherosclerosis and arrhythmias.

Asparagus beans should not be eaten raw.

Asparagus beans without additives for the winter with sterilization

canned asparagus beans without additives

For those interested in how to cook asparagus beans tasty and without additives, a simple recipe is provided below. It will take 2 kg of asparagus pods. The beans will be stored in brine, which will require 3 teaspoons of salt and 2 liters of water. It is better to pick up 0.5 liter jars, 3 teaspoons of vinegar will be poured into them for better preservation of the food.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour over mature pods with hot water and cool naturally.pour boiling water over the pods and cool
  2. Fill sterilized jars with them.fill the jars with beans
  3. Boil water and salt and pour it over jars of green beans. Pour vinegar into each glass container.boil water to pour the pods
  4. Sterilize future preservation in a saucepan for 40 minutes.sterilize jars of green beans
  5. Take out and tighten the lids tightly.

In all the recipes provided, vinegar is taken at 9%.

Asparagus beans with celery for the winter without sterilization

asparagus beans with celery without sterilizationAsparagus beans are quickly prepared for the winter, recipes without sterilization of which describe the process in detail. This option involves canning along with celery, which adds spice to the dish. amount celery take to taste, and asparagus 2 kilograms. The marinade will use 100 grams of vinegar, 1 liter of water, 30 grams of salt, 200 grams of sugar. Garlic and dill will help to add astringency, their volume is taken according to taste preferences.

Cooking steps:

  1. Trim off the ends of legumes. Divide long pods into parts for easy placement in a jar.prepare beans for canning
  2. Pour the prepared plant into a saucepan with water and cook for 1 minute, or simply pour over with boiling water.lightly boil the pods
  3. Put additional ingredients together with celery into a sterilized seaming container.put spices and herbs on the bottom of the jars
  4. Place boiled asparagus on top of the auxiliary ingredients.put boiled asparagus in jars
  5. Cook the marinade from the given components: water, salt, sugar and vinegar. Pour them over the beans. Cork up immediately.pour the marinade over the beans and roll up
  6. Enjoy your meal!

Asparagus beans with spices for the winter without sterilization

spiced asparagus beansAnother delicious recipe for preserving asparagus beans for the winter is their interaction with aromatic herbs and spices. For 2.5 kilograms of legumes, you will need up to 10 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp each. spoons of allspice and black peppercorns and dill... You can vary the amount of ingredients according to your taste, as well as remove or add any other seasonings, for example, add bay leaves.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash the pods, remove dried fragments from the ends and boil for 5 minutes in a saucepan with plain water.boil prepared pods
  2. Put a fragrant set of spices at the bottom of a sterilized glass container. Pour legumes on top.put spices and beans in the jar
  3. Pickled asparagus beans are obtained by preparing a delicious marinade consisting of 250 grams of vinegar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar diluted with 2 liters of water. Pour the cooked consistency into jars.pour marinade over the beans in jars and roll up
  4. Tighten with tin lids, wrap in a warm cloth until it cools. The next day you can put it in the pantry.

Korean-style asparagus beans

Korean-style asparagus beansA nutritious, juicy asparagus provision can be obtained by adding carrots to it. Korean-style asparagus beans are a rich, spicy snack for any table. Main ingredients for this dish: 500 grams of legumes, 1 large carrot. A packet of Korean carrot spices and 4 cloves of garlic will help to fill the preparation with spice. The marinade will take 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, 50 grams of vegetable oil, 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and sugar, as well as 300 grams of water.

Cooking steps:

  1. The peeled and cut asparagus plant should be boiled for 4 minutes in slightly brackish water.boil the beans in salted water
  2. Transfer to a bowl of cold water. After cooling, drain the water.pour the beans with cold water
  3. Grate carrots for Korean carrots.grate carrots for rolling
  4. Black Eyed Peas for the winter, mixed with grated carrots, add garlic on top.put carrots and garlic in the beans
  5. Mix the ingredients with the vegetable oil.mix ingredients with sunflower oil
  6. Tamp the jars with the main components.put vegetables in jars
  7. Cook the marinade from water, salt, sugar and spices, including "Korean carrots." Boil and pour into jars, add vinegar. Covering with lids, sterilize the provisions for 25 minutes.pour marinade and sterilize
  8. Get it out, seal it. Done!

Asparagus beans in tomato

asparagus beans in tomatoPickled asparagus beans for the winter, the recipes for which are very diverse. For example, tomato juice can be used instead of marinade. The food is also stored for a long time and has an unusual taste. For beans in a tomato, you need a pound of asparagus, 2 leeks, 1 carrot, 2 cloves of garlic and for a tomato 3 pieces of tomato. Necessary spices for provisions: a pinch of ground black pepper, 2 g of salt and 30 grams of fresh parsley.

Cooking steps:

  1. Turn the carrots into rings and fry in corn oil in a pan.finely chopped carrots fry
  2. Chop the leek. Cut into the carrots and continue to fry everything together.chop the leek
  3. Cut the asparagus beans into small pieces.chop the asparagus beans
  4. Add beans to frying and start stewing.add beans and simmer
  5. Prepare the tomato: pour boiling water over the tomatoes for better skin separation. Remove the peel, add the parsley and crush everything with a blender.chop tomatoes with parsley and spices in a blender
  6. Pour the resulting soup with beans and vegetables and continue to simmer for 30 minutes.pour vegetables with tomato mixture and simmer further
  7. Pour hot bean mixture into jars and cork. Enjoy your meal.

Tomato juice can be used instead of fresh tomatoes.

Winter canning recipes for asparagus beans are not limited to the options above. Every year they are replenished with new products. You can also supplement the ingredients with your favorite vegetables and try and experiment. Don't forget about sterile jars and adding vinegar for a longer shelf life.


