Smokehouse for fish: do it yourself
Tasty and aromatic smoked fish will leave few people indifferent, it will perfectly complement any treat, give it a zest and cause an increased appetite. But it is not at all necessary to buy it in the store, you can easily cook it yourself, and for this you need a smokehouse for fish. This device can be made independently, the main thing is to study the design features.
On this topic:do-it-yourself cold smoked smokehouse drawings and dimensions!
Cold smoked fish smoker
In order to make the device, a minimum set of materials is required:
- wide sleeve made of dense polyethylene material;
- poles with a height of about one and a half meters in the amount of 4 pieces;
- metal wire, it will act as a crossbar for hanging the fish.
So how to make a fish smoker with your own hands? The device is manufactured in several stages:
- First you need to find a suitable piece of land with a flat surface. There will be enough land with an area of 1 sq. meter.
- Poles should be hammered along the perimeter, which should be located in the corners. As a result, they must create a square.
- In the space between the rods, it is necessary to pull the wire, the fish will be suspended on it. When hanging carcasses, it is recommended to place them at a sufficient distance so that they do not touch.
- A container is placed below, in which there are burning coals, fresh grass is laid out on top. This will create thick smoke.
- The entire structure is tightened from above with a polyethylene sleeve. It should be stitched in advance in the upper part, and its lower edges are firmly pressed to the ground.
The smokehouse for fish on the first day can stand for 3 hours, in the process you will need to put fresh grass. After that, it is recommended to remove the sleeve and ventilate the device well. The next day, smoking can be repeated again.
Smokehouse from a bucket
The hot smoked fish smoker allows you to prepare a delicious treat in a short period. It can be made at home from a simple metal bucket, it will not take much time and effort.
To do this, just follow these steps:
- it is recommended to put the bucket on the fire;
- then chips or wooden chips are poured into it sawdust for smoking;
- it is worth preparing a metal grate in advance, fish carcasses are laid out on it;
- after the appearance of smoke from wood chips, it is worth installing a grill with fish on the surface of the bucket;
- after about 30-40 minutes, the smoked and aromatic fish will be ready and can be removed from the wire rack.
From the refrigerator
Many have an old Soviet-era refrigerator somewhere in a barn or in a house in the country. It can be used to make a smokehouse, while it will turn out to be quite comfortable and roomy.
Smokehouse from the refrigerator for fish with your own hands it is easy to make, for this you need to go through several stages:
- you only need a case made of a metal base, but all the filling should be completely removed;
- in the upper section of the refrigeration frame, it is necessary to make a small hole, it will be used for the chimney;
- in the inner region, three longitudinal corners are attached to each part;
- the distance between the top two should correspond to the length of the fish carcasses that will be smoked;
- for hanging fish on the upper corners, grates with hooks are placed;
- a pallet is installed on the lower corners, in which fat melted from the carcasses will accumulate.
The functioning of the smokehouse from the refrigerator can be carried out using an electric stove. The device is installed on the area of the bottom of the case, it is covered with a pallet with sawdust or chips. The presence of a solid magnetic tape is desirable on the door; it will ensure a tight closing of the structure.
Smokehouse from a barrel
A fish smoker, which is made from an ordinary metal barrel, is considered good and convenient. It will be able to serve for quite a long time, and the carcasses in it will always turn out fragrant and juicy.
In fact, the fish smoker is industrial and the equipment made from a metal barrel is practically no different. For homemade production, you can use a design that is unsuitable for use, for example, with a rotten bottom. It can be gently removed by hand.
The process of making a smokehouse looks like this:
- The interior of the barrel must be equipped with rods and grates. These elements are installed on two levels. All this is required for hanging fish carcasses.
- First, you need to build a hearth of bricks or stones.
- The structure is installed on the hearth.
- The fire is ignited and the hot smoking process is carried out.
- If you plan to create equipment for cold smoking, then for this you need to create a small separate stove and chimney in the barrel.
A smokehouse for cooking delicious and aromatic fish at home can be made from absolutely any improvised items. It can also be built from a gas cylinder, stainless steel sheets, an old barrel and barbecue, bricks. Despite the simplicity of the design, the result is much worth the money, and smoking is practically no different from the industrial one.